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Everything posted by karch

  1. Celtic fans need to get a life.
  2. Boston Celtics fans are all sore losers. So unclassy. Booing Jason Kidd everytime he touched the ball. Calling him "Wife-beater." What fucken assholes. And then they start throwing shit on the court when at the end of the game when you know you guys are gonna lose. It's too bad you guys aren't in the NBA Finals. The better team always prevails!!!!! LETS GO NEW JERSEY NETS!!!!!!
  3. oops wrong board... good luck lakers
  4. About the Tunnel. Damn I miss that place. Just last night I was thinking about how it would be if they ever re-opened it. How happy I would be to be back inside that place. But I guess I won't ever get to experience that. About club costs. The reason why they charge so much at the door is because they could. As long as they pack in there clubs with 3000, 4000+ people. I doubt they're gonna lower the price. And now I'm seeing them raise the price from above 30 more often now, for "special events" that really aren't that special. But as long as we all pay 30 to get in, there not gonna lower the price. It's funny though, I have some friends that live in different areas around the US. They pay like 5-10 dollars for admission. And they get really pissed if they have to pay in the 10-15 dollar range.
  5. Yeah I got a flyer for it down at Seaside. It should be off the hook. I wonder what kind of renovations they did to that place. I hope they made it look better then before. They needed the renovations bad. That Phazon system should be phat, I dunno I'm not too into the sound technical stuff, but I'll see if I could tell the difference on June 7th. Anyways, I never heard Mike Rizzo live. I know he does some remixes that KTU plays every now and then. I haven't heard Johnny in a while, I kinda miss hearing him on the turntables, and his set on KTU last Saturday was off the fucken hook. So that kinda hyped me up. Can't wait to hear Tsettos too the 2nd week. He throws it down sometimes.
  6. Your gonna be in it dancing or something? Why would Nike do that? What's the ad specifically for? Anyways it's cool though that your gonna be in the ad. Congradulations.
  7. look who's talking.. "I can't take listerine!!!":cry:
  8. Vinyl's bouncers are worse then Exit's bouncers.
  9. It ain't that bad... I think we should talk about Heineken's after taste. Which is bad.
  10. Yeah I hear what your saying. I read an article recently on how the Philadelphia mayor was talking at some NAACP thing. And he was saying something like, "We(blacks) own this city, it ours." Something like that. Because a lot of the high goverment positions in Philly are held by blacks. Now if a white person ever said in any speech of his anywhere, "We(whites) own this city, it's ours" because a lot of white people held high goverment postions. The guy would be shitted on like crazy. It's a double standard I guess.
  11. Yo that was the funny shit. But so much of the shit he said is so true too.
  12. OH yeah I'm gonna need a guest list... anyone have one? Do i have to give my name for it?
  13. I'm probably going to Factory this Friday... I haven't been there in a long ass time. 2am by the water fountain I think is the best spot. Hope to see you all you there. Karch
  14. I think he's right though, no one does really listen to "techno." We're all a minority in the world of musical tastes. And personally I kinda like it that not a lot of people listen to "techno." I don't like to see some 13 year old tenny bopper kid blasting some song which I had fond memories of hearing it in a club.
  15. I miss that part of town...
  16. Dammmm that sucks dawg. At least you got closer with your ex through the experience. I try to look at bad things in a good way. Say if your car wasn't stolen, you could've gotten in an accident later that night and totaled your car and killed someone. What I'm trying to say, destiny works in weird ways. Anyways it sucks also though that you don't have it right when summer is coming up. but anyways... fuck BMW's and infiniti's... Toyota Solara's are the best car out there.
  17. I'm staying at Skyview... I think it's the best one out there according to management not on your ass all night long, party atmosphere and good to decent hotel rooms. And it's gotta pretty nice pool also.
  18. Tyson all the way. He's my favorite heavyweight boxer. He's just so explosive and exciting to watch.
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