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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by karch

  1. haha. I don't like the "attn:" topics. It's like if you wanna write something to someone then write them a PM or E-mail. I think the "attn:" threads are used for everyone else to see.
  2. All you bump people are sell outs!!! Ditched at the last second for the meet-up at Exit last Friday.
  3. It was 2 years ago. I just started getting into clubbing. And was looking for clubbing websites. And I came across this one. But I didn't find out about the messageboard until 6 months after that.
  4. The ellipses and rectangles and triangles at Twilo were the greatest!!! Nothing could match Twilo's dimensions!!! :rolleyes:
  5. Are you kidding me??? Lets go to Vinyl and count how many people there are crack heads and then tell me if DT's following doesn't have crackheads.
  6. I wasn't feeling Draper last night at all. He didn't seem himself. Last week his set was one of the best I heard him ever spin. But Debbie was right, this week was eehh... I wasn't really feeling his track selection. Only good part of his set was around 4am... he started to get hard. But I had to leave soon after that, cause I had work this morning. Last week was one of the best nights I had in a club. But this week all in all was thumbs down. Great seeing everyone there Debbie, Larry, Rob and bugout.
  7. Definately JV's. I love it when he has it down and not in a pony tail while he's on the turntables. He looks like a mad man on the turntables.
  8. Hrmmm that really sucks. I wonder what happened. And it's not great at all.
  9. I suggest getting the cheapest unlimited month membership to your tanning salon. It would run from 55-80 dollars. Whatever beds they say you could use with that. Use them. I go every single day. You gotta pace yourself at first. Do you burn easily? Don't go the full time when you start. But you also gotta understand everyone burns pretty much. But ifyour beet beet red..then you gotta relax on it a bit. If you get really really red just take a break for a few days until the redness is fading away and your skin isn't hurting. And always dump on Aloe Vera Gel after you tan, and through out the whole day. Just dump it on your skin. It'll prevent some peeling. Hope I helped......peace.
  10. Wow......where should I start. What a night. The music was pretty good at the beginning of the night. Alex Gold was pretty good. I was feeling him here and there. Now fast foward it to 4am when Draper came on. Probably one of the most amazing vibes I ever felt in a club. Music went off... all the lights went off, and all lights went on the DJ booth. Everyone started screaming and chanting "Drap-er, Drap-er, Drap-er" I never felt a vibe like that in a club. Then, after a minute or 2 of all that Draper drops as his first song, the all-time Exit anthem classic, "Blow the speakers." Everyone just went buck wild. He just went on rampage, I'm suprised the roof was still there. He played all the Exit anthem classics. I was buggin out, especially the first hour he was on. Maybe one of the best nights I had this year. Place was packed, but that's nothing new with Exit. Bebby great seeing you there, too bad everyone else missed it. Finally Exit is back to it's great self. Karch
  11. lmao... Juiceboy is too funny. He's the fucken man
  12. I hope he doesn't spin from 1-5... I want Draper to come on earlier.
  13. What's all this hate with Draper. Stop hatin already!! There's a lot of people out there that wanna hear Draper at Exit, just like there's a lot of people out there that wanna hear international DJs at Exit. It's just all a matter of perference and opinion. I like Draper a lot. I haven't heard him in months. And I cant wait for his return. Only 3 days away..
  14. I don't get why anyone is complaining, even though I just see it's only one person complaining and that person isn't even gonna be there. It's just like 25-30 dollars to get into the club. It's no big deal... are people gonna be that stingy on money? I could give a shit is Fluid is gonna make me use his guestlist or whatever. It's a club... we all clubbing here. We all normally pay 25-30 dollars to get into a club(and even more at times). I dunno why there was a big arguement about this anyways. I still like the Sound Factory 4th floor idea.
  15. LMAO... I got a ticket during spring break this year. And sometimes they give you 3 tickets for 1 offense.
  16. I feel for you. I had a lot of troubles with the RU screw when I first came here. Once I didn't get one immunization shot that I was required to get. And they had a hold on my records and stuff, and I couldn't get my grades and bullshit. The worst here is Parking & Transportation Department in my opinion.
  17. I just bought mine at one of those stands at malls where they sell them for 15 bucks each. I wouldn't spend over that much on sunglasses really. They all look the same, it's not like they even have the name of the brand on them, and your either gonna lose, break it eventually or scratch the lens eventually.
  18. Last night was the first night I went back to Exit in 4 months. I used to go to that place every single Friday. The vibe was completely different. There was none at all. It didn't feel the same. It wasn't the Exit that I grew to love last year. Anyways on a more positive side. Scott Project was great. Nice seeing everyone again. Also finally got to meet glowgrlnyc. Then eventually I went into the white room and HIghmay comes in there later and tells me about the songs I missed on the main floor. So I got pissed I missed all those tracks. Anyways overall it was an OK night. I just wasn't feelin the crowd. Hopefully next week with Draper's return things will get better.
  19. That's true... I heard 25 and 30. But it's just 5 bucks.
  20. LMAO... yeah, how much were you expecting??
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