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Everything posted by guccigrl44

  1. Thanks.........I didn't take it as a snotty comeback How did this thread turn into such a bitch fest!!!!!! What is wrong with you people????????
  2. Does anyone know where you can find the old archive pics. of people????????
  3. How is that place gonna last, I work up the street from it and it used to be a chinese restaraunt or something. Its SO small and there's no parking
  4. Does anone know who the DJ was Saturday?
  5. I'll be there. Haven't seen you guys in a LONG time!!! I'll be up on the right!!!
  6. Some of the best times i had last year was at World. I just heard it's 18 to get in?????? I HOPE NOT! Has it always been?? Because I don't think it was last year
  7. Joe - you know I'll be there!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!
  8. I had so much fun last night!!!!!!! Joe....another insane night. Don't remember much, but def. enjoyed myself
  9. It was nice to finally meet some of you, saleen, joeycarbone, temptskid!! Couldn't find your house friday night.....i'll see you guys next weekend.
  10. Anyone going to the Garden tomorrow night to see Madonna???
  11. Emergency root canal... yuck...anyone can understand that one
  12. I'm leaving tomorrow? I'm scared to death of flying. wish me luck. Have fun!
  13. Dive into the pool, lets get soakin wet!!!!!
  14. Martini Blue.........more of a lounge no cheesy guys............Is it me but I never have guys come up and talk me in River Street?
  15. Uggghhhhh!!!!! I hate Mondays and to make matters worse I forgot to set my clock back so I got up and dressed an hour early, then the bagel store ran out of diet peach snapple and now my office has no heat and it's 52 degrees in here!!!!!!!!! SOrry but I had to vent
  16. Just wanted to add a little something. Just a pic of me from OHM last Sat. kiss, kiss! Hi Antville.
  17. I'm new to this board so say a little hello to me! 1st pic - south beach last Aug 2nd - 2 weeks ago before leaving for Cheetah
  18. Sayreville Innued0 where in linden do you live?
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