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Everything posted by wackydream

  1. new jersey is a useless state! historically, too - most of the original 13 colonies were created for a reason, like religious freedom up in the new england states, and georgia (im not 100 sure on this one, its been a while since ive taken US history) as a "rehabilitation"place for ex-cons...new jersey was a freakin accident, it had no purpose, it was a little peace of useless land that new york didnt want...and all you jersey people - im not trying to start a war here, but you gotta agree that its a pretty dull place to live. as is brooklyn.
  2. no! Mugs/jenny is funny! the posts keep me through the 9 to 6 bullshit...
  3. neva was pretty decent, although i havent been there in ages...
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/07/nyregion/07CENS.html?todaysheadlines in case the link doesnt work/you dont have a nytimes account: A Tight Call as New Jersey Celebrates Its Affluence By JANNY SCOTT hich state is the richest? It looked yesterday as if New Jersey had hit the jackpot, at least according to news reports on an experimental Census Bureau survey in which a sampling of people across the country were asked a lot of questions about such things as whether they had a flush toilet in their mobile home, what kind of fuel they used and how much money they had made the previous year. "A State of Affluence," one New Jersey front page crowed. "A Land of Plenty," said another. The nation's "epicenter of affluence" had "shifted a few golf courses to the southwest, to New Jersey," readers were informed. Even the state's Department of Labor concluded, "New Jersey's median household income ranked as the highest in the nation." Connecticut, the suggestion went, was slipping. And look who was on top. Never mind that New Jersey, Connecticut and Alaska have had the highest median household incomes for years, and that their numbers are too close to be reliably ranked. And never mind that Connecticut's per capita income still tops New Jersey's, and that the Census Bureau itself had warned that the numbers from the new survey, conducted in 2000, might not be strictly comparable with earlier ones. "Scientifically speaking, if you tested for statistical significance, the difference between New Jersey and Connecticut most likely would not be statistically significant," said Kirby Posey, a survey statistician in the income surveys branch of the Census Bureau. "When you're looking at rankings like this, you have to be careful." James W. Hughes, dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, said that any difference between the two states' household-income figures was minimal. "If you're No. 1 or No. 2 or No. 3, you're still very affluent," he said. "So the few dollars' difference between them on per capita income and median household income really does not differentiate one strongly from the other." The numbers came from something confusingly called the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey, which is not the 2000 census but rather a test of a new way of collecting detailed census data. Under the program being tested, to go into effect later in the decade, the bureau would collect detailed data from a national sample of three million households each year. According to the numbers made public yesterday, the estimate of New Jersey's median household income in the previous year was $54,226. Connecticut's was $53,108 and Alaska's $52,876. But because of the uncertainty of those figures — given the limitations of any such surveys — the ranges of certainty for all three states overlapped. Mr. Posey and others said it was not possible to reliably rank median household incomes from those three states because of the overlap. Mr. Posey said, "You can say with statistical certainty that New Jersey's was higher than Nebraska's, but you can't say with certainty that New Jersey's was higher than Connecticut's." "Connecticut has always been No. 1 in per capita income and New Jersey is usually second or third in per capita," Mr. Hughes said. "But on the annual Current Population Survey data, New Jersey's household and family income is usually higher than Connecticut's. So it's not surprising that New Jersey has the highest median household income." Both measures are important methods of calculating overall wealth, he said. And both are used widely in such things as placing new stores and marketing services and products. As for which state is now more lucrative territory, Mr. Hughes said yesterday, "Any chain worth its salt is going to want to be in both markets."
  5. um...i just had two cups of coffee, so it might be the sugar/caffeine rush interfering with my thinking, but WHY DONT I SEE A POINT IN YOUR LAST POST? this forum is here for people to talk about whatever they want to talk about, and if drugs and personal problems is what they want to talk about, then why not? are you going to impose rules as to which topics can be brought up and which cant? hmm...
  6. wrong board - this topic is developed in depth on the sex board, although it is quite popular here, too. drugs are fine...=) we should really look into the "sex on drugs" topic closer....
  7. this is yet another example of how our government in its infinite wisdom seeks to "solve the drug problem" by means of decreasing the opportunities to obtain the wicked substances. they are overlooking a few minor points though: there are and always will be dumbasses going to clubs there are and always will be dumbasses who OD in clubs there are and always will be dumbasses who OD at home there are and always will be dumbasses who want to make the city a "better place" these latter dumbasses will not look past the obvious into why there are dumbasses who OD and get violent, they will push the "war on drugs" and "quality of life" bs, while there might be other more effective methods of dealing with the problem. and excessive drug use and violence are a problem in this city, although it is by no means limited to the club scene. there is always harlem, and people get stabbed there fairly often. it doesnt even make the news anymore... something to think about: the netherlands have half the number of heroin addicts (in proportion to the population) of the number of addicts living in the US. thats WITH penalty-free marijuana and soft-drugs use. my econ professor last semester pointed out a curious fact: targetting the supply of drugs does not affect the demand for drugs, but raises the price (anyone who took basic econ can follow that on the supply-demand graph). hence we have less drugs sold, but at higher prices, making the business more lucrative and thus indirectly causing turf wars and violence. not to mention that the quality of drugs decreases, since with the already limited supply people get less picky, and "accidents", i.e. OD increases, cause people are taking crap. and those who want drugs will want and buy drugs for as long as they can afford them, and when they can no longer afford them and still want them badly enough, they will be forced to get them by means of violence. the gov't tries to catch the clubowners in the littlest things, which is the case with LL and tunnel, and was the case with twilo. i find it infuriating that the club scene gets stereotyped as the breeding ground for drug addicts, while most of the really dangerous drugs (heroin, etc) are done by rich white kids in suburbia, and they are not getting stigmatized for it. i apologize for stating the obvious facts, and if you were bored reading this, please dont post ten "here we go again" replies...
  8. i na chem on tripal v dva chasa nochi ya ne ponimayu, vse-taki na rabotu idti nado v ponedelnik. sad, sad...we need to think of a way to help him relieve his frustration.
  9. they are really cracking down on fake id's all over the place. i just came back from boston, where they freaking arrest you if you are caught with one (not personal experience, thank god). and they claim to have the technology to scan id's from all states in boston, so it is likely that they would be able to do that in south beach, so the dmv thing might not work out. if you have a friend who looks like you, you might want his real over 21 id. and if not, i know a few people who would be able to hook you up with a jersey license.
  10. something is not right!!! i went to see bon jovi last weekend, had tons of fun, awesome night...then listened to their cd's for a while, also fun but....i tuned into shoutcast today, and couldnt listen to anything but sappy shit, good ol' house just didnt work (????why????) i've had "crush" playing for the last hour, im actually enjoying the sappiness help, anyone? sappy shit is nice every now and then, but ive been listening to too much of it, and thats not me! i dont have the slightest of motivation to change the music im listening to now, but im worried - whats next, mariah carey? britney spears? eeek... help!
  11. and also - how does one get front row seats?
  12. i hear they are going to the studio later on this year to do another album, so logically, a tour should follow?
  13. you know, i read this somewhere that holland has half the number of heroin addicts and less people using other drugs than ths US (percentage-wise considering the population size). and they have 18+ everything, alcohol, pot, shrooms, all that stuff readily availaible and regulated (? im not sure about this one, but i think its regulated). and here we are debating moral implications of dancing...i dont know, but something tells me that the US is living in the ancent times, esp. considering that most civilized countries allow their 18 year olds to take responsibility for their foolishness. but no, wait, an 18 year old in the US can vote, smoke, and be tried as an adult and die if the supreme court sees so fit. lovely, aint it?
  14. bon jovi is still stuck in my head since friday's concert that space is being fought for by aerosmith and pink floyd and mugz, cheer up. these things are supposed to work out for the best in the long run, although it rarely looks that way in the present, but somewhere down the line its supposed to work out.
  15. im actually happy to go, im bored with nyc. yes, bored!
  16. how strict are they with id's? im 19, but i have a nj "license"...
  17. friday - ditched last hour of work to see bon jovi (awesome) saturday -friends b-day, went to ruby foo's and then cream...well, by the time we got to cream i was beat and went home because i jumped and screamed for three hours the night before and had to work sunday. according to my friends, cream sucked that nite anyway, they didnt stay sunday - woke up early again - work/back home/food/cleaned my room/watched bonjovi concert on vh1 =) yes, im obsessed
  18. i had to commute to school (takes me an hour and a half each way), which makes things absolutely shitty, and nyu does not believe in giving merit scholarships to students who arent dirt poor, as the case is with me, so that i would be able to get an apartment/live on campus. i also thought that they are mucho overrated, at least college of arts and sciences is, im not positive about stern (business school). it would cost me the same, or evenless to go to BU and live there. and as far as the city...i need a break from it. ive been here too long, and as much as i enjoy some aspects of it, i.e. nightlife, it would be refreshing to spend some time somewhere. i can only enjoy sf/exit/neighborhood bars so many times, im bored with the same routine. and in any case, i will probably be back here in a few years, so if i get homesick, i will appreciate it that much more =)
  19. i went to the friday concert - AWESOME does not begin to cover it! i was soo upset that he added the saturday date, i wanted to see the last show...someone said he brought his wife out to "bed of roses" - on friday? i missed that! or are you confusing me...??? im still coming off the high of that whole experience..and i saw the vh1 show last nite - umm, it wasnt saturday's concert, or it was mixed between friday and saturday. on saturday i went to the wiz and bought the "one wild night" album, b/c i realized that i was still missing that one, so now my bon jovi collection is complete. i posted my review fri night after i came home somewhere here...guys, when is he touring again? and how does one go about getting front row (s) seats? thanx
  20. all time fave - bulgary (yellow box, it has no name) wearing now - green tea by elizabeth arden alternating - aqua de gio for women cant stand - gucci "envy"...too strong, too spicy, eewwwrgh.
  21. oh, man! i just got home from the Bon Jovi concert, and it was awesome! i never imagined what 50,000 people singing along with the band sound like...my ears are still ringing! (cause Giants stadium is not meant for music and does not allow for good quality audio, duh =( ) regardless, it was the greatest live show i saw, the stage was set up as the empire state building, lights, fireworks, everything! they did a two-hour set, then an ancore, and another, and another, all together they took a little less than three hours...the third time they came back out they played "twist and shout" and "shout", they were picking random tunes to make the crowd go home. most people did not sit down throughout the entire concert, except those up in the nosebleed section. you can tell that im still reliving the experience in my head! oy, i saw aerosmith at jones beach in june, and compared to what i saw tonite, they sucked ass as far as the "show" element goes, although i am not trying to argue that they are not a great band, because they are, as is bon jovi. um, i realize that i am beginning to babble, so im going to sleep. if anyone was at the concert today, or is going to the concert tomorrow, i would like to hear your opinion of it. libby
  22. omg! i am so happy today, idiotically happy. i cant do cartwheels, so i resort to smiling like a moron. i am teransferring from NYU, i will be spending the next 2 years in boston, and maybe a semester in australia...libby is a happy girl...i got the financial aid confirmation today, so =) and im going to see bon jovi later on tonite..i am working sunday, but who cares =)
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