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Everything posted by wackydream

  1. he has 2 million hits of e...he should REALLY take advantage of that, it should make him feel better.
  2. i am on 6th ave and 56th street, so either friday works for me, except aug 3. i will be coming back from boston sometime on the 3rd, so i am not sure if i can make it in time. also, someone metioned the age problem -im 19, i have a decent ID, but it would be nice if the place wasnt particularly savage about enforcing the underage drinking rules...
  3. got more? its only 9, im here til 6, i need entertainment! please =)
  4. here is a thought: if you excercise and eat right now to beat or keep your weight, you will pick up some health benefits somewhere along the way. their metabolism will eventually catch up with them along with years of cholesterol deposits in the artheries....now who is better off?
  5. is that a girl or a guy you are talking about? my dad was like that until about 35...and then it all started to catch up with him...im sure it will catch up with your fried-food-binging co-worker, too...or at least thats the thought that gives me some peace of mind =)
  6. i have just transferred (finaid and housing confirmed today) to BU, and i am not sure of whether the dorm i got is ok or if i should ask for a change...does anyone know much about the campus there?
  7. 4/26/82....chernobyl blew up as my 4th bday fireworks! yup, im a baby
  8. if he does, it would explain why his movies are so out there...
  9. holy shit, i feel like such a conservative! i only have 2...one in each earlobe. all my juvenile piercing attempts from 13 to 16 were nipped in the bud by MOM.
  10. the last time i took a bag to a club with me (my very first time clubbing), i walked out with everything in it but my wallet. i still remember standing by a payphone outside the club at 3am in a tanktop in the middle of march cancelling my credit cards. i was credit card-less for two weeks, and i was id-less for about a month, which is how long it took dmv to mail me my replacement permit (never got around to the road test). since then, my id's/$$ go in my bra/bralette on those tanktops that have them, in my boot or in the pocket of whoever comes along with me with pockets. i never seem to have pockets when i go out. no more bags for me. plus its a pain to dance holding one...
  11. umm currently im not smoking i though it was a cool thing to do the summer before high school every now and then when i get extremely wasted i think its cool again, so i smoke whatever i bum from those around me who smoke the problem is that i actually get sick from sigarettes so i really should not smoke noone reminds me when im wasted my friends enjoy watching me puke my guts out
  12. nu vilkoy tak vilkoy =) dude, you crack me up, i was going to sleep, but now im awake again!
  13. try thinking about why it was that you broke up...that should make him look somewhat worse
  14. the kind that takes month-long "business" trips in europe and leaves me to post my day away and babysit his phones...he is coming back tomorrow =(
  15. i went to europe in early june...if you are under 26, you can get youth fare on eurostar and most trains, and some airlines give you discounts, too (i didnt know this before). my london-brussels youthfare eurostar tickets were $79 a piece, plus shipping (depending on how much time you have between now and when you are leaving). London-paris is a shorter trip, so i doubt it should cost more. in EU you can get around pretty much everywhere by train without major passport hassle, and its fast and not expensive; however, if you are planning to take a lot of trips, look into various train passes...just to give you an idea, my tickets amsterdam-brussels were somewhere around $15 each (one way, second class), and the brussels-amsterdam tickets i bought in the US were $30, so if you dont buy the pass, you are better off buying your tickets in europe. the ferry from england to france takes a while, so if you are constricted on time eurostar is your best bet. PM me if you want more detailed info, numbers to call, etc. ~libby
  16. hmm...this reminds me of the time in elememtary school when my teacher made the whole class organize our bookbags and the neatest person got a prize. i got a lecture on how messy i was instead. here we go: 1) makeup baggie 2)4 cd's...these happen not to have labels on them, so god only knows what they are. 3) planner 4) pack of tissues (just got over a cold) 5) tic-tacs 6) cell phone 7) my boss' cell phone 8) his wife's cell phone 9) 3 AA batteries 10) wallet 11) sunglasses 12) random papers and its a small shoulder bag...
  17. the battery on the v-phone lasts not much longer than that...oh, the problems created by evolved technology...
  18. you are really bored =) i have a motorola v8160 phone, the tiny flip thingie...im tired of it
  19. i found out about cp thru one of my friends, who used to check the reviews and told me that she got updates on new parties, so i registered. i kind of missed the messageboards, didnt have time to post, looked through occasionally, but my boss left on a loooong business trip and i started posting, and posting...and posting =)
  20. it was fun in the beginning, but now its getting annoying, there are so many of them, it seems that there are less people posting...im getting bored
  21. you cant grow taller, can you? so why get fatter? short and fat - thats not a good combo (neither is tall and fat). btw, im 5'6", and i always wished i was shorter, i think im too tall...i also wanted straight hair, but thats another story. just be happy with what you got, since there isnt much you can do about the height at least.
  22. dude, im so pissed off that i have to go boston on those particular dates, you have no idea! im going for BU orientation, and its on aug 2-3, and then I have to go back to work in NYC, so i cant stay until the 10th, i already went through all the possibilities i could think of in my head =( i will miss atb here and pvd there...i wanted to see pvd forever, my last attempt was at twilo when it closed...
  23. the first club i ever went to was "bora bora" in astoria, queens, a very small place, but I had a lot of fun, i didnt think i would enjoy it. then it was exit...then exit got bad =(
  24. is ATB gonna be anywhere else but WH on Aug 2? I will be in Boston Aug 1-3....???
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