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Everything posted by wackydream

  1. yes! this is what i was talking about in the other post! im confused though - 140 clams for 2 hours of him spin? who would go to that?
  2. i was just reading the updates from ticketmaster that i get sent to me, and i saw some venue oakie will be playing, with tix going from $35 to $100-sumthing. now, im slightly ticked off because it is 10pm and im still home because my plans for tonite fell through (two sets of plans, for which i originally decided i couldnt come to the meetup!!!), so i wont look for the link now, but if anyone is interested, ill post it up some other time. my remnants of appreciation for him are gone though...
  3. a girlfriend of mine went to wh last friday, had a blast...now she is trying to convince me to go. this is actually being decided now, i dont wanna go! and they want to see american pie 2, a lame ass movie before that - urgh =(
  4. omg - i just transferred there (cas)! what year are you? what school? i think i already found lansdown street, its right by fenway, isnt it? during orientation some of the ppl went to a pool hole there, jillian's i think is the name, walked into a whole lot of red sox fans selling "yankees suck" shirts...what time do places close? as far as security, i would imagine that places around college campuses are strict, but if you go farther away, they would be more lenient...is that a big assumption?
  5. bora bora (now "level", i think) in astoria, queens. i was a month shy of my 18th and paranoid about not getting in, but it was all good. my friends lied to me to get me there, i wasnt much for dancing those days. they told me we were gonna go to stand up new york, so i was dressed "appropriately", i had a freaking sweater on!(and a shirt underneath, which is what i ended up dancing in). then there was a "quick change of plans" on the way to the city, and a "detour" to queens, i was so pissed at them. took them like a half an hour of begging and a few shots to get me out on the dance floor...well, and a little motivation from one of the guys who came along with us =) and to end the night on a high note, my wallet was stolen, so i was very wary of going dancing for a while afterwards
  6. im moving to boston for school in september - am i gonna miss the nyc nightlife? is it drastically different? where does one go? my knowledge of the city is very limited at this point, so any help will be appreciated. also, i heard that they are really strict when it comes to fake id's in bars and clubs, but that came from the campus security, so it could have been bs as far as i know...thanx, guys
  7. the 1 in 100 doctors quote, the one you said is in the link
  8. Dima, your sarcasm is lost on me... this shall be the last post on this topic (from me anyway). i liked it more when you were really enthusiastic about the subject matter, but now you are contradicting yourself and making personal attacks, you are boring me. we've mapped the genome, but we havent found proof of genetic causation of homosexuality - so hold off your conclusions and attacks until sufficient proof is found, or go ahead and conduct your own study, find proof, then put labels on things. when you ignorantly classify things to be what they are not proven to be, you make yourself look like an ass, i dont have to lift a finger to help you there. and as far as learned behavior - bigpoppanils has a valid point. and if you reason that childred of hetero couples learn from the gay people they come in contact with, then by the same logic, children of gay couple would learn from the hetero people they encounter, so that argument is over before it even starts. adieu
  9. wow, guys - you were supposed to come up with a topic, but here you are bashing each other...why? i would really appreciate something new...although im responding to the gay post, im getting tired of dissecting that article time and time again...
  10. DimaNYC, here we go again (funny how hamer study is the first one mentioned): THE HAMER STUDY In 1993, geneticist Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute released a study that claimed to have found a genetic component to some instances of male homosexuality. That is very different from saying that he found a gene that inevitably determines that a man will be homosexual. Hamer never claimed to have done that." emphasis on the "That is very different from saying that he found a gene that inevitably determines that a man will be homosexual... [skip to last paragraph] One of the earmarks of a scientific study’s accuracy is its replication by other scientific studies. One study alone does not prove anything. Hamer wrote in his conclusion, "As with all linkage studies, replication and confirmation of our results is essential." The findings of one study must be reproduced in another study to determine its accuracy. Hamer’s study of Xq28 has not been replicated. " im glad you are enjoying your moment. and you are right, alcoholism is a bad example, mostly because there is no gene that predisposes you to homosexuality (as stated in the same research summary). i hope i didnt make you look like an ass with this one. and if there was conclusive proof of that homosexuality is genetically predisposed, unlike alcohol, you cannot call it a disorder. alcoholism is triggered by alcohol consumption, whereas homosexuality would be classified as "human variation" or something along these lines.
  11. lavendermenace, if by chance you have that quote mapped someplace, i'd really appreciate you pointing it out to me. the article is 25 pages long - you wanna make it a little easier? or else i might think you are bsing and its not really there...
  12. DimaNYC, im in shock...you havent read the article at all, or you skimmed though it at best. i asked for "proof that being gay is a genetic disorder" - the research summary (the link) makes no mention of homosexuality being a genetic disorder and i quote:"Genes in themselves cannot directly specify any behavior or psychological phenomenon. Instead, genes direct a particular pattern of RNA synthesis, which in turn may influence the development of psychological dispositions and the expression of behaviors. There are necessarily many intervening pathways between a gene and a disposition or a behavior, and even more intervening variables between a gene and a pattern that involves both thinking and behaving. The terms ‘gay gene’ and ‘homosexual gene’ are, therefore, without meaning. … No one has … presented evidence in support of such a simple and direct link between genes and sexual orientation." (Edward Stein, Ph.D.) and again: "Biochemist Neil Whitehead, in his book My Genes Made Me Do It!, writes, Science has not yet discovered any genetically dictated behavior in humans. So far, genetically dictated behaviors of the one-gene-one-trait variety have been found only in very simple organisms. The closest thing to a genetically-caused human behavior that science has come up with in humans so far (aggression in Dutch men related to a mutation of one gene), is far too responsive to counseling and varied in its expression to be genetically determined. This raises the obvious question: is there really any such thing as a genetically-caused human behavior?" and more from YOUR article: "Stein criticizes LeVay for concluding in his study that "sexual orientation in humans is amenable to study at the biological level," as well as for making even stronger claims to the press. For example, LeVay is quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1991 in an article that states, Psychological literature is replete with material suggesting that male homosexuality is triggered by relationships with an overly protective mother or with a distant, even hostile father. ‘Here is a whole other way of looking at the question,’ says LeVay. ‘These children may already be determined to become homosexual or heterosexual. The development plan that is laid out for them may be what causes them to develop certain troubled relationships with their parents.’ Stein writes in his book, LeVay has at best shown that there is a correlation between INAH-3 and sexual orientation; he has not, as he admits when he is careful, shown any causation. Further, and relatedly, he has no evidence that biological factors directly affect sexual orientation. Even if he could prove that INAH-3 size and sexual orientation are perfectly correlated in his sample population (and I have argued that he fails to do so), this would not establish any direct causal account of homosexuality." if you think i missed something, your comments are welcome
  14. have to agree with the nazi thing...hitler had a big problem with homosexuality - anyone wants to vote dimanyc into political office?
  15. i was in amsterdam earlier this summer - yea, i had to try their weed. i was doing the tourist thing, sampling the local delicacies...and also for comparasing sake, because the weed i tried here sucked. so yeah, five joints in 19 years, that would be all. and there is nothing a chocolate martini can't fix =)
  16. Dima - is that Russian Dima? cause babe, if you move off brighton beach, or even look closely at the people walking around there, you might actually (omg, hold on to your seat) come in contact with someone who is gay! none of the posts in this thread tried to glamorize the gay lifestyle, however, you are spending a lot of time trying to glamorize being straight...find me proof that being gay is a genetic disorder, i triple-dare you! there is no such research in existence. also, make sure that the psychologist you site saying that its a mental condition, if you want to argue that point, has not been expelled by the APA for distorting the facts of research (another thread on the same topic mentions a few names). we dont need a cure for a "genetic disorder" of being attracted to the same sex, but a cure against ignorance and bigotry might help. by the way, im straight. really.
  17. oooh....i cant believe i read all of that! guys, are we living in the middle ages? have you been hiding under a rock for the last ten years? and dr. laura is the biggest homophobe, i believe she got kicked off the radio for the crap she's been saying. if being raised by 2 men or 2 women is a negative thing, then how about being raised by a single parent? you obviously have a mother or father figure missing there, too, but noone is saying that single parents shouldnt be allowed to raise children...it doesnt matter whether the parents are hetero or gay, what matters is that they are loving parents, who really care for their child - and do not tell me that there is some kind of research that supports the statement that gay parents are more likely to abuse their kids! womanizing drunken rednecks are, they are straight, too...i dont see many gay people parading around condemning the straight lifestyle, why are you taking it upon yourself to condemn homosexuality as "wrong"? the people who use the bible blindly as reference for what is right and wrong are the same people who are against abortions in order to save the life of the mother or when a child will be born with known severe physical complications, the same people who are against stem cell research, which may cure parkinson's. yeah, hooray cancer! god obviously wanted you to get sick and die...god gave you a freaking brain and free will so that you would think for yourself, so use it! the only reason why being raised by a gay couple may be traumatic for a child is because while at home he is being told that its ok for people to come in all shapes and behaviors, outside homophobs like yourself are telling him that its wrong to be open-minded. open your eyes and look around - ten percent of the world population is gay. if one of your ten friends isnt, its you...
  18. summers in new york suck...especially when my ac gets an attitude and fuckin breaks. im actually looking forward to going to the office tomorrow
  19. you guys! im only 19, and i remember about half of what is being named, mostly because my 80's were spent in russia, so it was a little different. i did get my doze of the ninja cartoons though...and madonna, mj, bon jovi, cindy lauper, back to the future (mjf was such a cutie)...i couldnt get my hands on any of the madonna-wannabe clothes though, i was very upset about that =( ohhh...ive been listening to a lot of 80;s music lately, and thinking how much more fun it seemed to be then. this post just made my day, i thought i was the only one shuffling through my fond memories of the days long past =)
  20. hmm....i think ill stay at work late tonite, until it gets cooler out
  21. on days like today i appreciate the below-freezing point temperature in my office =)
  22. i was in boston last week - left nyc on wednesday and came back on friday nite. i left nyc at 2pm, a really odd hour, and got to boston at 7pm, spent about fourty minutes standing on mass pike. going back to nyc on friday nite - a little over 5 hours. it will take you at least that much...
  23. hey hey hey! hows is going? oh shit, this is my 100th post! yay to me!
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