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Everything posted by happykittn

  1. Star fruit... I love star fruit. Has anyone here ever tried them? Starfruit fan, ~kitten >^.^<
  2. Whoa... were they serious relationships? tastyt ~ how so? I think dating more than one person at once can be justified... especially if they're relatively new. Sometimes, I think what I consider "becoming friends with someone/getting to know someone better" equates to dating in the eyes of others... there's always that "guys don't want to put forth effort into being just friends with a new girl unless he thinks he can eventually get in her pants" obstacle to get past. I went out with a guy once a week or so ago and thought he was a nice guy... nothing happened, but there just wasn't any chemistry and I told him I wasn't interested in him as a romantic partner, but was interested in developing a friendship. He turned mean, nasty, and downright rude on me and said something to the effect of: "Well, I'm not going to put any effort into it. You'll have to come see me, and I'm sure as hell not paying for anything anymore." That helped me realize I wanted nothing at all to do with the guy. Do any of you boys on the board share his sentiment? Probably not since you're sweethearts, but you never know... Contemplative, ~kitten >^.^<
  3. My friend sent me a link to this one site featuring women... cooked. Or in the process of being cooked. Visuals should help: Muki's Kitchen >O.o< , ~kitten
  4. What is the highest number of people you've dated casually (or seriously) at the same time? How did you handle it... a date on Friday, another on Saturday, another on Sunday...? What ended up happening? Did every one know about the others? I've been out of the dating scene so long, it's very weird being thrown back into it. I guess I could handle juggling, but it would be nice to find that one special someone again soon... Back among the fishies, ~kitten >o.O<
  5. happykittn


    Yes. Once in a great while is okay, but if he's cracked out more often than not or if he does have an addiction problem, it's an unbelievable turn off. I wouldn't date a guy seriously into drugs of any sort... I want a boy whose favorite drug is one phat multicolored pill called Life. I would never date a dealer, either... casually met a boy awhile back who seemed to swim in MJ... always had it around, always giving it out. When he told me he and 3 of his friends pushed 250 pounds of kind every two weeks, I hightailed it outta there. If he was trying to impress me, it had the opposite effect. To each her own... Likes clean gentlemen, ~kitten >^.^<
  6. Tuesday (econ midterm) and Wednesday (globalization exam) are going to be hell for me... today is Study Day. Hang in there hon, it'll be Friday before you know it... Something to make you smile: Off to bury myself in stocks n bonds, ~kitten >o.O<
  7. Okay, so there's one... But would you consider a serious relationship with a girl who was into that? Matchmaker matchmaker, ~kitten >^.^<
  8. It takes much more than a couple kisses before I even start thinking about going down there, too... what are some guys opinions about a girl who goes down so quickly? Anticipation is a good thing, ~kitten >^.^<
  9. I was having a talk with a girlfriend about this over dinner... she basically equates giving blowjobs to something as casual as kissing a guy. If she feels comfortable enough to make out with him, she has no problem going down on him soon afterwards. How "casual" do you consider blow jobs? Would you go down on a guy if you never planned on sleeping with him? Would you go down on him early or later in the relationship? My girl's gone down on guys on the first date and has thought nothing of it... apparently she enjoys it as much as she enjoys regular kissing. Take a deep breath and..., ~kitten >^.^<
  10. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First in line, ~kitten >^.^<
  11. http://georgewgirls.com/
  12. You have GREAT taste, baby... I'd do anything for a box of those and a big glass of milk right now... Better than thin mints, ~kitten >^.^<
  13. So wrong... soooooooo wrong... That is all, ~kitten >O.O<
  14. (just looking into the eyes of some of those guys is enough to get me wet... mmmmmm) :hump: ~kitten >^.^<
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