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Everything posted by happykittn

  1. Click here, get close, and make sure you focus.
  2. What should I do? Where should I go? Where would you recommend clubbing, eating, and shopping? I'll arrive Friday night and leave Monday afternoon... thanks in advance! Wants to try a REAL Philly cheesesteak, ~kitten >^.^<
  3. Are you serious? Is this confirmed?
  4. What do you guys think of those 2002 Gucci hats? The fisherman style ones go for about $395...
  5. Tight white Arden B sweater... Keeping warm this winter, ~kitten >^.^<
  6. Ditto glow... any more info, mugwump? I'd love to come...
  7. Good to see someone else appreciates the scene... Here's a Highlights clip with battling and some popping thrown into the mix... http://www.ewoknation.com/clips/ubhighlights.rm
  8. He was fantastic at Avalon last Friday...
  9. happykittn

    Hot Or Not...

    Bad boob job, they look like rocks... great stomach though! Want a 6-pack, ~kitten >^.^<
  10. Back from a wonderful weekend in Boston... just got back and downloaded the following... All I can say is... there's nothing like watching a GOOD dancer perform live... art in motion. So pure... the feelings some dancers can evoke from the crowd are indescribably beautiful. My favorite video clip: DeadlyMike (DDT) vs Problem Child (Problems Kru) (FULL BATTLE!) 7 mb (met, stayed with, and had an amazing time with Problem Child... aka Juni... taller dancer in the red w/the hat in the clip... he and Problems Kru were at a competition in NYC earlier today... does anyone know the results of that?) Here's another (SONG ID NEEDED... if any of you know the song playing in this clip, please post!): http://www.ewoknation.com/clips/wakjuni.rm Others may be found here: http://www.ewoknation.com/clips.htm In awe, ~kitten >^.^<
  11. Popped my Boston Club cherry this weekend... Friday night, Jesse and I went out with Juni, Warren, Lauren, Erin, Amelia, Megan, Jen & Jen, and a couple other kids... most of them go to Northeastern, so if you recognize any names feel free to PM me. Modern was fun... we got in without having to wait in line or pay cover and had reserved a table, so we sat around drinking for a while and I took a look around. Definite Euro feel, small but nice layout, laid-back atmosphere, chill lounge-y type music (I recognized most of them, have a lot of friends from Greek and Italy). All in all, a nice place to come back to and kick back in after dancing for a bit. Didn't spend much time in Embassy... fun setup, small dancefloor... saw a lot of rolling strippers all up on some guys... good music, but I wanted to go see Ferry... Avalon... what can I say, Ferry Corsten is the MAN... great set, kept the crowd moving... the place was packed. The sound system wasn't that hot, but the dancers were and so was the scene. I liked it... had an amazing time... and I'll be back. Other random Boston news.. Newberry Street shopping was fun... gotta love Diesel and FCUK. We had lunch at Cheers on Saturday, and were going to stop by Venue Saturday night... Jesse's girl Lily is seeing the dj (Niko)... but we were a little too tired and decided to stay in. Maybe next time? I heard there's a crazy Greek scene there, which is fun... Okay, that's all for now... all in all, I had a wonderful weekend. Happy, ~kitten >^.^<
  12. Me (after fooling around some w/Photoshop )... so you'll recognize us... What's the normal getup for Avalon/Embassy and Modern? Shoe-wise, no sneakers... stilettos? Platforms? Etc?
  13. I love the way your mind works... Always, ~a fellow pussy
  14. I've never been to a cp meetup before... guess there's a first time for everything, right? I'll be there with my girl Jesse (gorgeous girlie with short bleached blonde hair), and we're meeting up with some friends (amazing dancers... breakers/poppers/house dancers). Look for a little group with an Asian girl, bleached blonde girl, Filipino/Columbian guy, and random others... I'm excited, it should be fun... For Saturday night (Embassy/Modern)... should I dress like I do when I go to Sound Factory in NYC? Don't want to over/underkill...
  15. So what do you call it? "That thingie down there?" We've been so conditioned to be embarrassed of our own bodies... I think you ladies need to go see The Vagina Monologues. At one point, they make everyone in the audience chant "CUNT... CUNT... CUUUUUUNT" together. It's a very interesting experienced, if nothing else.
  16. It isn't. At all. No protection from STD's... no guarantee the girl won't get pregnant... she's on SOME kind of birth controll, isn't she? If she isn't, I hope you're ready to start supporting a child...
  17. I'm going to Avalon Friday night, and plan on checking out Embassy/Modern Saturday night. I've never been there before... what's the crowd like? Music? Dress? Like it/don't like it, and why? Thanks so much!
  18. Wait... MTV paid for the calf implants??? How much do calves go for nowadays?
  19. Is that Salma? If so, she's snagged one of the hottest men in Hollywood... Edward Norton... *sigh*
  20. magilicuti ~ Did you know that other Asians "only speak English?" You're not as special as you think you are. It sounds like you're completely denying your race... sorry, but you're not white. To be closed off like that is pretty sucky... not that you're wrong, but you're definitely missing out by not keeping yourself open to new experiences... with anyone, not just Asian girls. mutiny ~ You can't stand them because they tend to whine a lot, eh? Whine... hmm... you'd never do that, now would you? With that attitude, you wouldn't be able to get one if you tried... The fact that you can't get an Asian girl? Funny, your entire post was about hate... gotta love the hypocrites. We all have our preferences... to each his own. But to shit on your own race (or any, for that matter) is pretty cheap... irregardless of whether or not you're familiar with the culture, language, etc. Why do I even bother... Excited about partying with a hot Filipino/Columbian breaker this weekend, ~kitten >^.^<
  21. Trimmed or shaved. Smooth balls are nice.
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