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Posts posted by happykittn

  1. After breaking up with my b/f, I have more $$$ for other things... such as clothes for myself and gifts for my friends. One of my very good male friend's birthdays is coming up, and I want to get him something really nice. I can't afford to pay uncut designer pricetags, so I'm resorting to bluefly.com...

    He likes Kenneth Cole (can be kinda "ghetto fab"), Prada, Diesel, Calvin Klein's expensive shit, and has a "Burberry side"... the London-y look w/dark turtlenecks, long coats, etc.

    I'm thinking of maybe putting together a fresh outfit for his b-day... does anyone want to help me shop for him? Maybe suggest a certain sweater with a certain belt/pants, etc... he likes stuff tight 'n swanky.

    Guys w/similar taste, what other designers would you recommend?

    Ready to shop online,

    ~kitten >^.^<

  2. I gave my ex a blow job once while his sister and her husband were asleep in the bed next to us (in hotel room, we were all there for his college graduation). No sex, though... we both knew I make too much noise to risk that. :P

    Loud, & proud

    ~kitten >^.^<

  3. Yes. One in particular... he's been there for me through everything. I know he was interested at me in one point, but I'm not physically attracted to him at all (plus, I would never want to risk losing the friendship), so I explained how things were to him and he understands. We love each other, but I call him my big brother (the one I never had :) ) and it has been and always will be platonic.

    Happy with her male friends,

    ~kitten >^.^<

  4. FOR THE GUYS: What's the most exciting outfit you could help a woman take off? When undressing her, what gets you off most - tops (sweater, strappy top, t-shirt, etc), bottoms (pants, skirt, booty shorts), other (dress, etc.)? Are there certain fabrics that get you more excited, and is it more erotic or just annoying if there are things to unlace, untie, undo, etc.?

    FOR THE GIRLS: Same question... are there ever any clothes you see on a guy that you would really enjoy taking off of him?

    I guess I could also ask... what type of clothes/what outfit do you particularly enjoy stripping off for your partner?

    I've always liked the thought of unbuttoning and sliding a man's shirt off his shoulders... something about that strikes me as simple yet sexy.

    Wants to be undressed,

    ~kitten >^.^<

  5. apples ~ :balloon:

    nycchic24 & b-side ~ that was fantastic advice... I'm beginning to realize I have compromised a lot of what *I've* wanted in our relationship, and am getting a little excited about the fact that I'll get to be me and do what *I* want... :) !! nycchic24, I think I'm still stuck at "the crying" part right now, but hopefully that'll pass soon. I'm running out of Kleenix!

    Appreciative of all the relationship insight on CP,

    ~kitten >^.^<

  6. Nada. All the single girls in my house are doing a sweet/corny 2/14 gift exchange... I'm going to go all out on the girl I get, because it really sucks being along on the day of love and all that jazz...

    Eating Valentine's Day nerds,


  7. She is lovely... very down to earth. Gwen's the second cousin of my friend Brad... she's very "normal" looking in all the Christmas cards her family sends out... plain brown hair, conservative clothing, sans make up/jewelry.

    A fan of natural beauty,


  8. You need to talk to the boy, because he's obviously still confused. Make it crystal clear to him that though you do care about him and value him as a person and as a friend... there is absolutely, positively NO WAY you'll ever get back together with him, or have any interest in him as more than just a friend. Be really firm, and don't give him any reason to think he still has a chance.

    The worst thing you can do to an ex is give him/her any hope of getting back together... because then they'll never get over you, and keep clinging onto anything and everything that even hints at a possible make-up.

    Good luck,


  9. Sounds like you're already getting in a little too deep... if your boyfriend *is* lying about whatever the psycho ex told you about, then there's that issue you have to deal with. Is she crazy enough to make up sick stuff about him, or do you think she could be telling the truth? I don't know what it is and it isn't my place to ask, but everyone makes mistakes... and if you really love and trust your boyfriend, you should be able to work through anything.

    I say cut off all contact with this girl immediately... she isn't worth your time/effort/emotions. You said you don't know her... keep it that way.

    Remember: Psychos are BAD,


  10. atomicapples ~ Awww... nobody's ever noticed my nose before. That was sweet, thank you. :) I've noticed you post a lot on the boards... where do you and DG usually go out? I may be in the City next week for a potential job interview and pilgrimage to SF...

    vixenfoxxy ~ Thanks girl... you are DEFINITELY a hottie... :D

    ibclubbin ~ I'll take that as a compliment... I think? You guys are the best, I feel a little better about things already... I think I'll go out tomorrow night with the girls. Either that or stay in, lounge around in our pj's, and watch cheesy 80s movies...

    somebitch ~ that little weiner dog was my Xmas present... I named him Beef Stick for 2 days, then changed it to Nibbles when he started trying to eat EVERYTHING in sight. I miss him sooooo much... and I'll never see him again. Maybe I should go for custody of the puppy after graduating? >o.O<

    Off to rock climbing class,


  11. Awww, thanks hon... :) Guess I'll sit tight and see what happens... went to a fetish rave a couple nights after we broke up, met Ron Jeremy, that definitely helped take my mind off things for awhile!

    Good night hugs,

    ~kitten >^.^<

    Originally posted by dgmodel

    you cant predict love... and you cant predict when its gonna happen... but the best way to predict the future is to live it... dont go out looking for anything... trust me... just go out have fun... and itll find you... ;):D:tongue:

  12. Oohh... those boobies are just a little too big for my taste. Nice B-cup and perky, that's how I like 'em.

    Speaking of pornstars, I got Playboy's porn star edition in my mail the other day... without subscribing to them?? Not that I'm complaining... great articles. ;)

  13. Thanks dgmodel... I'm just wondering how long it "should" be until I start another relationship, and how long the "healing process" shoud take. I think it's a good thing I attend an all-female college right now...

    I'll take your advice about posting on CP,


    Originally posted by dgmodel

    Start with some free time to yourself... live your life... be single for a lil bit... experience some more things, see the world... see life! and then close your eyes and the rest will follow... Good Luck!

    (Oh and post on Cp...)

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