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Everything posted by happykittn

  1. *hugs for eggmok who I will write back very very very soon* *hugs for kitty19, who I miss dearly and who I hope to chill with in NYC at some point next year* *hugs for joey, who needs to get his cell phone fixed * ~kitten >^.^<
  2. Forwarded... In case you're not aware of it, the four major credit bureaus in the US will be allowed, starting July 1, to release your credit information (mailing address, phone numbers, etc.) to anyone who requests it. If you want to opt out of this release information, you can call 1-888-567-8688. It only takes a couple minutes to do and you can take care of anyone else in your household while making the call. You'll need to have all social security numbers readily available for those you are opting out. Be sure to listen closely, the first opt out is only for two years, make sure you wait until they prompt you to press "3" on your keypad to opt out for good. Hope this helps anyone else who isn't the biggest fan of telemarketers... Missing NYC in Texas, ~kitten
  3. If anyone else is going, let me know and maybe we can meet up... THE MEKKA TOUR Wednesday, August 15th, 2001 Dallas, Tx The Centenial Building & The Food & Fiber Building in Fair Park 4 pm - 4 am 17 & Up LINEUP_____________________ Trance / Progressive Paul Oakenfold BT (live) Christopher Lawrence Jimmy Van M Dave Ralph Drum & Bass Roni Size DJ Hype Andy C Dynamite MC MC GQ House & Techno Bad Boy Bill Junior Sanchez Mr.C Misstress Barbara The New Deal (live) Spitkicker Hip-Hop stage De La Soul Talib Kweli Pharoahe Monch Common Bizmarkie DJ Craze ~kitten >^.^<
  4. Read it here Excerpt: Riiiiiiiiight... ~kitten >o.O<
  5. I'll be in the Dallas/Ft. Worth/Plano, TX area until September 2nd, and know absolutely NOBODY in the state. If any of you could recommend good places to club/rave or get more info, I'd really appreciate it. Feel free to reply or send me a PM... ~kitten >^.^<
  6. By far, the best alternative to Napster is MORPHEUS from http://www.musiccity.com . Audiogalaxy has been pretty tempermental lately (and I've heard the "updated version" screws up your computer), but Morpheus hasn't let me down yet... Morpheus fan/convert, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  7. I faced the same dilemna a little while ago - had a blue brick wall (dopey) and a yellow genie lamp (speedy). I wish I'd gotten two speedy pills instead, but dealt with what I had - I'd recommend eating the speedy pill first. It worked for me, but I think I was a little more sluggish afterwards. Oh well, I had an amazing time that night anyway... Have fun, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  8. My friend passed this along to me... hot deal or not? http://www.botachtactical.com/photmicii.html http://www.botachtactical.com/photravparli.html EDIT: someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't these things usually run about $45 in stores...? ~kittn >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible. [This message has been edited by happykittn (edited 06-22-2001).]
  9. Wow. $55k doesn't seem so bad... does anyone know its book value? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/aw-cgi/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=592572713 Wants it, ~kitten ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  10. Sexy guy names: Jason, Kyle, Rob, Dimitri, Joey Sexy girl names: Alyssa, Kaila, Jenna (feminine) or Jen, and Alex (soft butch, think Gina Gershon in Bound... one of the best movies EVER!!) http://www.btinternet.com/%7Ebounduk/gina_.html Mmmmm, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  11. Aria Giovanni... my favorite Italian girl. Saw some untouched pics of her early years though, and that girl is HAIRY... >O.o< Still yummy though. Mmmmmmm, ~kittn >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  12. Ditto what kitty19 said. Also... Speaking as an Asian-American, I have no problems with men wanting an Asian partner - provided that desire is based on an attraction to the way we look. In my opinion, it's no different then liking blondes or liking girls with athletic figure. Asian women look different, there's nothing wrong with preferring that look. I do, however, have serious objections to men claiming they prefer Asian women because of some sort of behavioral stereotype (as mentioned earlier). Once you have your sights set on a honey, you should go out of your way to forget she's Asian. Don't ask her what nationality she it, don't try to speak to her in whatever Asian tongue you've decided to mangle, don't mention she's Asian, don't mention race in any context. In short, treat her exactly the same way you would a white girl. And whatever you do, DON'T START TALKING ABOUT OTHER ASIAN GIRLS YOU'VE DATED. It's always a bad idea to talk about your Ex, it's a huge mistake to make it an issue of ethnicity. That's the single biggest thing that I find non-Asian guys do to piss off Asian girls. We want to believe that you like us - not our ethnicity. If you bring up the issue of liking only Asian girls or being "overly" interested in Asian culture, you can almost guarantee being shot down in flames. Of course there are specific cultural things that apply to Asian girls, but that's about 10% of getting where you want to go and really not worth worrying about. 90% is ditching the Asiaphile routine. Good luck! ~kitten (an Asian girl dating white boys... not because they're white, but because they're the only ones who actually approach me) ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  13. robocock ~ sure, no problem... wanna try our special? It involves me poking a chopstick into your eyeball, plucking it out, stir frying, seasoning, and serving it to you on a bed of sizzling hot rice noodles. Yummy, ~kitten >^.^< [This message has been edited by happykittn (edited 06-17-2001).]
  14. Size 6 or 6.5 in regular shoes, size 7 in 6-inch boots or stilettos. Has over 50 pairs and counting, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  15. (if it's happened more than once, answer in general) 1. How did it happen? 2. Was it planned or spontaneous? 3. Under the influence of alcohol/drugs, or sober? 4. Friend, or complete stranger? 5. Was it good? 6. Would you do it again? If you're interested in a girl, how do you approach her? Is there a subtle way of "testing the waters" to see if she might be interested, without making things awkward? Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. Kisses, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  16. Whoa... where's Ken? ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  17. I've never paid for my print with a photographer - I've always done TFP work. I am very happy with the quality of my images, and have a pretty decent portfolio. Jobs are coming in, so I figure it's okay. Over and out, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  18. WARNING!!!!!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. You have to pay $395 for an "online comp card." 2. Plus, $29.99/month to belong to the site/service. Sorry, hon... I was scammed with this deal, and I don't want anyone else to be. You should never have to pay an agency for their services... they should only take a cut when you get a job. Lucky for me, I was able to call up the office directly, talk to Dave, and get a $395 refund. It took me 10 hours of being on hold over the course of 2 weeks, but it was worth it. http://forum.modellaunch.com/private-cgi-bin/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000563.html Check that link out for more details on the bad deal. Unless you're a supermodel already, don't affiliate yourself with "emodel.com." Money down the drain - don't bother, save it for cover or candy instead. Keep your dreams high but keep your feet on the ground, ~kitten >^.^< [This message has been edited by happykittn (edited 06-12-2001).]
  19. He smiled at the camera just before he died? Sick isn't a strong enough word. As for the "eye for an eye" argument, it's pretty damn weak, especially today. If you go by the Bible, the New Testament says to throw that old adage out and learn how to forgive. If you go by the literal definition - well, if that was the case, then rapists would all have to be castrated, or raped themselves. If we abided by "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," then we would be lowered to a very barbaric society. Which we're not - we're a civilized one. Which is why, once again, I am still very much against the death penalty (for many reasons, including the fact that it costs three times as much for the government to kill someone as it does to keep them in jail for life - court costs, anyone?). However, McVeigh was a rare exception. May he NOT rest in peace. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  20. Baby pink... the color of cotton candy. LOVES that sugary stuff, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  21. Anyone who may have had any doubt in their minds about what a sick fuck he was. His last statement proves he was a heartless being, right to the end. If he had asked for forgiveness, if he apologized to the families whose lives he ruined, if he had shown any emotion or any sign at all that he was human... it wouldn't have changed his fate, but it may have changed the way many saw him. Of course, he didn't. It's over now... for him. But it will never be for the victims of his actions. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  22. Here's McVeigh's hand-written final statement... it came in the form of a poem. INVICTUS by William Ernest Henley 1849-1903 ----------------------------------- Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud: Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of fate: I am the captain of my soul. No remorse. None whatsoever, for the deaths of 169 people. Normally I'm against the death penalty, but in this case... McVeigh deserved much, much worse. Hoping that healing will begin/continue, ~kitten ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  23. djscotphreak ~ thanks for the info! Appreciative, ~kitten >*.*< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  24. 20. 21 on September 7th. Labor Day birthday girl, ~kitten >^.^< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  25. http://my.oneleaf.com/incoming/the_dogs.swf (warning... don't eat immediately before clicking!) ~kitten >O.o< ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
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