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Posts posted by happykittn

  1. Any tips?

    My boyfriend keeps asking me to "talk dirty" to him in bed, but I have no idea what to say besides the standard "fuck me baby"'s, etc.

    Any guys here have suggestions on what their girl can say to get them all hot and bothered? I'll probably have to practice saying it a few times beforehand so it doesn't sound forced in bed. :tongue:


  2. Click here.

    ROME (Reuters) - Cocaine and ecstasy not only cause addiction and raise the risk of cancer but also provoke genetic mutations, Italian scientists said on Friday.

    "Cocaine and ecstasy have proved to be more dangerous than we had imagined," said Giorgio Bronzetti, chief scientist at the National Center for Research's (CNR) biotechnology department.

    "These drugs, on top of their toxicological effects, attack DNA provoking mutations and altering the hereditary material. This is very worrying for the effects it could have on future generations," he said.

    The use of ecstasy, a drug popular at all-night dance parties, increased by 70 percent between 1995 and 2000 according to a United Nations report published in September.

    Ecstasy and amphetamines have overtaken cocaine and heroin as the fastest growing global narcotics menace, the study said.

    The CNR report, which took more than three years to complete, said animal tests had shown a direct relationship between ecstasy and cocaine intake and the effects on DNA.

    "In other words, the longer the time frame of drug consumption, the greater the damage to DNA," Bronzetti said.

  3. Originally posted by mursa

    it most probably was in contact with MOISTURE / HUMIDITY ........and hence the funky smell ,greenish appearance . It's most probably ruined .

    remember keep your pills in a COOL-DARK place ,just like all your other medications . :idea:

    Yup, sounds like that's it. Damn. Thx for the info, guess I'll see if I can just give them away...

  4. I've had my blue dolphins for a few months now, and kept 2 I was going to give to a friend in a metal case with some cinnamon breath mints. At some point, a roach also got dropped in there... I threw the roach out and opened the case of breath mints a few days ago (the e had been in there for at least 2-3 months), and it looks REALLY funky. No longer a consistent light blue with dark green specks... it has brown and green spots all over it, kinda like it's molded/rotted. Should I throw it out? Did it have some kind of chemical reaction with the chronic from the roach?

  5. Okay... my new boy went down on me for the first time the other night, and I almost passed out several times, he was so good.

    I have NEVER experienced oral the way he gives it... and he was so good with his hands/fingers, it completely blew my mind.

    At one point, he slid his thumb in and out while rubbing me with the rest of his right hand... kinda hard to describe, but HOLY SHIT... I came right then and there, and have never had ANYONE do that to me before.

    Have I been missing out on the thumb thing this whole time? Is that something normal that everyone else has experienced? I've never even seen it in a porno...

    I'm not normally a fan of oral from guys, but this boy's an exception... and definitely a keeper. :D

  6. Originally posted by b-side

    Where U been...

    Hope you're safe in Cali or outta tha state.. :letsgo:

    As 4 your question... If I'm gonna DO somebody then I don't mind the cuddle

    Hey b-side... I've been okay, handling business out here in LA and trying to stay away from all the flames and smoke. I went to visit a friend in the Valley, and my car was covered in a layer of white ash when I left...

  7. Some of Alley Baggett's newer pics look REALLY bad. Like she has an extra flap of skin underneat the curve of her boob. I'll see if I can find pics... :puke:

  8. Has anyone ever been there? If so, what's it like? Vibe, dress code, etc.?

    I have yet to check it out, but my friend's playing there this Tuesday and put me and a few friends on the list. I haven't decided whether or not I'm gonna go... rock and roll normally isn't my thing (I can appreciate the Strokes, but I prefer hip hop/house/trance), but I suppose there's a first time for everything.

  9. Can I just say that I LOVE going to The Bourgeois Pig in WeHo?

    It's a little coffee shop with the best cake... and the back room is the PERFECT spot to meet up with a date, or to chill with your close friends. Really small, dimly lit, and very intimate...

    GREAT mood-setter... :D

    Can anyone else think of great romantic/chill/sexy spots in LA to frequent with a partner?

  10. What are some of your favorite things to do that result in some serious sexual tension build-up with someone?

    For example... an evening out clubbing, when you're dancing with/rubbing up against your partner... and at the end of the night, you can't wait to run home and rip each others clothes off... :D

    What activities really put you in the mood? :hump:

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