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Everything posted by happykittn

  1. I've been lightly patted down before at SF and Twilo... nothing too intrusive, never had any problems... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  2. Just finished "The Clone Age," by Lori B. Andrews... I'd highly recommend it to everyone even remotely curious about the newest advances in reproductive technology these days... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  3. Time to hit the slopes... I'm getting sick of this t-shirt and jeans Texas weather... o_O I'll be flying back to school tomorrow... can't wait to get back to sweaters and snow... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  4. Dachshunds (those little weiner dogs, awwww!) & Alaskan Malamutes... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  5. Lipz ~ I have it. If you're interested in that outfit, or in any of the other ones like it (cop, nurse, devil, etc... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about), let me know. I probably have the costume lying around somewhere... I also have a number of g-strings, micro-mini bikini tops, and assorted dancewear if you or anyone else are interested in acquiring some. All the stuff I have is great for stripping, clubbing, home use, etc... a few of my girlfriends were in the exotic dancing business and just pulled out, so I've been selling stuff for them on eBay, Yahoo!, etc. It's been lying around my dorm room for awhile now, and the girls in my hall are tired of playing dress-up, so it's time to let everything go. PM me if you're interested... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  6. Has anyone heard anything about the pills with little anchors on them? They're orangish, kinda pinky-red... thanks... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  7. Happy Holidays, Cara... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  8. Good luck, matty... you can do it!! ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  9. Good morning, raverdoll... hey kitten! I'm sorry to hear you two have quite a few hours ahead of you work-wise... *hugs* I think I have an idea of how you might feel... Ditto, tranced... TGIF and that most of us have at least a couple days off next week... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  10. Glen ~ what on earth are you doing at work this early in the morning? Have you been there all night??! What do you do...? Whew... As for the paper... 11 pages down, 4 to go. I hope my professor will think the same thing you did... there are only 6 students in the class, so maybe she'll be a little more generous in terms of grade distribution... hopefully it won't be on a bell curve... Okay, back to work... only 3 more hours until I run through two feet of snow to her office to turn this craziness in... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  11. I wish..... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  12. the-id ~ hmmm... well, it's a little past 4AM now so you should be as snug as a bug in a rug in your bed... oooooooooh, I'm jealous. Thanks for the well-wishes... I'm done with about 7 pages right now... only 8 more to go (and 5 hours to write them... I think I can, I think I can...). Sleep some for me, okay? bassboy ~ have fun tomorrow at Twilo... wish I could join everyone there with my girls, but everyone's gone (back to Washington, Oregon, Michigan, North Carolina, etc.). Drive safely if you're coming over from DC! (the last sentence I've written... does it make any sense at all?? "Expanding on the idea of how both symbols possess boundary-erecting and barrier-sustaining properties, a previously mentioned variable and how it relates to gates and women may be further analyzed: the male figure.") ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  13. Mike ~ loving it... all of it... More, please... oh, and do you have the address of that website you're working on? I'll be sure to check it out as soon as I wrap this sucker up... hope you're enjoying Action Jackson... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  14. Me? I'm on page 4 of this 15-page bitch... conveniently, since everyone on campus is gone/asleep, the connection is REALLY fast... so I'm simultaneously downloading Paul Oakenfold's "Butterfly (Tilt)," Adamski's "One of the People" (force mass motion mix), Xpress 2's "AC/DC" (gang banger mix), Vengaboys' "Kiss" (Airscape Future Trance Mix), and a few others... Why are the rest of you up?? (and while you're at it, let me know if there are any other MUST-HAVE songs out there I need to download before going home for Winter break) ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  15. Ooooh, accounting... congratulations, hon! ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  16. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  17. One more to go in 1.5 hours... then I have to write a 15-page paper due tomorrow... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  18. I haven't met any of you yet... but I think that girl is "eggplant" or something... she posted her pics awhile ago and I think she looked something like that... Have Brandie, Rob, or Eggmok & Co. even been to a meet-up? I know they're the people I'm really interested in getting together with... Brandie, I'm sorry if there was some confusion this past weekend... I'll definitely be visiting the HDrome with friends next semester... we won't need VIP passes to get in then, will we? *hugs* Talk to you soon, hon... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  19. Hi hon... my account's back up again, and I just got your message... I'll stop by the PO before I take off for the airport tomorrow... I swear, it'll *make* *my* *month* if I find something in there that'll make me smile... *hugs* My fingers are crossed... I'll write back later... right now, I have to finish this $*@*&$(#! of a paper... here's all I have so far (1st paragraph out of 15 pages): "Woman. Gate. Woman. Gate. One is a soft, supple, living, breathing human being; the other, a solid, still, uncompromising, unfeeling mass of metal or wood. At first glance, the two appear to have nothing in common. However, when used in the context of lyrical observation, comparison, and both conscious and unconscious poetic thought, multiple dimensions of unique associations reveal themselves, layer by layer. Though masterful wording and acute insight, a number of talented writers throughout Chinese history have woven deeper meaning into their works by utilizing the seemingly simple, disparate images of women and gates." Yes... it's true... it's true... I'm going to write FIFTEEN FRIGGIN' PAGES on WOMEN AND GATES before 11AM tomorrow morning. Hug please... kitten needs a hug... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  20. Oooooooohhhhh... wish I could make it... I'm leaving tomorrow morning and will be back Jan 20th... have fun and let me know how it goes!! ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  21. kitty19 ~ Hi hunny! Are you back home now, or are you still around campus?? I'm seriously stressing... 15-page paper due tomorrow (have all of 1 sentence done), and I'm leaving for BDL at 11AM tomorrow morning... >o.O< As for the lezzie action around here... haven't partaken in any of that yet, just heard a scary stat that 60%+ of the girls around here have HPV... wtf is up with that?? Eeeeewww... I'll take a man, please... Talk to you soon, hon... e-mail me before you go!! *hugs* ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  22. Oh yeah... and for those of you who might be interested in watching an actual breast augmentation surgery (WARNING: VERY VERY VERY GRAPHIC... you see the surgeon cut open the nipple, stuff the boob, poke around in there with sharp knife-looking objects, etc)... go here: http://www.streamingsurgeries.com/ Freaky stuff... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  23. I prefer real... but... on a side note... huge boobs (implants or not) are intriguing to look at, for some reason or another... I feel kinda sorry for girls who have 'em, because they must not be able to make much direct eye contact with many people... one of my closest girlfriends here has a perky 34DD chest (all natural), and we were walking around naked in the room the other day (happens all the time around here - kitty19, does this happen in your house??), and I couldn't stop staring at her chest... she'd talk to my face, and I'd be talking back to her boobs... it was soooo bizarre... I seriously couldn't help it!! >o.O< But... for those girls with self-esteem or image problems... if you're gonna have it done, then do it right. There's nothing more hideous than a horrible boob job... a few girls I know had theirs done, and they recommend: http://www.implantinfo.com http://www.bunnybumpers.com I've never been one to judge... as other people have said, it's all a matter of personal preference... whatever floats your boat... Off to answer a few more posts, then back to work......... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  24. Going to take my final now... I am sooooo fucked (and NOT in a good way)... see all of you in 2 hours if I make it out alive... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  25. Congratulations... I'll be taking my last final in 2 hours and counting... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
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