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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. No, but I think it's good that they do. It's more about the experience, establishing independence, and building new relationships for them. I'm glad that even with all of their options, they still want to be educated....money can only do but so much for ya if you're a fuckin retard.
  2. Your way with words....ahahahahahahah.....
  3. Best party in the city....people, music, vibe. We shut that motherfucker DOWN every week.
  4. I haven't had any of that in about three years either! Some Spiderman shits that were nowhere NEAR as good as the hits we'd drop in high school. Gonna check out that link too, while I'm at it, DAYUM!
  5. LMAO @ how this is in the sex section!
  6. sheendawg

    Stripper Sex

    THIS guy..... Interesting thread! I just read a book about the stripper lifestyle called Bad Gyrls, reminiscent of The Player's Club. One of the characters was hooked on ecstasy, her "mentor" kept feeding them to her when she was supposed to go on stage, and basically made her become dependent on them and her to be able to halfway function. Aside from finding the ecstasy addiction a little suprising (does anyone know anyone who is ADDICTED to E), I enjoyed it. I have heard the same thing about coke's presence in those clubs....what is it about coke that makes some of them like it so much? A possible personality change that makes them a little more aggressive and able to deal with some of the people that come in and give them the blues? Or just the speediness of it? THAT I do know is very addictive.
  7. No, it WAS funny. I think exitsquared4e is probably one of Draper's biggest fans, from what I can remember. What's that in your avatar?
  8. LMAO Y'all just don't give Draper a break! Never have seen him, I'm sure he had to step his game up a little after being so mercilessly bashed on this board 24/7!
  9. But if the numbers continue to dwindle the way they have been, I think RG may be able to lure him back if he offers him a lot more money than he was getting before, cause it's not like the place wouldn't be PACKED, just off the excitement of being back "home" alone. I hope so, just when I was beginning to enjoy Factory this shit goes down! Until then, Mike Negron on Fridays gets my vote. LOL
  10. Has Junior done any better with his numbers? Last I heard, Discotheque's party was kicking their ass on Sunday morning. It would be nice to have JP back....but even if it were offered to him, do you think he would go? They done tore the man's booth down and urrythang!
  11. Aw, damn! Speaking of his board though, he's always going off on the mic about how he doesn't give a fuck what people say about him on messageboards when he's spinning.....I wonder who he's talking about?
  12. Oh, cool that means he's down there. Thanks! Essex is fun, you should have gone! Small but intimate, post-Vinyl crowd usually, very cool peeps. I went after Disco on Thurs when Kevin Aviance was spinning and he was good as well.
  13. I wonder if Eddie is at Essex 137 this morning or if it's just Lex? I was thinking about going down there. Am also definitely curious about the Centro afterhours today....
  14. Glad I saw this thread! Was about to go there in a few myself. Too bad Michaelangelo isn't spinning, I would DEFINITELY go if he were.....he's BAD.
  15. Is there a plan for a party in progress? Who would you guys like to see spin there, if not JP? I, for one, think Mike Negron could BRING IT.
  16. Ha ha....I'ma have to make sure I try to hear that song at least once. Y'all don't remember Veruka Salt at the Chocolate Factory, throwing a temper tantrum? "Daddy I want an Oompa Loompa and I want it RIGHT NOW!!!!!"
  17. Didn't he just have a birthday party at Cheetah last week? That was hot.
  18. Respectful? You're on the wrong board, luv. I missed it this week, too drained from Morillo's afterhours though I'm sure it was delightful as always.
  19. The music was good, the crowd bananas, but I had a better time at the Columbus Day afterhours.....only because he played some of my favorites off of his other albums. Other than that, the energy was great and he rocked it until the last person stumbled out probably a little after 4pm.
  20. Well that's what's up! I'm in, but of course y'all knew that anyway.
  21. Cheetah is for everyone who loves to party and loves good music. Doesn't matter what color you are or how you get down. That's what I love about it! It's a mixed crowd, period. LMAO @ Rob not liking "fish"....oh well, at least I still have my Armand Van Helden!
  22. Holy shit, not a Oompa Loompa reference!
  23. Hey housedog! Happy Birthday Rob! I agree with Muzikchik, Rob is sexy....I told him I have a crush on him.
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