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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by D.Schwartz

  1. The woman goes "everybody Wake up, this a brand new day"
  2. Stop the abuse.... Hunk
  3. I'd love to, but i'll need a bigger camera.. lol ::::HUNK::::::::
  4. To get some action around here...
  5. I know how u feel, although I was the one who broke up recently, i still understand,, How long were you with him?
  6. Isnt your cp boyfriend supposed to help you out in that department?
  7. Once again, here I am, I'll post some new ones soon this one isnt so great in my opinion. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=508321
  8. D.Schwartz

    Soul Mates...

    Jennifer Aniston is my sole mate.
  9. D.Schwartz

    bad guys?

    Girls/Women are not really looking for a "bad boy" type character it just so happens that its the most common character. Their really looking for a 007 character "a man of mystery." Find that type of person is hard becuase they really dont exist and if they do, their very limited, so the next best thing is the bad boy character. What i find ironic is that after girls recieve that bad boy character all they do is bitch and complain how they would kill for a "nice guy." The reality is girls/women only want the bad boy impression a few times, after that you gotta be mr. romantic because sooner or later the whole bad boy shit gets annoying aswell as the good boy shit...
  10. LOL....I've been getting that mistake since i ever registered, I dunno why i didnt put a god damn "-" between the nyc and hunk, it would have saved me so much trouble..
  11. Thought I'd Contribute http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=508321
  12. D.Schwartz

    To All...

    yes, happy turkey day everyone. Did anyone actually go out and kill their own turkey around here? lol if this was the Hickplanet.com message boards then it would be a stupid question to ask.
  13. I didnt like the fact that flex started out, and vicious played everything he played 3 weeks ago
  14. You know what it is,,, everytime i see a girl in my school or in a bar that looks "talkable" meaning, by my standards good enough to chat with, I'm the one who ends up chickening out. I could never come up and just start a conversation out of nowhere, so I guess I really wouldnt know if there are any left because i'm not trying to find out, although I want to...
  15. D.Schwartz

    Who's Single???

    This is getting ridiculous, are there any normal girls in NYC left?
  16. D.Schwartz

    First Loves

    Recent Ended a 3 year relationship with my first love, and all I can say is NEVER AGAIN. I mean learned a lot from the relationship, and I love her a lot, but in the long run it's just not worth the pain. From here on in it's just messin around,, unless.....
  17. Hey Fagboy, why dont u keep your very interesting and informative opinion to yourself. I'm not a newbie and I'm telling u that people like you should stay off forum boards. Your distgusting mouth is not needed around here. Big tough guy behind the keyboard, i'd love to see you say this to my face, I'd fucking knock you through the wall, u'll be wishing you could wakeup.
  18. D.Schwartz

    Music for Sex

    Try having sex to Tiesto, you'll be amazed, or some of hans zimmer's classics, or even his new stuff from gladiator, that track "now we are free"
  19. do u mind sending it my way? kertsislifeless@aol.com AIM:Shwartz10
  20. What would a 2002 infiniti G20 mean?
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