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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by D.Schwartz

  1. I thinks she's gorgeous. ------------------
  2. YEAH!,, draper is god.. i repeat draper is god ------------------
  3. krispy all the way ------------------
  4. How about a better fact, did u know that Coca-Cola greases up their truck engines with coke. lol I stick to Water, but Coke in a Can is the best soda out there hands down. ------------------
  5. Clubkid, if you dont like Exit, then shut the fuck up and dont say a word about it, all ur doing is giving it attention. ------------------
  6. Anyone hear this song, i dont know the name of it, but i know scribble mixed, it. The vocals go something like "everybody needs a little tenderness, a little happiness" some shit like that. When is out if anyone knows? ------------------
  7. one more question, do u remember the name of the song u played after "dance with me" ------------------
  8. massad did u have glowsticks and gave them to this kid in a black t-shirt.? ------------------
  9. I was really feeling the Synergy between Second Trip and Rhythm ready. Nice job ------------------
  10. is there any way u could get a threesome going with him and his wife? that way everybody wins.. ------------------
  11. Very well put, couldn't say it better myself. ------------------
  12. Ride the trip and Arrival hands down. ------------------
  13. justin, did u get ur hands on this track yet? ------------------
  14. I found my perfect Girlfriend and after two and a half years i lost her because of my own stupidity, Now I dont even wanna look for anyone. ------------------
  15. 1st one is Delerium-Innocente(Dj tiest mix) ------------------
  16. justin, u have it on vinyl(Lula track)? ------------------
  17. I said the same thing, but everyone is telling me it's the original, meanwhile it sounds too good to be the original. ------------------
  18. Trip to Uranus.. ------------------
  19. who's the artist of this "the circus" song? ------------------
  20. myles, one last thing, is there any way u can get "diamonds are forever" from draper for us. Because we're all gonna mugg him if u dont ------------------
  21. love ur work myles ------------------
  22. whats the name of the group god-damnit ------------------
  23. Myles, were at exit this past fri? ------------------
  24. hook a brotha up, Kertsislifeless@aol.com ------------------
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