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Everything posted by D.Schwartz

  1. Johnny Vicious Scot Project TiestoSal Parm
  2. Anyone have this track, I've been looking all over.. Just wanna know where I can find it other than a vinyl shop. Anyone going to see him at LL in oct?????
  3. Everything was funny, but the japan part was a little too harsh. I'm not japanese or anything, but still it's been a long time and stuff like that needs to be forgotten, we didnt kill millions, we killed 57, 000 in nagasaki and 200,000 in hiroshima.. That's not something to be proud off considering the fact that we would have beaten them without atomic weapons, but the reason we dropped them was to show russia not to fuck with us. If u dont understand what I'm saying ask ur History Professor and he'll explain.
  4. xtcgirlie, any way u can send good n evil and psycho train my way??? I trade u for something good if u want.. Email: Kertsislifeless@aol.com
  5. Fellas let me remind u before u get ahead of yourselves, that by attacking anyone u are at serious risk of engaging in WWIII. Now I know this may seem minor to u know, but not a lot of u will be saying "yeah bomb them" when that letter comes in the mail ORDERING u to under law to report to Virginia for immediate departure to a fucking country that u have no clue about to shoot at someone that u dont wanna shoot. Not to mention if the U.S attacks anyone, this will give excuses for other countries to go to war. And about 2 hours later after it all starts, it will all end with the planet Earth literally cracking into Half from all the Nuclear and Hydrogen bombs being swapped. Dont get me wrong, If I knew that we could bomb afgan and all those pricks celebrating and have no repercussions, i'd be all for it. But the very thought of WW3, gives me the creeps, because it wont be anything like WW2, all ur gonna see is a bunch of bombs that can wipe out the world in less than 2 hours being swapped. To just examplify how deadly these weapons, consider that one single Russian Acula Submarine can Destroy the world 13 times over.
  6. Wholy shit, guys this is some scary ass shit and i'll tell u why. About a year ago I read Nostradmus in the library cause i was bored, i'm into stuff like that. And in the book that I read, there was a timeline at the end summerizing all the events that he predicted that were supposed to occur. I'll get the book for u guys soon, I'm still trying to find it myself. In this book and I quote it said "2001-Two Fireballs will Struck the Tallest Buildings in the Western Hemisphere" now i know that the sears building is bigger, but that's pretty damn close. 2nd he said the "president of the United States Would build a Shield over the Westen Hemisphere to Protect from serious Danger." If anyone is into the news u'll see that Bush is trying to setup a force shield that can block missles entering the U.S from the Wester and Easter Sides. 3rd 2002-"The Ending that closes the chapter in our book will start with a War that Hasen't truimphed, yet tried twice but this time will succeed" =WW3. Anyone this is some sick ass shit, my bestfriends mom was on the 1st floor of the World trade when the plane hit. She said she thought she was going to die. Crazy Shit.. And I was just thinking, I dont mean to sound like an asshole but does this mean no more KTU?????
  7. 1st off scott project was not there.. The music sucked. The crowd wasnt anything special. Overall I want exit back!!!
  8. so basically what ur telling me here gentlemen, is that diamonds is listed under this name Silent Nick - Palladio and i can order it from cd now?
  9. Lizzy, where i can i find it?
  10. Sorry Avalondon, but I gotta know lol, draper rocked this around 2, it was "what the fuck mixed in with derb"... Is that sound out there?
  11. Yo, Who wants to start this mailing action going like we had on sicktracks?
  12. You just blew a kiss to the moderator..
  13. Boris played a new mix of this song on the sanctuary not too long ago, anybody know who remixed it?
  14. It's A miss Jane Syngery with some other song , sounds like the song from blade
  15. I dunno, but the new safri duo-samb adiago(cosmic gate mix) is hot!!
  16. whats wrong with sicktracks? I cant load it
  17. I forget who sings it, scribble rocks this song sometimes, "we live everyday" something something "miss you"
  18. Thanx a lot spd, I really appreciate it ------------------
  19. please please I beg off u if anyone has this program in their mailbox please email it to me, at Kertsislifeless@aol.com. thank u ------------------
  20. I apologize, it's (Kertsislifeless@aol.com) ------------------
  21. If anyone has this song, please please send it to me,, Kertislifeless@aol.com I'll trade, whatever, I've been dying to get this track. ------------------
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