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Everything posted by gambitx73

  1. www.bedevere.com hm.. they look familiar.
  2. or play chess. My professor would drink Gin and he would say, drinking isn't too bad, if done in moderation, because though it kills brains cells it killss the bad brains cells. LOL.
  3. Meditation and Ketamine We are incarnated in the form that we are in now. So our thougths and actions will follow the form. However our true entity does not lie in the physical but yet the Energy, which is a constant perpetual. Never ending and never begining. It is neither then nor now let alone the future. It's simply a consciousness of energy as itself without human thought. for example, if an infant is hungry the infant does not say "gee I'm hungy i hope mom feeds me" It hasn't developed the neurolinguistic abilty to do that, so it's thought process is pure in reaction of the need to identify the signals of it's bodily organs *hunger*. Well in a deep meditation which is extemely similar to being in a K-hole from using ketamine we can experience our true form, which is formless and timeless. We then become aware of our true entity, one with the creative force. We dissolve into the light and our body is non-existent meaning we are no longer aware of our body. Once that happens our thought isn't as it is now, it's very primitive in the link of non logical consciousness and emotion we then become in our own energy and is what the Buddhist would call the "NOW". Being in the moment. However after much thought and meditation upon this and re-experiencing my enlightment, i've realized that there is no such thing as time, no past no future, and ALSO no NOW. It is simply an awareness of energy which is not subject to time or physical matter. I don't mean to demean meditation and Budhism by saying that you can reach Enlightment through Ketamine. I myself is a born again Christian that follows the practices of Budhism for it's effective and practical purposes, as well as Zen meditation. I don't promote or suggest using drugs, however it is a simple fact that different levels of consciousness is reached with the effects of different drugs especially dis-associative drugs like ketamine. However when they reach these states they normally don't know what it is they are experiencing and therefore may feel traumatized. Meditation is much more effecient and safer, however it takes practice and a still mind. The reason i'm sharing this with the people of CP is to simply assure anyone that may have been or may end up in a K-hole not to panic, it's an experience and just let the experience 'play' itself out. Try to take something positive from it instead of something negative. The experiences i've had has only assured me that we are all as one. Each individual is unique but yet we are all as one, and therefore must treat each other as if they were a part of us. Also if there has been anyone who has had a "bad trip" or a bad experience in a K-hole, rest assured it's only in your fears and anxiety that the negative things come to manifest itself. Be positive in heart and faith and you will NEVER have a bad trip regardless of what you may ingested. You see, "THOUGHT" in itself can't exist with a subject of something to think about. That is including the brain. The brain iteslf gives raise to our thought, it must be aware of itself (with the aid of one of the sense like touch), however it's an illusion because our true form, our true entity is timeless and matterless. Time itself can not exist without a matter and an action in which space and observation is necessary. With those two things as the center of concentration it's easier to meditate and reach Enlightment. The Budhist likes to point out the all suffering comes from our desire. If we desire nothing we shall not suffer. Well our desire is to feed our physical form body. Meaning i may desire to want to have sex with Rebecca Romijn Stamos that desire comes as the need to fulfill my sexual bodily responses of hormones, which all lie in the physical. If she turns me down i may feel offended, however if i did not desire it, i won't feel the anguish. So it's in the discipline of daily meditation to control the six senses, and therefore be more in-tune with the CREATIVE FORCE. I hope this may have been helpful or atleast spiritually provoking. If anyone needs some question answered about my experiences or others or any question'bout meditation and so forth, please don't hesitate to reply to this post. 05-18-2003 09:18 AM
  4. Anyone wanna join in me and a friend in seeing Matrix tonight. I'm planning on going to the Loews Theatre on Rt. 1. I haven't seen it yet and the more the more merry.
  5. which location you goin' to see at. I'm down for seeing it, i haven't seen it yet, and all my friends have seen it already. Let me know.... or just email me art@randommusic.com
  6. I'm down just tell me when and where, but i'd rather meet up at like a dinner than a club that Mars thing on May 30th doesn't sound so bad.
  7. We are incarnated in the form that we are in now. So our thougths and actions will follow the form. However our true entity does not lie in the physical but yet the Energy, which is a constant perpetual. Never ending and never begining. It is neither then nor now let alone the future. It's simply a consciousness of energy as itself without human thought. for example, if an infant is hungry the infant does not say "gee I'm hungy i hope mom feeds me" It hasn't developed the neurolinguistic abilty to do that, so it's thought process is pure in reaction of the need to identify the signals of it's bodily organs *hunger*. Well in a deep meditation which is extemely similar to being in a K-hole from using ketamine we can experience our true form, which is formless and timeless. We then become aware of our true entity, one with the creative force. We dissolve into the light and our body is non-existent meaning we are no longer aware of our body. Once that happens our thought isn't as it is now, it's very primitive in the link of non logical consciousness and emotion we then become in our own energy and is what the Buddhist would call the "NOW". Being in the moment. However after much thought and meditation upon this and re-experiencing my enlightment, i've realized that there is no such thing as time, no past no future, and ALSO no NOW. It is simply an awareness of energy which is not subject to time or physical matter. I don't mean to demean meditation and Budhism by saying that you can reach Enlightment through Ketamine. I myself is a born again Christian that follows the practices of Budhism for it's effective and practical purposes, as well as Zen meditation. I don't promote or suggest using drugs, however it is a simple fact that different levels of consciousness is reached with the effects of different drugs especially dis-associative drugs like ketamine. However when they reach these states they normally don't know what it is they are experiencing and therefore may feel traumatized. Meditation is much more effecient and safer, however it takes practice and a still mind. The reason i'm sharing this with the people of CP is to simply assure anyone that may have been or may end up in a K-hole not to panic, it's an experience and just let the experience 'play' itself out. Try to take something positive from it instead of something negative. The experiences i've had has only assured me that we are all as one. Each individual is unique but yet we are all as one, and therefore must treat each other as if they were a part of us. Also if there has been anyone who has had a "bad trip" or a bad experience in a K-hole, rest assured it's only in your fears and anxiety that the negative things come to manifest itself. Be positive in heart and faith and you will NEVER have a bad trip regardless of what you may ingest. You see, "THOUGHT" in itself can't exist with a subject of something to think about. That is including the brain. The brain iteslf gives raise to our thought, it must be aware of itself, however it's an illusion because our true form, our true entity is timeless and matterless. Time itself can not exist without a matter and an action in which space and observation is necessary. With those two things as the center of concentration it's easier to meditate and reach Enlightment. The Budhist likes to point out the all suffering comes from our desire. If we desire nothing we shall not suffer. Well most of our desire is to feed our physical form body. Meaning i may desire to want to have sex with Rebecca Romijn Stamos that desire comes as the need to fulfill my sexual bodily responses of hormones, which all lie in the physical. If she turns me down i may feel offended, however if i did not desire it, i won't feel the anguish. So it's in the discipline of daily meditation to control the six senses, and therefore be more in-tune with the CREATIVE FORCE. I hope this may have been helpful or atleast spiritually provoking. If anyone needs some question answered about my experiences or others or any question'bout meditation and so forth, please don't hesitate to reply to this post.
  8. We are incarnated in the form that we are in now. So our thougths and actions will follow the form. However our true entity does not lie in the physical but yet the Energy, which is a constant perpetual. Never ending and never begining. It is neither then nor now let alone the future. It's simply a consciousness of energy as itself without human thought. for example, if an infant is hungry the infant does not say "gee I'm hungy i hope mom feeds me" It hasn't developed the neurolinguistic abilty to do that, so it's thought process is pure in reaction of the need to identify the signals of it's bodily organs *hunger*. Well in a deep meditation which is extemely similar to being in a K-hole from using ketamine we can experience our true form, which is formless and timeless. We then become aware of our true entity, one with the creative force. We dissolve into the light and our body is non-existent meaning we are no longer aware of our body. Once that happens our thought isn't as it is now, it's very primitive in the link of non logical consciousness and emotion we then become in our own energy and is what the Buddhist would call the "NOW". Being in the moment. However after much thought and meditation upon this and re-experiencing my enlightment, i've realized that there is no such thing as time, no past no future, and ALSO no NOW. It is simply an awareness of energy which is not subject to time or physical matter. I don't mean to demean meditation and Budhism by saying that you can reach Enlightment through Ketamine. I myself is a born again Christian that follows the practices of Budhism for it's effective and practical purposes, as well as Zen meditation. I don't promote or suggest using drugs, however it is a simple fact that different levels of consciousness is reached with the effects of different drugs especially dis-associative drugs like ketamine. However when they reach these states they normally don't know what it is they are experiencing and therefore may feel traumatized. Meditation is much more effecient and safer, however it takes practice and a still mind. The reason i'm sharing this with the people of CP is to simply assure anyone that may have been or may end up in a K-hole not to panic, it's an experience and just let the experience 'play' itself out. Try to take something positive from it instead of something negative. The experiences i've had has only assured me that we are all as one. Each individual is unique but yet we are all as one, and therefore must treat each other as if they were a part of us. Also if there has been anyone who has had a "bad trip" or a bad experience in a K-hole, rest assured it's only in your fears and anxiety that the negative things come to manifest itself. Be positive in heart and faith and you will NEVER have a bad trip regardless of what you may ingest. You see, "THOUGHT" in itself can't exist with a subject of something to think about. That is including the brain. The brain iteslf gives raise to our thought, it must be aware of itself, however it's an illusion because our true form, our true entity is timeless and matterless. Time itself can not exist without a matter and an action in which space and observation is necessary. With those two things as the center of concentration it's easier to meditate and reach Enlightment. The Budhist likes to point out the all suffering comes from our desire. If we desire nothing we shall not suffer. Well our desire is to feed our physical form body. Meaning i may desire to want to have sex with Rebecca Romijn Stamos that desire comes as the need to fulfill my sexual bodily responses of hormones, which all lie in the physical. If she turns me down i may feel offended, however if i did not desire it, i won't feel the anguish. So it's in the discipline of daily meditation to control the six senses, and therefore be more in-tune with the CREATIVE FORCE. I hope this may have been helpful or atleast spiritually provoking. If anyone needs some question answered about my experiences or others or any question'bout meditation and so forth, please don't hesitate to reply to this post.
  9. Just got back from Deko... man i've got lots of energy now, where the hell was it when i was dancing with this cool girl named.. Melissa with a white hat by the back main room, she was mad chill. For a moment i thought she's a SF chic, but actually was glad to find out she wasn't. Well anyways, Richie kicked ass again.. i think he may be at PB next Tue. though i hate it there..i just might give 'em some support...
  10. Just got back from Deko... man i've got lots of energy now, where the hell was it when i was dancing with this cool girl named.. Melissa with a white hat by the back main room, she was mad chill. Well anyways, Richie kicked ass again.. i think he may be at PB next Tue. though i hate it there..i just might give 'em some support...
  11. gambitx73

    Sexy Kitten

    I guess i could achieve giving a 4.5 rating if i give two rating of 4 and 5. so here it goes. Angelic face and a very shy beautiful smile.
  12. gambitx73

    At Spin

    Great Body, Great Smile, awesome awesome stomach. I'd love to see a pic of a girl kissing that beautiful belly.
  13. gambitx73


    very natural pic. Though it'd be more fair if both of you had individual pic.
  14. gambitx73

    Even I can take cheesy shots.

    Great Style, really captures the moment.
  15. gambitx73

    Sexy Kitten

    Awesome smile
  16. gambitx73

    CP Tommy Ad

    On my way To SF Underwear Party
  17. Anyone here gone on a date from a dating service on the internet. I got this email about an IQ test took it and to see the reuslt i needed to create a username with a profile and a pic of myself. Well to make the long story short i started to get some emails. Went on one date so far and i'm not really pro-active with it. But it's actually pretty cool. The girl i've went on the date with was cool. I really wasn't attracted to her but we're becoming closer friends. And the other girl i've been talking with (haven't met) seems pretty chill. Just wanted people opinion on the internet dating thing and what your experiences have been like?
  18. I haven't visit CP in a long while. Too bad it's just now that i'm reading the post about Vinyl's 4yr anni... Well i would have gone, all i did last night was go to a club. Not a night club but rather a chess club. LOL. Different strokes for different folks, i guess. I do remember reading a post made by DT, but i guess it was at a different message board, and it was cut and past onto CP. So i guess it really could be him on that post claiming his very first post on CP. In any event, i'm not tryin' to spark doubt. Yeah, DT is a blessed man, and bless his soul for keeping me moving those nights i was in Vinyl. Hmmm.... Well perhaps i'll make it out to DT's b/day party, : ) For now i'll greatly wonder if God had any choice in creating the universe.
  19. WHAAAAAAAAAAT Gambit is the mutha fu**in' HOUSE.... What's it gonna cost at the door tonight at Estate w/o tickets?... Haven't been out...but i'll do the old meet up deal and meet up with you nice fellas... .... Who knows maybe you guys already know who I am... But either way....it's sure to be a REAL GOOOD TIME 2nite...babey
  20. moment in Twilo. And if you have never been to Twilo. Tell me. What was your most memorable moment in a Night Club.
  21. I think she's performing either 2nite or tomorrow nite...at Arena but i don't know where the hell Arena is... Anyone know!??
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