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Everything posted by gambitx73

  1. Xlr8ted.. holy shit.. excuse my ignorance or lack of good memory.. ... I ofcourse rmemeber Aztec,,... but i forgot your name, hmm.. did u have a different handle name on CP b4?.. i'm sure if i saw u in person..i'd remember you.. but like i said, PLEASE excuse my inablity to remember.. But hey let me know where when everyone is meeting up or goin' to ...i'd love to see you agaion, and all the peeps fromt he blast of the past...
  2. Nice nice,.. i'd like to see some familiar faces.... I have to run out to meet with Grand Master Vishy Anand to speak of his new book and also with GM Alexie Shirov, then i'll try and tear up the dance floor like i do the chess board, Hm.. who am i kiddin'..i ain't young and nimble any more.. but i can still bob my head to the beat.. (don't envision any gay thing) LOL... stomp my feet and just feel the beat..
  3. So what was it like last friday,.. and should i be heading down to Sandbar 2nite or Palitnum or Sleep,... Tell me. Tell me....
  4. nice im interested.. what the name of your guest list, and i emailed you .. so please repsond thnx...
  5. Is it true that Chocolate starfish will be at Club Abyss next Wednesday?
  6. Yup yup.. I'm def goin' 2nite at Platinum.. if ever i could spell the name of that club correctly.. Hmm... i think the i is silent.. unlike... ok ok ok.. i'll just keep myself quiet...... But yeah Congrats Gary,.. since i've known you, you've always been one of the best at what you did, Bartending..and now DJ'in'.. so keep up the great standard! P.S. play my song "A cheekee cheekee Baaabaaa"
  7. OMG... Hey what's Gary.. i'm glad to have read this thread...havn't been on CP site on a long time... Well tell yah What I'm def gonna be there to show love and support.. and oh by the way will you play "Acheekee Cheekee Baabaa" song for me?
  8. who is stymie? and how do i PM him?.. and how would i know him, from Twilo? can you tell him to PM me. . since I"m stupid and don't knowhow to PM someone unless they've PM'd me. LOL..
  9. I'd love to go, if you could assure that their will be finger painting of the chocolote starfish.. NO no no no .. j/k.. Well I don't see on this thread as to where it will be or any general given area. My opinion, not that it counts..is to know you environment, I mean if it'll be at a place where Hip Hop thrives then let the main floor be hip hop... But you are doing the right thing by posting/threading here and getting feedbacks. I truly hope you get good constructive feedbacks.. AS for me.. if you can assure me that Music of the Olden days like "Flow" and oh even better, if you can incorporate Freestyle music in some kind of artistic way and blend it in w/ Deep Houst/Tribal then I'm all there. I am waiting for a day when someone can blend the vocals of freestyle and deep good music
  10. Which movie do you look forward to seeing more? Troy or King Arthur? I look forward to seeing King Arthur and the knights of the round table..
  11. A mee up for a good cause.. interestinhg..i maybe in NYC for a chess tournament, so maybe i'll meet up ... Hmm.... I greatly wonder myself if God had any choice in creating the universe.
  12. Did i just miss the party of the year?
  13. I used to post ridiculous threads here a while back.. Glad to be back !
  14. Maybe going to Sandbar 2night.. let me know if your interested and post to this and i'll be looking forward to meeting up w/ you(s).
  15. How was the closing of Arc. I am soooo sorry i could not make it. Please post/reply on this thread how good it was..let me know if you went Fri/Sat or Sunday niht. Thank you...
  16. Wow, i need to put on deoderant.
  17. Hm.. yeah i think it is, and that guy he's next to, hm.. i think that's Taylor from TREND T.V.
  18. I agree. Reuben is how he should be addressed. There seems to be some silly remarks about different races and so forth. Just remember this thread is about American Idol. And Hey Apotheosis, i a little dissapointed in how you started this thread. You remember me right?!! No seriously, you could have just said Reuben, and it really didn't matter who won before and whether if it were a she or a he or what race. It's simply put that Reuben was the best singer. The other guy i think he's name is CLAY is a person that sings very good, but Reuben is a good singer. Clay i think has more versatility with he's ability to sing, so i thought it would be a close call. If i had to choose i think i'd pick uhm... well i guess i'll say they both can win.
  19. www.bedevere.com http://bedevere.com/Dugenio.htm at the bottom left of the above link is that a pic of Jonathon Peters from Sound Factory. Say it isn't so??
  20. http://bedevere.com/Dugenio.htm Bottom left, I really really really think that's Jonathon Peters from S.F. Could it be??
  21. That's correct. Her last name is Curry.
  22. Hey has anyone seen the new ad for Myoplex. check out the attached link.
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