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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. ME, MYSELF, AND I funny story... my mom used to go out "dancing" alot, and I always thought that it sounded like fun. Later on I got addicted to the music, and when I finally was old enough to do the city thing (no teen nights for me), I got addicted to the scene as well.
  2. Okay this is just one of those random questions out of curiosity and boredom. I guess it is kind of club related since every clubber reeks of smoke everytime they exit a club. Who here smokes cigarettes and who doesnt? Why or why not? I choose not to smoke cigarettes cause I have been trying to get my mom to quit for years. I think it is a nasty habit, but that is just my opinion.
  3. This is my puppy dog Ginger. Unfortunately I am at college and do not get to see her.
  4. Thank god, no. There is no way I would purposely give myself the title of sorostitute.
  5. Lanie!!! Save me 2 tix and I will get them from you on Friday at Roxy!!! Please!!!
  6. NOOOO.... Ishkur ruled... that was the best explanation I could find on the internet... hope it will be up soon.
  7. Ahhh.... the classic clubplanet argument.... i think he should listen to Cottoncandy and quit trying to promote himself on the boards. God that gets annoying. As for venue quality, I say to each his own.
  8. RAMEN NOODLES RULE!! Anything is better than the crap they serve us at rutgers. I need my boyfriend to get his apt down here so that he can cook for me. Gotta love those italians.
  9. I think I know... but I often doubt myself.
  10. words I don't like: any variation of vagina: pussy, cunt, twat, etc.... it just sounds dirty the word "tasty".... for some reason that word just bothers me... it doesn't sound like a real word.
  11. So would I... but I would still go anyways.
  12. What type of music is spun? It looks different and I would like to go sometime and check it out. Granted I don't dress or look like that... but it seems pretty cool.
  13. The Robotica one was definately the best... along with the satin sheets. I thought the hamster/rabbit one was too cute... and yes it made me giggle too. The lipton one was funny but at the same time it was plain weird. Then there was the one with the monkey... I just think the monkey and showgirls thing was kinda cute. And did anyone else wonder what the fawk mlife was? They had all these commercials and they never really said exactly what it was.... so then you were urged to go on the website and check it out.... now that is marketing brilliance.
  14. SIX FLAGS FAWKIN RULES!!! GOOD IDEA!!! Also... we could all make a Jersey shore trip... maybee for a weekend rent a couple hotel rooms or something (god knows they are cheap enough). Yeah, it sounds like a HS senior prom thing to do but it would be fun to lie on the beach during the day (think of all the cp hotties in bathing suits), and then party at night. Just an option. This could also work sinonimously with the AC idea. Even if you are a youngin you can still chill in hotel rooms and get trashed w/ the other youngins.
  15. Sorry... was being sarcastic. I am not a big fan of hip-hop but I respect all kinds of music. Except for maybe country... country music deserves no respect.
  16. Superbowl?? Whats the superbowl?? Ohhhh.... that thing with all the good commercials... lol jk Who knows... I will probably be somewhere in the Rutgers area.
  17. I went cause it was free... and I am a poor college kid.... so anything that is free is OK in my books. Would have went to Vinyl but I just didn't have the cash... along with the fact that I had shit to do today.
  18. :laugh: OMG!! That guy was too funny. I think people were doing random impressions of him all night long. Hold on a sec.... you mean that if I really did shove him off the stage I would have gotten $100?!? dammit... i should have done it, god knows i need the money more than anyone. All in all it was a fun night... I am glad Teklord dragged me... I had fun dancing with the CP stage crew. Until next time...
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