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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Whenever I go to Roxy I have alot of fun chilling with my fellow CPers and dancing my ass off. I am not a big fan of Viscious, but that doesn't mean I am going to bash him either... he is good at what he does. Besides... Roxy has these really comfy leather couches that I could easily curl up and fall asleep in (if it wasn't for the bass pounding in my ears). I definately agree that people should not insult Viscious if it was their choice to be there. IF YOU DON'T LIKE ROXY THEN DON'T FAWKIN GO!!! enuf said.
  2. MOUNTAIN DEW!!! I am an addict. I am also a big fan of wine... although it does have to be good wine, and only at appropriate times. (I don't down a bottle by myself or anything)
  3. Lets see.... I like to paint and draw... basically any medium i can get my hands on I will try (no perverted inuendos). I ride horses, and am on the rutgers equestrian team. I try to read as much as possible... but with all the reading I do for school I don't have personal reading time anymore. When I feel like being a bum I watch animal planet or sit at the computer and post on this goddam addicting message board. Oh, and I eat, I love to eat.... I think I do it so much that I would have to consider it a hobby.
  4. Oh, don't get me wrong, I would be all for it. Getting nothing done is no problem (not for me at least).
  5. It was pretty damn accurate.
  6. I went last year. My friend won tickets and dragged me along. Its kind of cheesy, they have alot of performances, and half the crowd have no clue what is going on... I wouldn't go agian... but if you want you can check it out... I don't reccomend it to anyone Isn't it called Party Gras, not Mardi Gras?
  7. Hey..... what ever happened to the Quot (pronounced Qwat). Then there was the joining of the Chach and the Quot. I guess that is where the porno music comes in right? And has anyone posted the napkin quotes?
  8. 1/2 Polish, 1/4 German, 1/4 English
  9. This is mine (go figure, right?)... made it myself on adobe.
  10. This is mine (go figure, right?)... made it myself on adobe.
  12. Noone would get anything done.... there would be 3 hour lunch breaks.
  13. Thanks for keeping everything under control.
  14. AMEN.... but blind optimism is not going to make up for the money involved.... i would if i had the green
  15. I don't mean to compare exit to twilo... cause you just can't match the twilo vibe... But I think Exit should work thier residencies like Twilo did, then we would get a variety of excellent dj's. Hopefully some of the meat will leave with Draper, and Exit will live up to its full potential.
  16. I already expressed my opinion on the subject:http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=77369
  17. I'm sorry... just expressing my opinion.... i knew it would sound mushy.
  18. All too true... kinda... Jenn's shower: 1)Undress and turn the water on and wait for it to get warm. 2)When in shower... shampoo 3)Wash body with washcloth with dove moisterizing soap. 4)Rinse out shampoo 5)Condition hair 6)Shave armpits, legs, and others 7)Wash body with citris basil body wash 8)Rinse conditioner thoroughly 9)Wash face 10)Exit shower, dry myself off, get dressed.
  19. Its only because we are all hoping it is true. Cause if Draper leaves then maybee exit will get some talent in thier (god knows the venue is big enough and nice enough) and some of the meatyness will filter out of there.
  20. There is no point. I used to do E but I stopped and find that clubbing sober is a much more enjoyable experience. It gets old, and its not worth starting in the first place.
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