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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Sleeping too much sux sometimes... thats probably it.
  2. Yay!!! Anyone else excited for this? And for all you last minute people who want to come please let Teklord know: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76517
  3. Yeah I know.... but this was mainly for the people who complain about it being "too crowded" or "to stop telling people that Vinyl is a cool place". That is just plain selfish... if they are there for the music the more the merrier ya know?
  4. Its because people in jefferson have nothing better to do, and for some reason they all have a fear of doing something different than smoking pot and drinking cheap beer at someones house. You try to get people to go to the city, and they are like "the city sux, clubbing sux", but then they complain about being bored and haveing nothing to do on weekends. Sorry... venting about my aweful town. Yes, Joe, I live by you guys. Right in Lk Hopatcong.... about 15 minutes from Denville.
  5. hrmm.... yeah.... someone keep me posted.... I need my cox fix.
  6. I don't know about being the sweetest board member... but I always try to brighten things up with a smile.
  7. lol.... okay thats what i thought... wasn't sure though... just thought i would check. It is true though... the three greatest tools of manipulation.
  8. I was having a conversation with my boyfriend yesterday about music. He just started a new job and about 70% of the people he works with are black and listen to rap music. Well, as usual, he was playing trance off of his computer and his cubicle buddy was like "that sounds like that stuff that outkast raps over, what kind of music is that? is that white music? I listen to white music like Linkin Park and shit. Your white, do you listen to Dave Mathews?" blah, blah etc.... Well, we were talking, and realized that electronic music doesn't have a stereotypical audience, and that brought up Vinyl. The truth is, neither gender, race, or anything that makes us different matters when you walk through Vinyl's doors. Everyone is there and united for one simple reason: music. The fact that all of you die-hard Vinyl people are now begining to discriminate agianst who should be allowed into the place is against all principles the venue is built upon. So what... more people know about it. Well, maybe its because they appreciate the sense of unity they feel when inside the venue just like the rest of us did when we first discovered Vinyl. Personally, I think that we need more Vinyl's in this world to bring people together. (yeah that sounds sappy but I am sure most will agree) Getting along with eachother; It's part of what Vinyl stands for, and I think all of you "die-hards" should uphold this idea and acccept the fact that there will be a diverse crowd and even if you don't approve of some of the people that show up you should show them the courtousy that each of you were shown when you were a newbie to the scene, and when you were discovering what good music and a good vibe is. Jenn
  9. Ahhh, yes, the Ding Dong Deli.... its on the other side of town but, yeah, its kind of popular amongs the local kids. I remember many nights where the Ding Dong would be the place to meetup with everyone before going to a party or whatnot. That and the A&P parkinglot. I am so glad I don't live there anymore... Jefferson Twp sucks.
  10. :laugh: QUOTH WAS HEAD HUMPED!! :laugh: You are so getting abused for this at tonite's meetup (lol). It's a good thing the hesheit won't show up... hehehe... i could run with this but I will stop.
  11. Jefferson Market. I worked there for about a year until these dirty people took over and renamed it "Speedy Mart". Then I left and all the cops were upset cause the new girls couldn't make thier coffee right. Too funny.
  12. 1. Estrogen seems to work the same way as testosterone in respect to "doing and saying some crazy things sometimes". It just works in different ways. 2. I was curious to know what the 3 things are that women have that men don't. But, yes, I totally agree with what you said. 85% of women are weird, bitchy, and unbearable at times. I would like to think I am one of the rare ones in that 15% category who just doesn't give a shit about drama and gossip and would rather not get involved with it or cause it. I am too laid back to fret about things that most girls waste thier time doing. Hence the reason why most of my friends are guys and why I get along so well with my boyfriend. But, everyone is entitled to thier bad days and are allowed to vent every once in awhile, and this board is great for that sometimes.
  13. I saw that show like a couple weeks ago and I thought it was a joke... what does a show like "sex2K" have to to with music? Yeah, yeah.... sex sells, i know... but put on a Britney video or something, not furry people humping eachother. The only time MTV plays music is in the morning and at odd hours of the night. And, yes, MTV europe is a whole lot better than our MTV.
  14. I used to work at a deli in my town and kind of befriended all the town cops when they came in for coffee and whatnot. So now, I have cops pull me over just to say "hey, where have you been, you don't work at the deli anymore, the new girl doesn't make my coffee right". But anyways... I would hear stories, ask questions. And yes, they do pull more people over at the end of the month due to the ticket quota they need to fulfill. There are good cops and bad cops. And if you are going 10mph or less over the speed limit cops usually dont care. Sorry joe, sounds like you had a bad night. Well, if it makes you feel any better, a guy in a van hit me and I got the ticket... probably an age and gender thing but whatever. Cops suck sometimes but I give them alot of respect for what they do.
  15. Rutgers sucks.... we don't have off on Prez day and I have 3 classes that day... 2 of which are at the ass crack of dawn (or at least it feels that way). Now the only question is if i should just say fawk it and go anyways.
  16. hardcore teklord.... a map, directions, and everything... hehe
  17. 45 dollars?!? good lord thats alot of money!!! (at least for a poor college kid like me)
  18. I was wondering why Corbett was coming to the meetup all the way from NYC. Thats awesome though.... we won't get the cheezy music we expected. Horray!!! I am so looking forward to tomorrow night now.
  19. I got hit by some jerk in a conversion van on 287... accidents are not fun. Especially when you drive a car as small as mine with all these large SUVs, trucks, vans, etc.... driving like assholes.
  20. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74301
  21. Look who is calling the kettle black. Yeah, it sucks that it is getting over crowded, but there is really nothing anyone can do about it. Maybe people are realizing that there is better music out there, or they are just looking for something new. All you can do is to try to keep the Vinyl vibe going and eventually those "bitchy" people will be pushed out. Vinyl is not a flashy venue for pretty people, and I am sure that they are bound to figure this out and go back to Exit and Factory.
  22. Whats on March 29th? Now, mostly Vinyl.... the only place that sticks to the music. Except for the times that I have wandered over to Roxy to meetup with my fellow CP friends and to Exit only for Tiesto.
  23. I am a mix of beer, mixed drinks, and wine (not white zinfendel)
  24. Yeah, Ferraris are nice cars but they are made of paper or some similarly flimsy substance. In accidents they just get torn apart. Sad.
  25. Roxy couldn't afford PVD... same with Tiesto
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