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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i went home early from work today 'cause i felt like hell . i slept it off but am feeling nauseous again . i wish i had some ...
  2. only played for about a minute, but my highest score was 403.
  3. giving friends and loved ones little tokens of affection (anything from a stuffed animal to a photo to just a handwritten note) every once in a while is a great way to remind them of how much they are loved and cherished. tune in tomorrow.
  4. i disagree with jaysea on the snob comment. the attitude level at arc and sound factory (in manhattan) was so high that one visit each was enough for me. the unfriendliness in the air in those two places has remained unmatched, in my experience.
  5. it's spelled: f-u-c-k.
  6. keeping a change of clothes and a jacket in one's car ensures that one will always look presentable and be warm . tune in tomorrow.
  7. very cool, shorty! i wonder why i've never heard of this before . 3 out of 4 of my grandparents had cancer, and my only aunt, who had breast cancer, just told us that her doc found a new lump in her breast this month. no word yet on its status, but supposedly it's just calcification. the ovarian cyst i had removed the summer before this past turned out to be borderline cancerous, as well; that means that it had high cancerous potential, and left behind cells that do, too. i have to get sonograms twice a year for the rest of my life. it's amazing how little we know about cancer and amazing how devastating it is --- in that it affects all kinds of people, in all parts of the body. one would think we'd know more than we do by now . and i'm sorry to hear about your friends, shorty . if you don't mind my asking, what kind of cancers did they have?
  8. to avoid headaches on these hot days, drink loads of water not only during and after exposure to heat, but before. dehydration can bring on headaches that are hard to shake . tune in tomorrow.
  9. sorry, lina, i didn't think you were agreeing with that part; all you said was that she needed to shave her legs. now i know we're on the same page .
  10. not true; my parents' cat begs when they cook chicken or veal and there's a stray in my neighborhood who meows at our screen door when we leave the solid front door open. i love cats, though. too bad i'm allergic .
  11. how you don't see that that is some deformed, seriously scary-looking genitalia that looks more male than female. i think that that looking like a nutsac stands out WAY more than her fuzzy legs.
  12. not understanding why some people find other people attractive (a lot of men whine when "ugly" guys get "hot" girls) is a good thing; because we all find different people attractive, there's someone for everyone . tune in tomorrow.
  13. what do you drive, phobik? my car is a gas guzzler, too, but i think there must be something wrong with it. it's a '91 toyota camry and is a v6, but my formerly daily drive from downtown l.a. to santa monica took an eighth of a tank. does that sound right to you, phobik [our resident car expert ]?
  14. yeah - it's funny how one person just doesn't get that this is a drama-free forum. funny, too, that he is compelled to read the column everyday .
  15. thanks for the scoop (ba-dum-bum ...), tequiza !
  16. sometimes i really don't get you people .
  17. jessica simpson looks like a horse.
  18. when a stranger asks a question that sounds so stupid you think s/he might be joking but aren't sure, it's best to assume s/he isn't when you choose your answer, just in case . tune in tomorrow.
  19. the other day i got to go to a preview of california adventure's new ride, "tower of terror." it opens to the general public on may 4th or 5th (i can't remember which). the ride was very cool . i rode it six times, figuring i'd probably never be able to do that again! pretty much the idea of the ride is this: we, the riders, enter the twilight zone - with rod serling and everything - and are sent to the hollywood tower hotel back in the 1930s, where things got a little sketchy... we enter an elevator in the hotel that has issues. what that translates to in reality is that we get into a car and sit down in rows; the car looks almost exactly like the one in disneyland's "star tours." the car goes up and down in an elevator shaft in spurts, leaving its passengers weightless a few times. the doors also open at the top of the building and reveal a great view of the park. overall i think it's fun, the only problem being that it's way too short.
  20. but thanks for the answers i did get . please keep me updated on what centro does turn into and what dt does with himself.
  21. even people who are good at helping others with their problems sometimes lose perspective on their own. tune in tomorrow.
  22. i'm out of the loop now that i no longer live there . can someone tell me why both centro-fly and arc are closing (and i mean literally, not just 'cause some of you think they suck - and i'm not saying i agree or disagree either way.)? thanks .
  23. i don't see anything wrong with her thighs...am i the only person who thinks her pussy looks like a ballsac with a slit down the middle ???
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