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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    When does one call?

    like a lot of people said, i think an arbitrary time period is silly. call when you feel like it.
  2. i just have to figure out how to get my money back; i'm not sure how that works. i have the receipt that wantickets sent my e-mail address; do i forward that to them? do i send that to red? what's up with that? $50-something (three tix) is some moolah i'd like back right now.
  3. i had a great weekend !!! my best friend (and now new roomie) and i went to san diego. we stayed in the w hotel on saturday, and went to the zoo on sunday . they sure have a lot of gazelles and birds there (too many), but they also have a lot of funny-looking, rare animals, too. unfortunately, they only had one species of owl, and the two they had were almost impossible to see 'cause the cage was of a really tight mesh and there was a lot of glare . that was disappointing.but i did get to see the kiwi, which was exciting. funny thing: my friend thought it would be smaller than it is and i thought that it was a big bird. i also didn't know it's nocturnal. there's just so much to learn at the zoo! o, and the elephants were a hoot! they have a little playground, and one elephant kept playing with the same ball, picking it up and dropping it, over and over, all day! the best part was the big smile she had on her face. you guys have gotta get to that zoo, if you've never been .
  4. i hope i can still find some cadbury's creme eggs ...
  5. carrying around sunscreen is a good idea these days; spontaneous urges to take walks or go to the beach can strike at any moment and the sun is very powerful here in socal . tune in tomorrow.
  6. it's a good idea to pick up a package as soon as one gets notice of it; one never knows if there will be perishable items inside. tune in tomorrow.
  7. grrr; i'm so mad at red !!! they changed their venue in the middle of the week, but forgot to check and make sure that it was free --- that's the shortest way to put what happened. they tried to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal by moving the scumfrog till 3-6, but red usually CLOSES at 4, and they shortened his set, too. besides, that venue is smaller, and peeps would still be in it from the event before. argh - what a mess. they said they'd give people tickets for any other red night, but i want my money back, for now, bastards !!! really, what i want, is to see the scumfrog at a time when i'm not tired outta my mind. my friends had already decided they weren't going before i even heard the news, but, when they told me, my spirits deflated, too. what bullshit !!!
  8. can't wait ! and i'm sorry to hear that . good thing it's the weekend!
  9. weyes


    i love this thread. always brings a smile .
  10. ok, maybe you can leave out the tomatoes on that sandwich, but are you trying to tell me that you eat it without lettuce ?????
  11. weyes

    condoleeza rice

    that's more along the lines of what i was thinking. i have no respect for women and minorities (note for those asleep: she is both) who choose to align themselves with a political party that only serves white men .
  12. i don't have any good pics, really; i'm being goofy in all of 'em . but i posted both my eyes and my boobs a while back, for what those are worth ! here are some of me mugging, anyway:
  13. sometimes i like mine, sometimes i don't. i'm a d-cup, which is nice, sometimes, 'cause guys get stupid and that can be fun , but there are so many backless/halter/interesting tops and dresses that i can't wear 'cause i need to wear a bra and my boobs hurt most of the time, just from the weight of them.
  14. wow, that site you linked us to was scaaaaaaary ... i swear, most of those women looked like they used to be men. and i now know the difference between good boob jobs and bad ones ; i didn't realize that there was such a thing as a good one till right now! i feel sorry for those other girls, knowing now that they could've gotten something as good-looking as yours. holy crap, you guys know what's up !!!
  15. people can usually tell when someone is helping them out of the kindness of their hearts, and the kind-hearted are rewarded. tune in tomorrow.
  16. weyes


    nice one, tequiza .
  17. hey, alex - will you have $15s for gabriel and dresden at spundae, on the 24th?
  18. i can't believe eckobarbie wasn't a choice, especially since she posted pics of her kitty !!! i'll tell you, though, short girls are cute to me, not sexy, so much. that being said, i'll vote for the cutest girls on cp: msbobois shortystar themrs rock on, ladies !!!
  19. o, poo, shorty! my first time out in a coon's age, and you won't be there !!! you owe me a dance, lady!
  20. everyone needs to find his/her reset button(s) - activities or places that bring one back to a relaxed state, where everything seems manageable. [mine are going dancing and going to the laundromat.] tune in tomorrow.
  21. i can't believe this: my company just cut my pay . my new district manager says he's doing it because there are more opportunities to sell cameras and warranties at my new store; some of the cameras have bonuses. it's all ridiculous; these are only $4 bonuses and such, and will not make up for the $80/month he just cut from me. and that's not even taking into account that my new co-workers interrupt me and try to take over when i'm trying to make a sale. my living expenses have gone up, too, so this is a terrible combo . i've gotta get out of this job, NOW!!!!!!!
  22. i just e-mailed you my aim sn, but i have to go beddybye; i'm falling asleep at the keys!!! i'll call you tomorrow .
  23. i'm in the city of orange, county of orange. or, as my roommate likes to say, "welcome to the oc, bitch !!!"
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