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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i'm trying to make it insomnia week, mala, so i hope to have enough to fill the week . maybe you'll think of some by then, too .
  2. i can't help you, sorry , but i can "hoooooooooooooooot!" i'm sorry, i just couldn't resist . it's great to give a woman a chance, but i wouldn't support making her wear anything she wouldn't wanna wear or anything like that, know what i mean (like the platform hos who just wear snowflakes in the winter)? heat is also expressed through talent .
  3. you can just forget about him, missy, because any free time he has, he already spends humping my friend rachel .
  4. yeah, comparing fish with fish sure is clever; she's still eating it .
  5. what's in harmony?
  6. you know you're a postwhore when you have a daily column . (ok, that's not for whoring . that's a legitimate daily. but it sounds good in this thread .)
  7. i was going to bring up sexual preference. i think that matters a great deal.
  8. i don't even have a stick - can't afford one .and, by the way, .
  9. follow link to thread : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=154160
  10. o, could you pleasepleaseplease get her to skip again ? you're the very most bestest, clevererest avatar and sig person i know !!! you can do it, vic!!!
  11. out of curiosity, do you all vote?
  12. once, a guy told me he was gonna get me a toy, and i got all excited, but i thought he was going to get me something associated with pokemon . i was so disappointed .
  13. color me cynical, but it's possible he doesn't have a girlfriend, and just threw that in there at the last minute to have a way out .
  14. didn't even cross my mind ! i forgot it was there . cars and l.a. do go hand-in-hand, though .
  15. welcome to insomnia week !!! i've seen a lot of threads recently from people having trouble sleeping, and, as someone who's always had trouble sleeping, i thought i'd share some tricks - ones that worked for me, ones that helped a little bit, and ones that other people (at least) swore by and suggested to me. there's the old "counting sheep" cliche , and, even thought i never heard that work for anyone i know, i did have a friend who recommended counting backwards, slowly, from 100. she said that the order of it all was calming and took her mind off the day, and it was boring enough to get her sleepy . tune in tomorrow.
  16. i think they make the boxes of candy at the movies so huge so that people will share them .just bustin' yer chops, x .
  17. hmm. i suppose you're not aware that we've been bombing the city of baghdad, where people live, for over ten days. there have been many civilian deaths, and just because we warned iraqis to leave their homes in advance of our destroying them doesn't make that right.let's bomb people's homes to the ground. that's liberation, right? cnn's been showing some interesting footage recently of our troops smacking some civilians around. another topic, though; bush and his people keep talking about killing saddam hussein as though that's fair and no big whoop. if iraq had come at the white house, the gov't would've been screaming "outrage!!!!!!!!" all over the place. assassination used to be a big deal, i don't know why it isn't to this administration. i guess if you can slap a new name on it (or not mention one altogether), it's all good .
  18. thanks, ou812. i asked again in another post; please disregard !
  19. i know; i was struggling with what to call the thread for a bit, and then just said to myself, "forget it. the people on the d.c. board are above that sort of foldeerol and fiddledeedee."yep, that's exactly what i said .
  20. that's exactly the thing to which i was referring.but i still win .
  21. weyes


    hey - check this out (a quote from http://owlpages.com):...Studies of Owl brains have revealed that the medulla (the area in the brain associated with hearing) is much more complex than in other birds. A Barn Owl's medulla is estimated to have at least 95,000 neurons - three times as many as a Crow. and burrowing owls can imitate the buzzing of a rattlesnake when deterring invaders in their burrow. that's damn cool . the way owls process all the info they get from their superior senses of hearing (and their vision ain't so bad, either ) proves they're no dummies . and hey, i think a walnut is about right, propotionally-speaking . wanna fight ? huh, huh? just kidding. i don't take it personally - and thanks for the compliment .
  22. guys can fix their hair pretty easily - you know how it seems to grow faster than ours does .
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