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Everything posted by weyes

  1. whoops - should be gesundheit, no extra "t" .
  2. i wasn't insulting them! siegfried and roy are dope! besides, that'd be a clever and apt name for a pair of stuffed tigers. did you see s&g's ad for 7-11? every time i see that i crack up !nice names .
  3. yes, that's why i asked. but if you're gonna be a tease and not tell me, i'll just call the tigers "siegfried" and "roy."
  4. weyes


    this bad weather only befell you so that i could use this smiley: i don't have any more winter smileys, though, so this should be it for you guys!
  5. "i don't wanna say i'm sorry 'cause i know there's nothing wrong..." <---
  6. i don't see it as sick at all .
  7. weyes

    guess who...

    i really am amazed by the outpouring of admiration for posh; i've literally never known anyone who found her appealing, and my friends and i theorized about the spice girls quite a bit in college .
  8. ah, dg - i was advised today that virgin olive oil should be refridgerated, and that only processed oil can be left out. if you've got the former, in the fridge it goes.
  9. at the end of the day, i find it's nice to reflect on things and take stock of what's going on in my life. i generally focus on what's going right, and use that as motivation to work on what isn't; if the things that are going well are doing so, i can have the same success in other areas, is my feeling. so it's a 2-in-one: i feel good about the good things, and better about the bad. and after one deep breath, i'm ready to end my day . tune in tomorrow.
  10. all right, you sasspot - , i'll get an e-mail out to you...
  11. cumbaya, kids; vic can go wherever he chooses .
  12. dude - what does bill cosby have to do with this ?
  13. weyes

    guess who...

    i wouldn't go that far, but i'll stay with the "stick insect" comparison i made in her own thread. i don't understand how she can be married to a soccer player and not get broken during sex, let alone how she's a mother. doesn't she have 2 kids - one named brooklyn and the other named something probably equally as ridiculous ?
  14. what does "ish" mean? i used to think it was short for "issues," but that doesn't work, the way you guys are using it, here . and, back on topic, if you know gabo, dg, you know it's been brought up before :laugh: !!! but i'm sure he'll write it all over again. i believe it is one of his all-time favorite topics . *p.s. does it mean "shit"?
  15. you've answered the problem yourself, right here. there's only so much you can do. there are things people can only learn through experiencing them themselves, and maybe more than once. i've had more than one female friend with the same low-self-esteem-so-i'll-sleep-around-to-try-to-find-some problem, and as much as it hurts to watch, all you can do is offer your advice. your friend is the only one who can change her situation.let me tell you a story from my past that relates. i had a friend in high school who was doing heroin, and it was tearing me apart. i couldn't sleep, i cried a lot, and i'd miss school 'cause i was so worried. i had nightmares of him dying; i even was afraid that news would come of him dying, when the telephone rang. i went to the school counselor and told her about my friend (who went to another school), and asked what i could do to help him, as i'd tried to tell him how bad heroin is and how it can easily suck people in. but the counselor pointed out that i was obsessed with my friend and his problem, and i needed to address that. my life was a wreck, and it didn't have to be. and people on an addictive drug like that can only be helped if they want to be; my worrying wasn't doing anyone any good. i eventually detached enough so that we could have a healthy relationship again, and my friend kicked his habit (thank god!). but he only could do so because he really wanted to and was dedicated. your friend has to want to make changes, as well.
  16. when i'm in a relationship or have been drugged by someone else .
  17. hmmm... if i suddenly had to do it all left-handed for some reason (if i, say, lost my right hand in an accident or something), it'd be a while before i'd have an orgasm .
  18. weyes

    guess who...

    she's had the most successful solo career of them all.
  19. i dunno why the garlic was sold in the refridgerated section of your market. weird. my roommate has oil w/ garlic in it in a bottle next to the stove. the other ingredients you put in there are dried spices, so they're all good . but tight seals are better than non; i'm just reccommending a cap/lid/cork 'cause it's air and what's floatin' in it that spoil things faster.
  20. no, it shouldn't spoil, but i'd put a real cap on it.
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