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Everything posted by weyes

  1. and this is something to be proud of because ...?i must've missed the memo that said that wasting money flagrantly was cool .
  2. what about them? *and you misspelled ubiquitous
  3. raisin nut bran (nut-covered raisins ) frosted mini-wheats (i need the sugar side, too, dg) lucky charms
  4. weyes

    ***Sweet Thang***

    love the superman tattoo . people in porn always look so bored. i hope their real sex lives aren't dull because they've been desensitized to sex, poor things .
  5. gotta disagree with that.i hear that all the time: "people in clubs are just sleazebags looking for ass." well, then does that make me one? my friends don't fall into that category, either. my friends in relationships have met each other when out at clubs; i think that whole "clubs are just for hooking up" line is only perpetuated by people who've been unsuccessful or who've been burned.
  6. what's the quote from, ou812?????????????
  7. i, perfect driver that i am, of course , have never gotten a ticket for a moving violation (a lot of parking tickets...). when driving home tonight on the freeway, i saw 2 cop cars. everyone slowed down a bit, the way people do when cops are around. but it made me wonder, how fast would you have to be going for the cops to start caring enough to pull you over , generally speaking?
  8. sometimes you give yourself very good advice. believe in it, and yourself . tune in tomorrow.
  9. weyes

    this is...disgusting

    yeah - i never got that . whoever's perpetuating this myth only hangs out with mentally-challenged females with a penchant for tuna who are confused as to which orifice food should enter.
  10. hmm... as good an answer as any .ha, naughtybabe! you're asleep already? west coast advantage kicks yo' asses once again .
  11. weyes


    we are beautiful and unique creatures .
  12. beware of the idle munchies when watching tv . it's easy to just eat and eat when holding a whole bag or box of something; when snacks are pre-measured (a bowl of chips, a couple of cookies ), it's easier to keep the junk food consumption to a minimum . tune in tomorrow.
  13. ah, sounds like a plan ... seriously, the wmc is a major goal for me next year, but i need a better job before anything can change (i'm not gonna make my rent on time this month, ya dig?). anyone got any work for an owl with a camera ?
  14. @ 4th & b. there's some bs here ; i was trying to post a link to groove tickets (no space) and cp "******"ed it out. cp's never done that to that site before. uncool . try to go to www.groove tickets.com (without the space) and look up pvd there.
  15. how are suicide bombings less morally reprehensible than bombing civilians? maybe not ideally, but practically speaking, all is fair in love and war.
  16. how does that all work - the guestlists and passes, i mean? where/how does one get one, how much are they, and for what good are they?
  17. someone, explain this graphic to me and i won't begrudge you the last word - this time:
  18. weyes


    here's another bird indoors:
  19. thanks for the link, cody . i'm glad i saw him without the mohawk. sketchy ...
  20. weyes


    whose pigeons are those?
  21. 70 bucks??????????? are you kidding me :eek: ???????????????? you don't know what you can do with $70 for a weekend??? i don't even have that much to spare for entertainment in a month. [this post will not be about me needing to get a better job .] i do try to go out once a month to remain somewhat sane, though, and, when i do, the most i'll ever spend, tops, is still below $70. you need to reevaluate how you spend your moolah. earning a shitty salary has taught me the importance of doing that, but you don't need to be broke to learn how to manage money well.
  22. no, i hear ya. still, though, it ain't so bad on the whole .
  23. you too !from what i hear, l.a. supposedly is getting more into the tech sound. then again, i generally don't have many reliable (or even that many at all) sources . just tellin' ya what i heard through the grapevine . but i gotsta say that i think people need to calm down about the tribal, already .
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