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Everything posted by weyes

  1. welcome back, cody! do you have pics for me? i sure hope so... here's the link to the review thread, and the link to the picture thread that followed is in there. got some good ones of danny, even with my disposable camera!!! http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1389570#post1389570 well, i'll put the pics here, too, but go to both threads for what was said anyway . danny, doing his thing: danny makes a boo-boo:
  2. just want to put up the link to the picture thread : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=152549
  3. *ahem* what was that you said about the last word?
  4. don't ever take ambien !!!!! that shit makes me sleepwalk like you wouldn't believe :eek: !!!
  5. when i'm dancing is the only time my head isn't crowded; as soon as i start moving and melding with the music, everything is forgotten. without dancing, i really don't know where i'd be .
  6. evan, i'll first start by saying that it's terrible that you feel hurt and sad. that's a bummer. but you are chock full of double-standards and very quick to judge other people for doing the same things you do. you say that you "could never have a relationship with this kind of a girl," yet you feel you have some sort of rights to her after someone else expresses interest. the "this kind of a girl" phrase alone is a huge insult. really, use a little introspection; just based on what you've written here, you seem to get around quite a lot yourself. it's really sad to see men (i say men because i have never heard or seen a woman say this) say that they look down on women they've slept with on the first date because they're "easy." you sure liked that they slept with you on the first date, that night. another thing to keep in mind was that you didn't know this girl before she came to your house, except for a few conversations online. you took a big chance on someone you really didn't know, and a very recently divorced person who's already plastered herself all over the net and doing things for webcams seems less than entirely stable. but she didn't owe you anything just as you didn't owe her anything. one weekend together isn't a promise of anything for the future. what your friend did wasn't cool. going behind your back after you told him about someone you'd been with wasn't right. i'm with you on that. but for you to blame this girl in the end for being another "girl like this" or "a whore" is totally unfair. she was good enough for you when she was giving you what you wanted. you just switched to name-calling when your feelings got hurt. if you want someone who'll be true to you, someone with integrity, you've gotta start looking in the right places. and be sensible as well as learn from experience; people who masturbate in front of webcams and work in strip bars aren't very likely to be old-fashioned girls.
  7. (laughing with you, not at. i'm with phatman on this .) he was making up for a lotta lost time !!! (he didn't seem to know it, though .)
  8. weyes

    CNN reporters

    fair and balanced? my ass !!!*and did you not see my cnn hottie? shepard smith and his self-tanner and piles of eye makeup need to check themselves .
  9. funny you should mention that, cubbie; i'm in a total rut. i don't have anything to listen to these days that really gets me going . i'll have to see if i can find your picks on soulseek (though ss doesn't seem to really have much). anything else, cubbie or anyone? albums are welcome suggestions, too ; if i listen to judge jules anymore i think i'm gonna lose it ...
  10. we've all heard that drinking 8 8oz. glasses of water a day is good for one: improves the complexion, does great things for the digestive system, helps to lose weight, etc. that is a whole lotta water, but just making a conscious effort to increase the amount one drinks can really lead to better health. i, personally, recommend it; it makes me, at least, feel more fit ! tune in tomorrow.
  11. i send good vibes your way and would like a report ...
  12. i don't make fun - not in my nature . we're all friendly folk around these parts, ya know. this ain't the jersey board. it's great to drink hot chocolate (or tea) and scroll down threads; i enjoy it . but the slow speed required when drinking hot beverages does slow down one's whoring ability ... still, drink up and get well!
  13. lovely day today , and from where i parked, on the roof of the garage where i work, i could smell the ocean when i went to the car, tired and ready to drive on home .
  14. weyes

    CNN reporters

    some peeps y'all are posting are *ahem* not that, well... i'll be nice... here's my man anderson cooper from cnn:
  15. weyes

    vote here please...

    actually, it was 4:18 a.m. in nyc when i wrote that . but i didn't look at how long the poll itself had been up.
  16. o, bkissa, that sucks .i can "masturbate anytime, during [my] morning shower, lunch break, whatever because can make [my]self come in 10 minutes if want to." that isn't to say i do, though . but you can't have an orgasm standing up? i don't get that. have you actually tried? but i do acknowledge that my ability to have multiple orgasms is quite a lucky one. unfortunately, i've barely experienced them with people other than myself . to be exact, i can only remember one night of actually having full-on orgasms at all with a guy; the only night ever, and i had 5. does that even out in the end? i don't think so...
  17. here's another one about balance. not keeping feelings bottled up is important, but so is not stewing in them. an easy way to think of this is when you're feeling terribly sad and you put on some sad music, so as to really feel your emotions completely. this can become detrimental, however, when you start hitting the "repeat" button one too many times. feel the bad feelings to their fullest, so that you can let go of them fully . tune in tomorrow.
  18. nobody was posting on my wisdoms; i was just trying to see if anyone was out there . today's'll be good .and happy birthday, once again !
  19. i hope you're feeling better, x .
  20. if they paid you enough, maybe you'd finally have enough time and the funding to do your pop-tarts research !!! (whatever happened with that? slacker ... )
  21. check out the sticky always at the top of the l.a. forum: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 you should find all you need there. if you have any questions, post them there as well (though by now i think it may all have been covered!) .
  22. o, it's always nice to see you .but cool to get the last word away from you, too .
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