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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. spinning in my grandfather's kitchen while he was away oh yeah..
  2. I tried the guestlist thing but there is no link for the actual guestlist. Can it be that it's too late? Any info would be appreciated.. If anyone has a list id appreciate a pm or something i definitely dont wanna pay full price for this.. thanks in advance dan My screenname is lesmcnall if thats easier thanks
  3. for the nypd and fdny they send your results about 2-3 months after your written test.. then they schedule you for the physical and all that crap.. i just took the medical for the nypd on wednesday it was terrible... 9 hours long.. it starts at 630 in the morning i had to stand in a room with like 30 other guys in our underwear some kids didnt have underwear that day just a weird unpleasant experience.. if you're thinking about becoming a police officer think about the national parks police you start off at 48 a year after 5 years you're making in the high 70's or low 80"s from there you work your way up fbi, cia, dea, swat secret service all that stuff
  4. thanks guys ill try to download it when im on my own computer.. that song was pretty hot when i first got into clubs never foudn out the name but thanks dan
  5. ok good fucking post anyways... check out the aristos i stayed there two years ago.. it wasnt a nice hotel kinda nasty but whatever.. you're only in your room when you're getting ready and sleeping... cancun is a total sausage party whatever week you go don't listen to whatever these student trabel things say.. a better guy to girl ratio is jamaica or acapulco youll still have fun in cancun though spring break is definitely something to check out atleast once in your life.. don't listen to these people who say it's lame
  6. 30 dollars? goodlord that's allotta money.. Is this place lunatarium a good venue? i think this place came out after my days of partying.
  7. The oasis is the place to stay in cancun. During the day people from other hotels pay to use the beach at the oasis because so much is going on there. you have multiple bars in the pool, a dj spinning and mad people partying. The only downsides are fort knox like security and the distance from the clubs. Be sure to convert your money into pesos before you are drunk. Thats trouble right there.. have fun though peace
  8. i was there over the summer for two nights... everyone kept saying to go to the landing and the red room.. so that's where we went. It wasn't bad the landing had a band playing downstairs in the patio and a dj up on the second floor who spun everything like hiphop, trance and guns n roses. As for the red room... i dont really remember that place.. way too drunk.. newport is nice though you'll definitely have fun at the landing. pace
  9. The song was pretty big back in 1999 that's when i first heard it but it could be a few years older. It has female vocals that sounds like the same vocalist on Ascension "someone" The lyrics go something like.. "I want to take you to a place where I......" You're in my dreams... blah blah I know everyone has heard it even though it's a cheesy club song. Some dj's still play it every now and then.. Thanks in advance.. dan
  10. where else does everyone go to buy their recordsin nyc? I have only been going to satellite or buying shit off ebay. Lately satellite has been having week selections. any info on other record stores somewhere in or around nyc would be grreat. Im looking for progressive trance, some hard stuff maybe.. thanks in advance
  11. has dumonde ever toured the US? i've never heard of them playing anywhere. And where has cosmic gate been lately? Why don't any of the really big hard trance dj's/producers ever play nyc? We get scot project every now and then but where are cosmic gate, dumonde, svenson & gielen and performers like these? It's not fair dammit!!
  12. is sf having another costume party? the costume party last year was the only time i actually had fun there...
  13. i have to agree the girls there are definitely bangin... i wouldnt say drinks are cheap but they're not overpriced.. joey's is definitely hot on thursdays it sucks traveling there from staten island though
  14. I definitely saw that picture last summer somewhere... the girl in the middle is out of control!!
  15. I think brian is the only one who understands stewie, could be wrong but i doubt it. The simpons are coming out with a movie i read that somewhere in a matt groening interview a year or two ago. Family guy is the second best tv program ever made aside from the wonder years. It is the wittiest, most clever cartoon though.
  16. yo... if dumonde spins anywhere in the us im down.. i havent seen them on a flyer or heard abotu them ever... hopefully if they play it'll make it's way to the ny message board
  17. what is the lineup and when is this? i definitely wanna go.. i like the venue and boo usually has god lineups.. Some history on boo parties.. last year in the rain was beat, stuck on earth unfortunately cant control the weather though 72 bucks for a ticket the boo three years ago at some convention center in jersey was hot.. 2 humongoues rooms thousands of people stadium seating in the main arena crazy shit.. too bad it ended at 3 the year before that it ended early cuz cops shut it down The boo in jersey had THOUSANDS of people i dont think webster hall will allow nearly as many.. so get there early
  18. last minute thing.. some of us are thinking about going to the shore tonight.. any info on what's hot tonight fri/29 any info on hotels would be nice too thanks in advance dan
  19. im thinking about stoping in.. i dunno if this is for the guestlist or not but it's worth a shot dan + 2 thanks
  20. wow... facades is terrible.. they play decent music but it's hard to hear cuz every 20 seconds they blow the airhorn. My friend's younger sister persuaded us into going and it turned out to be a big mistake. If you're into 18 year old juiceheads runnin aroud bouncing off the walls then go for it.. If i were you i wouldn't waste my time
  21. my friend has the grand cherokee limited 5.9L and he only uses premium. If you put anything else in it the truck it starts making weird noises.. I'm thinking of buying a jeep grand cherokee limited 5.2L in a few days i asked the guy about what kind of gas it takes he said he just uses regular.. im wondering if anyone knows about what kind of gas the v8 5.2L jeep grand cherokee limited's take.. thanks in advance
  22. i actually put on my xdream vs. gonzo tape the other day for the first time in years... i would like to check him out again but dont think ill be making it to this one.. goodluck with the party though
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