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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I'm pretty sure that Space dropped their ambitions for New York, but I'm not inside on that one so I don't know if that will go through or not. Really though, the city needs a few good venues with good systems and good-size spaces, right now there's this unfortunate monopoly going on... or semi-monopoly at least Makes things mad difficult.
  2. Hey everyone, It makes me and everyone I work with so happy to hear your postive, even glowing remarks about the progress we are making with the club. Most of the things we have changed have been suggestions I have taken directly from you and the members of the other boards catering to elite nightlife (for those who noticed a decline in the shirtless guidos, we have instated a suggestion from one of you - that is, "No Shirt, No shoes, No service", in order to keep everyone comfortable, and we are forever working on that security problem). So for everyone who took our word and gave our Friday party the second chance, this a huge thank you from myself and all the partners in Muzik Fridays. You out there in clubland have been wonderfully supportive! Aly Reach Productions p.s.- Please keep your comments coming! Email any questions, suggestions, comments or other inspired scraps to me at ReachProductions@aol.com
  3. I am coming ALLLLLLL the way from DC!!! New York New York! Yayayayayayaya~ No place like home!!!
  4. Thanks, Crobra!!! This is EXACTLY the kind of response that I was hoping to hear. Thanks for the support - please please everyone, work with me here
  5. Z - Thanks for the reply. Sorry again for bitchin out last night, I shouldn't have stressed on you lol (The way I acted last night is still hehe) Alexandra - Thanks for the reply. Here's a question for you. If the party were to move to another locale (it would have to be something at least decently sizeable, like Limelight size or so...maybe a little smaller) even if it wasn't quite a new space or maybe even not that nice of a space... would you go? Do you think the rest of club land would go? Just pondering over here...
  6. *HUGE HUG* Awwwww girl I'm sooo sorry :( The best thing I think you can do is to surround yourself with close friends and fun people, and don't allow yourself to sit around and sulk too much (I mean, granted, you need time for that, but you always feel better when you have a group of friends just distracting you). Hope that helps. Feel better!!!
  7. I'm not so sure I'd say obsession. I have a huge pile of Italian music and an even huger pile of French music, but my friends DL'd some Anna Vissi stuff on my comp without my knowledge, then when I heard it I found it was rather catchy... I just expanded You, on the other hand, are a little behind the times here!!!!! Some greek you are, I'm Italian and I know more shizzat than YOU!
  8. I have to restate this again, not that your points aren't well-taken, and I understand your arguments, but, what I am asking your support on here is not the club itself but the scene - the DJ's, the music - because as of the moment, there are so few venues for that. I'm not asking you to go to Exit, or say you like it, or tell your mom about it, I'm just saying - vote for some real talent and keep it in the city!!! Maybe something new will come that will rival twilo, but it could be years before that happens. In the meantime, don't worry so much about which club we're talking about, worry about the scene as a whole and support this party - it's making progress! I would say the same thing if the DJ's were spinning in someone's backyard in Jersey - they're still the DJ's and we STILL need to keep the scene alive and show our support.
  9. I was think more like amusing, but I think "weak" would be a good description of your post. Way to demonstrate an IQ lower than the tree outside my window.
  10. What you are missing here is that I'm not advocating any one group. I'm advocating the scene. As for frequenting Exit, I have been there three times, but I feel it's a step in the right direction, and that I do advocate. As for my little tirade on you, I'll admit, that was probably uncalled for, however, your comments were rather depracative to the club and in so doing, damaging to the overall movement, and I felt the need to defend. Sorry if that became too direct. And lastly... I don't think anyone has ever tagged me as cheesy. Even when I danced around my living room lipsyching to Britney Spears, cheesy wasn't the word.
  11. I definitely like the cattaneo and hawtin residency idea - if we don't lose the party, I would love to see something like that.
  12. By the way, I'd like to restate once again that this vote doesn't concern me so much because it's Exit, it concerns me because it's the SCENE. Let me put it this way. My father and I both drive track. We belong to the Alfa Romeo club, there are also clubs for owners of BMW's, Ferraris, Lotus, etc. etc. Now, we don't attend each others' functions, but when Bridgehampton racetrack was under threat of being closed, WE ALL CAME TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT OUR PREFERENCE WAS AND WORKED TO STOP THE DEGRADATION OF OUR SUBCULTURE AS A WHOLE. Get it?
  13. Zlatang, no offense or anything, but weren't you the one raving about how Spa is the greatest place on Earth? Right. You can sit down and feel stupid now. Please, tell me the date when that commentary was written, and I am sure you will find it predates even my membership with this board, because I remember reading it when I first joined. The point here is - this is A NEW PARTY, and since you haven't been to it yet, clearly, it's advisable you be quiet, because I don't really value your commentary. I've seen your posts and I have yet to be impressed by your superficiality, no offense sugar.
  14. Didn't your mom ever tell you pessimism is bad? Like I said, we all hope for a new, great venue. But no one venue is going to have a monopoly on good DJ's (can you name me one?) and so it's best to just support your scene as a whole and improve what you can.
  15. If I spell these all right... Kati Garbi has some good stuff Anna Vissi - Agapi Ipervoliki is fun, and there's another of hers that I like. Download off WinMX - Hellas MegaMix 2000 it's like a half hour but it's fun stuff. That has the KG song I'm thinking of on it. It's the first track of her double CD
  16. Limelight is closed right for renovations, it should reopen in September, or sometime around then, if all goes well.
  17. LOL GlowGirl, I had a similar experience... that's not the promotions staff though, that's the security staff, or a certain member or two therein. I have some problems with them... really annoying. But if we get to keep the party, there's plans in the works to do some whipping on the unruly-ass security types...
  18. Thanks, everyone, who is really being positive about this and lending your support. For those that have asked about an email campaign - I am looking to set up an online petition or something, but I have to get the okay from the partners and from the owner first. I understand it's really hard to get up there on a Tuesday, but I hope you will all be patient and understanding as you have been so far, and I will post word soon about whether or not I get permission for an email campaign!!
  19. Listen, I think almost all of you missed my point here. The vote has nothing to do with liking Exit, nothing to do with whether or not you go there.... this has to do with the quality of DJ's that are showing up in your city. Yes, Centro has some, and yes, other venues have some, but what city do you know of where one club has a monopoly on the good dj's? That's what I thought. The point here is that New York has lost a few parties that were meant for bigger talent, and this is an attempt to replace that, even if only temporarily. I am asking you to put your problems with Exit aside (btw, the promoters on that party are working on several issues like GlowGrl's suggestions.. security is #1 issue at the moment), forget that it is exit, and remember it is the SCENE we're discussing here. Honestly, I could give a rat's ass if the venue in question were Exit, my mom's house or the verrazano bridge - the point is, the DJ's are there, the proactive attempt to improve the scene is there, so COULD WE DROP THE WHINY, SUPERFICIAL, SELFISH BULLSHIT FOR FIVE MINUTES AND LOOK PAST OURSELVES TO SOMETHING BIGGER THAT MAY BENEFIT US ALL IN THE LONG RUN???? Or are we gonna sit there with our thumbs up our asses and ask, two months from now, "hey, is Ferry corsten spinning anytime soon? no? Why not?" Oh and for those of you who are scared about Draper fans - there is a receptical for them now, it's called World, the other is called Heaven and Hell. Can we leave them THERE maybe??
  20. Oh, and one more important point - Even if you don't go to the party yourself, you should still come down and vote so the party keeps going on the right direction, and if there's a DJ you haven't seen on our line-up yet that you'd like to see, now's your chance to get him or her! And remember, waiting for someone else to go to the meeting for you, thinking that someone else will take care of it, won't help... Each and every one of you PLEASE get yourselves to the club, and you can know that YOU were a part of the solution to this big nasty problem!!!
  21. Attention fellow clubbers, supporters of the scene and fans of great music and DJ’s everywhere: The New York club scene has, within the last year or so, lost some really great parties and legendary venues. Tunnel, Twilo, and nearly Limelight… Havens of house, trance and electronic music of all kinds, beautiful venues that have always been filled with the creativity and passion of all of us in the clubbing community, are constantly in jeopardy of being closed, converted or otherwise ruined by the forces that work against our underground population and its culture. Recently, a few promoters have tried to provide New York with a new venue for the showcasing of finer DJ talent through the reformation of the long-defamed Club Exit. These promoters have taken on an incredible task and have to far made wide and clean strides towards improvement. The talent has been brought here – Tiesto, Dave Ralph, Max Graham, Christopher Lawrence, Edgar V, Ferry Corsten, with Armin Van Buuren, Chris Fortier & Alex Gold upcoming – and the lack of talent, namely old nemesis to progress Tony Draper, has been removed. Granted, the party is not perfect yet, but no one can deny that the change is finally shining through, and the enhancement of the venue continues each week. Unfortunately, circumstances outside the control of the promotional staff threaten to cancel the performances of all those following Chris Fortier depending on the outcome of a vote to be held on Tuesday, April 9th, 2002, at Club Exit. THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE CLUBBING COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE, AND WE SINCERELY REQUEST YOUR SUPPORT AND COOPERATION IN THE FORM OF A VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE DJ’S, WHOEVER THEY MAY BE. Your participation in this meeting needs only be brief but it will have a lasting impact on the direction of the scene for years to come. You may select between 20 DJ’s or pencil in your own suggestion, but this comes with a dire warning… IF YOU, THE CLUBBING ELITE, FAIL TO SUPPORT THE CONTINUATION OF A MUSICALLY-ORIENTED PARTY, THE PROMOTIONAL STAFF WILL BE FORCED TO REINSTATE TONY DRAPER, AND THE RECENTLY REOPENED OUTLET FOR INTERNATIONAL TALENT WILL ONCE AGAIN BE CLOSED. We, as the promoters of this event, will be heartbroken to see our plans for the improvement of the scene shattered, but we cannot stop this without your help. Please, we implore you to join us Tuesday, April 9th at 8 PM to cast your vote in support of true talent, great music and the scene that we love and hope to see proliferate as part of what makes New York so special. Remember, this is only a small part of your time to give, but your effort will do an invaluable service to your scene. Please feel free to contact me, or any of the promoters of the Exit Friday party for more info on the issue, on lending your support, or about the meeting itself. My contact info is: Aly DiNascosto – ReachProductions@aol.com Instant Messenger at VixenFoxxy
  22. Everyone, really serious about this vote: IF YOU DO NOT COME OUT AND SUPPORT THIS PARTY, CHOOSE YOUR TALENT, THE VOTE MAY COME OUT TO FAVOR DRAPER. Don't leave your scene up to the clueless assholes - even if you don't usually go to Exit or their Friday party, please support the promotions staff and your own scene and VOTE FOR THE GOOD DJ's.... DEATH TO TONY DRAPER!!!! (P.S. - If this Friday party wins on the 9th, new changes that extend even beyond the music are in the works... shhhhh )
  23. Ya know Jon, this thread is about ethnic slurs - if you wanna diss my pom poms you can do that elsewhere. Besides, you know you love the dance team. And this toothless thing.... now maybe I won't give you one of those nasty chewed up teethy blowjobs your girlfriends do, but no need to hate on my skills 'cause you're jealous of what you don't have
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