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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. :laugh: You gay girlie fawk, cartwheels... why don't you leave that to the professionals. Wanna-be.
  2. :D Yeah That causes a huge problem, it's my house plant's birthday in three weeks. Do you know of any good promoters that would be interested in throwing it a party?
  3. I hear there was a cowboy at Roxy this weekend, did you do any bull-riding????
  4. I think you misunderstood. We're not talking about good vs. bad promoters in the sense of set up good parties, bring good dj's to the venues, bring a good crowd. That, Panorama does. What I am referring to with panorama management is a matter of good vs. bad on a more humanistic level. The people in upper management to whom I refer are brutish, blatantly chauvanistic to the point they reach misogynistic, self-seeking, and they are liars and fakes. They are two-faced and entirely disgusting as humans and I wouldn't pick them to throw a party for my house plant, I don't care who they'd book. That's the problem phatman is getting at here - lack of respect for the clientele and the general staff, lack of regard for the human side of the scene, which is why we end up with dirty low-down conniving shitheads like that ruining the scene.
  5. "Where have you been all weekend?"
  6. There are some good promoters out there.... The promoters in the upper echelons of Panorama Productions (DC) management are not in that category. But I have met some that are in it for the scene and because they love it, they're out there somewhere. I have worked with and for some of the worst, nastiest promoters out there (as you, Phatman, already know) but I still wouldn't label all of them as "cattivi mascalzoni" as it were
  7. Can someone elaborate?
  8. I give up *beating head on wall* This is just hopeless to keep bothering with
  9. Yay!!! Happy Birthday!!! No more fakes, no more staying sober! Yeeeee!!! Congrats!
  10. I didn't make fun, I just warned. But my car catalog analogy still holds. Doesn't matter if it's a catalog or correspondence, you can't possibly really know someone that way. Also, you say that it's okay if it doesn't last cause 50% of marriages end in divorce? Maybe no one told you, but here's a clue now: FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE, FOR RICHER OR POORER, TILL DEATH DO US PART means FOREVER and divorce should not be something you just use an escape hatch when things aren't going right. That's why you try to marry the best person for you, so that you can work through all the hard times because you truly love each other. It's attitudes like yours that are responsible for all those divorces. Don't do it till you mean it and it's real - marriage isn't just something you do, it's a life-long commitment. If you're not ready for it, just date someone.
  11. Another good one from Sassa! Entrepreneur, it's not that we're trying to diss you - we just can't help but question how you plan to guarantee that this random picture you choose out of a catalog is going to be exactly what you want. Let's say you were shopping for a car, and you had a book of cars in front of you. All it has are pictures of the cars, their year, make and model, and maybe the type of engine in it. That means you have to purchase the car based on minimal information. Sure, you pick the shiny red sports car, but then what happens when you get it and it's a lemon, the interior is orange leather with blue velvet polka dots, the steering wheel doesn't work, the engine sounds like someone's lawnmower is being strangled, and it doesn't go more than 20 mph tops. So what I'm saying here is, don't buy the car without the test drive. Take a nice, long cruise and make sure you do it on both the fast track highways and stuck in traffic and on bumpy little roads, in rain and sleet and sun and snow... 'cause otherwise you're gonna find out about that orange and blue polka dot interior when you least expect it. PS - Trade in humans was banned in all civilized countries years ago. Something to think about.
  12. Awwww thank you everyone!!!! :D :bounce: You guys are da best!!!!
  13. Yayyyyyyy! I survived two decades! So this makes me a "Twenty-something". Hmmmm.... that's a little scary sounding And of course, only one more year 'till I can use my own damned ID at the clubs!
  14. Awwww thanks everyone!!!! (hey Kuro I hope you bought boo boo kitty fuck a nice present! hehehe)
  15. GlowGrl that's AWESOME!!!! Looooove it! Hehehehe total work of art! I must say CP is a good lookin crowd!!
  16. Aight sounds good, I will PM you with my #, and Jimi has it too, send me yours. Jimi joining us for the fashion rampage?
  17. :laugh: ROFLMFAO!!!!!!! Once again PhuturePhunk saves the day!
  18. Atomic Apples is the funniest shit ever Tunnelbandit dgmodel PhuturePhunk 3-way tie for second place Clubmouse wins 3rd place Kosta P - Best obnoxoius Jersey responses EVER Roha3000 wins the juvenalian satire award for remarks concerning draper and the group formerly known as the exit crowd ShadyGrooveDC wins hands down for the most hilarious DC CP'er GeorgeAcasta2 for Miami KostaP is the all-out champion of Jersey Workenonlife ties with SLyonsPromos and Shockwavepromo for 2nd place there
  19. Nope, though I won't deny I could stand for it oral surgery. Amusingly enough, the directions from the doctor for post-surgical care specifically mandate "no sucking or spitting, licking and swallowing only" who writes this stuff??
  20. :laugh: LMAO awwwww Kuro that's so sweet! LoLz I think I should change my title
  21. That's actually what my sister calls me. Being that I have no sappy names to add because I am almost always single, I will share instead the amusing things we call each other in my family, mostly derived from the fact that my sister and I are the biggest fans of Beavis and Butthead ever. Mom - Momholio or Momholes Dad - Dadholio, D-holes Me - from my sister: Cornholio, dillhole, cornerstore, asscheese from my parents: the larch (from Monty Python), larch-holio, foos (don't ask..) fooster My sister - from me: Bunghole, Bungholio, BH, dillmarket, assgoblin, Nicolio from my parents: Nickels (from Nicole), Neetnee (what I called her before I could say her name), Bung Dog - Max, Mo, Heemie, Himmis, Wacky, stupid, cheeseburger Not that anyone needed to know that but I really need to waste time
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