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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. That was a pretty stupid comment. My mom is norwegian, that's why I am tall with blonde hair. DUH. But the great personality I'll give ya, I mean, I know of few others who would put up with my shit and still take me out for sushi. High five on that one
  2. Is Ralph fast? Yeah didn't think so. I guess you inherited your dad's genes. Did that include shortness? Waaaaaaahahahahahahaa
  3. Right then, remind me to send you the pics of the Alfas WHUPPING THE CRAP out of the BMW's at the BMW/Alfa Romeo clubs' annual roadrally... I also have similar vs. corvettes and various others, did I mention we Italians are positively fierce when it comes to driving? Or maybe your stupid English ass (or whatever you are) needs more proof (Whiplash much?)
  4. Alright 2 things... first off, looking at the picture I didn't see enouhg of a difference to make it seem worthwhile. second, I have a friend who recently told me "So I had my first experience hooking up with a girl who had a boob job last night. I will never do it again. They were totally not natural, they were hard and lumpy and while they look really nice I'd never want to touch that again." I'd say you could discount that as just a bad job but my gynecologist has also told me that they do not feel natural. Speaking of that, implants put you at a huge risk. first of all they are made out of silicone, so that's like putting a big bag of carcinigen inside yourself. And second of all, *if* you do develop breast cancer, a mammogram will not pick it up if it is behind the implant. Baaaaad news 'cause then by the time you realize something's wrong it's a big tumor, placing lots of potentially-mobile cancer cells near your heart, lungs and various other important vital organs. Is all this worth it?
  5. Shady you are particularly bad at following directions aren't u and PGiddy you're tasteless for sure when it comes to fine Italian automobiles. You wouldn't know a Maserati from a ford if it rolled over you!
  6. Dock..hmmm what kind of boat, blackrock? I visit this board just for this... what a great post! A huge FU goes out to my tire for going flat on Wednesday!!!!
  7. wtf is a PP? (shady don't answer that!)
  8. Hey sweetie. First, *hug*, deep breath.. good Now... she's told you that she needs some space and time to figure out where SHE is going correct? It seems to me like while this is ostensibly the "omigod I need space go away forever" speech, it may be something else entirely. You say that she is working multiple jobs, going to school, etc. and that she is graduating in a year. What may be happening here is that she has a year left before she launches herself out into the real world and she's no time to mull that over in her head. She's been either at work, at class, or with you, and she hasn't had the time to sit there on the couch and just ponder what she's looking at for the big picture/long run CAREER WISE. See what I mean? It seems there's no reason for a breakup, and yet there are a lot of reasons to question where things are going on the more girlself-oriented level. And being as how she has said she doesn't want to see other people, etc. it doesn't look like you have much to worry about. In otherwords, she's wandering, but she's stayin' in the back yard so you're probably okay. The only thing I'd be kind of worried about is that you need to stop and take an honest look around in a way. Like, make sure youk now that even if things don't go the way the want them to, you will be able to pull yourself together and go on. I'm not saying it will be easy and it will take time but make sure you are ready to be strong if need be, and watch her signals for cues that wil tell you whether to relax or to pack. Besides, I know a lot of girls that would just kill to find a guy like you who would be just crazy for her and stay with her that long (myself included, that's mad rare it seems and props to you for being that cool). But like I said it is probably not the terrible situation it seems. Good luck honey, keep me posted and feel free to PM or IM me if you need to talk. ok? *hugz*
  9. Hey PGiddy aren't you a little old for that kind of thing? But anyways that shop in Georgetown is almost guaranteed to have it if you ask but I'm sure they don't keep it on display or whatevs. They had some pretty wierd shit in there and the dude was like randomly showin my friends and I all this uhm, eclectic merchandise.
  10. PGiddy you're a tasteless piece of shit. That's a performance car, not your mom's shitbox. Thanks for playing. Shady, I actually make pretty good pies. You can try one sometime but not PGiddy 'cause he sux. Vic will be good at pies soon too 'cause he watches Martha
  11. I added a car PGiddy...just for you. Isn't she beautiful?????? Alfas RULE
  12. Well Shady ya know what they say... if ya cant' take the heat, get out tha kitchen!!
  13. I am reading called Cuaderno Proibito. I'd recommend it but it's written entirely in Italian hehehe
  14. Am I the ONLY one that ever goes to work on this pathetic ass board full of delinquents????
  15. Welllll.... I think it's okay if Dave wishes to regulate his board in a manner to keep competition off the board with regards to other boards, to competing lists, etc. That's just business and a procedure that may be necessary and/or desirable for the running of a business that he has invested himself in. And PROVIDED that these rules are enforced in a calm, professional and business-like manner, I approve.
  16. Example: Spending money on Vixen. Uses the cash wisely, not mistakenly Greekboy where ya been???
  17. I'm pretty sure it was a combination of MSoprano, DJScotphreak and Trancend all running up to me and going "Hey are you Vixenfoxxy?!" when I walked downstairs at the Scot Project meetup in August.
  18. Hahahahahahahaha Kosta baby, you are SO Jersey
  19. Yay Elysium! Rip it up for me even though I'm not in DC to come see ya again
  20. dude what an awesome SN What kind of VW do you have? Sorry that was really offtopic!! haha Lolita Hope ya feel better!
  21. Hey Danni, I just found out that my grandma died at dinner tonight so I do not know if I will be making it to the city tomorrow night. If you want to post a meetup time and place at Roxy I will do my best to get there but I don't want to freak out my parents by going to party at a touchy time. If not this week then another one soon, girl! I promise!
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