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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I KNOW Isn't is great??
  2. Yeppies I got it, I'll hit you back in a little while Just gotta double check on somethin!
  3. Like an STD perhaps? You are sooooooo Staten!!! Waaahahahaha Do you say Haya doin? I dunno what I'm doing yet, I'm floating around at the moment.
  4. Not that that's anything Bigmahs has to worry about...
  5. Yo Chyna u'r LOSIN IT!!! You want staten Island sausage? Is that what your subliminal conscious is telling us? YO BIGMAHS!!! Or wait I know another one, it's maaaaaaad dirty though like someone was airdropping a care package and it landed on the top of a huge garbage mound and this particular sausage popped out, rolled allllll the way down alllllllll that trash, banged into a few old hoes and some rotten skank on the way down, rolled across the dirt parking lot where Bigmah's mom's trailer is at thenfell in a smelly Staten Island creek and got stuck in the mud on the bank before it was propelled by nuclear reaction right into your shopping bag. But uhm, it can eff WA WA you want dirty sausage!!! P.S. no sausage with pitchfork!
  6. Haaaaa you took the words right off my keys!! The gay disco crap comment was too funny!
  7. HA! Pgiddyyou dumbass my powers are just fine, i tracked you down MwAhHaHAHAhaHAHaHaHaaaaaaaa
  8. There's a picture of both me and Chyna here somewhere, ask Kuro, I am SURE he knows where it is
  9. Yeah dude, but u better watch out, when we go to Limelight I'm throwin yer ass into the booth with *encoded for security purposes* and you're gonna be Eff'ed! (no pun intended LoLoLoLoL)
  10. Hey no fair, I don't know those words yet!
  11. Actually it is! I crocheted it myself last week, and I even added some sequins and lace
  12. ...and what you're talking about here, and an organization like dancesafe, also brings up the question of whether or not certain "party" drugs should be legalized, regulated, even produced in mass quantities by known companies in a manner which would make it easier for a kid to know what he or she is getting into. Wow, an intellectual, calm philosophical discussion on the drama board!! Who would've thought?
  13. Waaaaaaaaa Yo Chyna u shoulda stayed up here in NY where it's safe... oh wait, Anthony who? LMFAO!!
  14. I was discussing this with Highmay, and we were under the impression that Glowbana was to be the replacement Twilo, but I am not really thrilled with that name so if they bring back real Twilo that's cool with me too. Hmmmmmmmmm
  15. Hahaha Chyna they do, I hear it's past the second large heap of trash to the left, under the third smaller heap. Shady, you and I need a Beavis marathon. My favorite: "Uh, hey baby. Wanna do it?" (almost as tactful as Pgiddy)
  16. LMAO have a found a fellow beavis and butthead fan? Yo you should rent Bungholio Lord of the Harvest and Vaya Con Cornholio (that's Vicman's favorite episode), they have them at blockbuster. I'm such a loser lolz
  17. Uhuhuhhuh Dammit Beavis! Why do you always have to copy what I say! Dumbass! Uhhhhuhuhuhuh
  18. I didn't mean you weren't there for it, I'm sure you were. But as for the people who post here about what they get fucked up on, yes, it does cause problems to a degree I feel, because anyone can and probably does read these boards. Unfortunately a lot of clubbers feel that they can only enjoy themselves if they're messed up but I feel it couldn't do anything but diminish the experience. If it's not good enough as it is you shouldn't be doing it. But how does one go about convincing people to either drop the drugs or shut their mouths? It goes beyond this board to other boards to personal webpages to organizations like dancesafe that, while they have a great idea and are doing a lot to help the scene, are a big part of the drug scene as well. And I'm sure I'll take a lot of criticism for saying it but I don't approve of the drug scene.
  19. OH jeez. Go get your disposable camera that you bought at the Staten Island Ghett-mart and take some snapshots. Then go to the library and scan them, then post here and go to the bottom of the post reply page you'll see "attach file", click browse, find the photo in your hard drive or floppy disk, the hit attach, and submit the reply.
  20. Dude what hole did you have your head in? Limelight was plagued by drug issues long before the recent years, in fact, probably worse earlier in the last few decades than more recently in the past few years. I agree that a mayor cannot advocate a scene which is home to so many issues, but unfortunately those issues start right here, with us, the clubbers. Personally I have never rolled, I am not violent, I am there for the music. But especially with today's hip hop culture promoting the club scene as a place for drugs, guns and sex, the scene is being overrun with idiots trying to be like what they see on MTV. So start with Rudy, who did many other great things for the city, start with the idiot next to you who's so deep in his K hole he probably won't come out till next week.
  21. I agree with FoxyRoxy and Misskittie. Not to get into the drama or anything but I feel it's very important that moderators remain neutral in disputes because it is really quite impossible to moderate from any other position than the middle. Further, it is absolutely correct that these people represent the company. If one were writing a letter to another company that had, say, violated a trade agreement or a copyright, one would not suggest the CEO go fawk himself. Or perhaps more similar to the moderator position, a lawyer in court is representing a party, whether innocent or guilty, and cannot possibly present a case based on the following: "This is our minimal evidence but I think the defendant is a crybaby wuss piece of shit and should be locked up." That would not win anyone then respect of the courtroom. Similarly moderators cannot win the respect of their forums if they accuse and belittle rather methodically and maturely present the issues and make negotiations. Some moderators have done extremely well with this and others have fallen somewhat short. I'm not saying, by any means, that the moderators should be silent watchdogs on the boards. They should be able to participate, state opinions and joke around with other members, but the profanity, accusations and pretentions should be done away with entirely and in the quickest manner possible.
  22. Congrats We can always use more Greek Gods around... Have you decided how you are celebrating this accomplishment?
  23. well, if you didn't try this yet, try restarting your computer then trying to load the drivers again. If not post back again and we'll try something else.
  24. Has to be able to do more than the basic side-to-side shuffle plus occasional hip action. Lipz, I see nothing wrong with dancing like a stripper. I dance for various clubs and my friends are always making fun of me that when i'm dancing on the floor I still dance like I'm on the platforms but the more you can move, the better
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