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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. OK so last night, I started off planning to sit on my ass.... ...and ended up DJ'ing at the Whiskey (W hotel off times square)!!!! First time EVER playing out - it was SUCH an amazing experience!!! Total rush! The first set I played at the beginning of the night was a bit lost on a still-sober and very mainstream crowd, but I still had a nice little crowd that was willing to dance and everyone was at least bouncing around at the bars and tables. I was alternating with the hip hop DJ, and so after a while, I had some people come up to the booth and ask me to please go back and spin another set, along with some other really flattering comments - so round 2 came along and this time I had a bigger crowd out on the floor, much more energy, got to take what I was spinning a little deeper, and I rang in the new year in the best way possible - behind the decks with headphones around my neck!!!! :D I had a third set about an hour later and ROCKED the place - I don't know if it was that I had gotten people inside after the ball drop who were just more true partiers and knew the music, or if everyone was drunk enough to forget that they don't hear house on the radio every day, but nearly everyone was up, dancing and singing along to my tracks - All I have to say is - WOW WHAT an INCREDBLE RUSH it was to get behind the decks and have people whistling, cheering and clapping for ME - I loved how people would come by the booth and show support and everything! I am STILL just GLOWING I'm so happy!!! Two things I noticed though - 1)Exactly how different people's response is to music they know versus music they don't - both with my tracks and even with my hip hop DJ's tracks - people are realllly creatures of habit and comfort. 2) Being a girl behind the decks is GREAT - everyone was like, really surprised and impressed and most people that came to the booth to chat with me said that they've never seen a girl DJ before Everyone was sooooo nice and it's pretty rare that so many people have such enthusiastic comments all at once! OK I'm going to go bounce around my house and be giddy some more 'cause I'm still not over how COOL last night was and how cool my crowd was!!! Oh yeah and HUGE thanks goes out to DJ Jordan Laws, the hip hop DJ, for giving me my big chance :D And btw if anyone ever needs a GREAT hip hop DJ - this guy rules! I was really impressed with HIM!!
  2. LoL yeah the problem is just paying for Arc... keep in mind we're talkin about someone so poor she got a picture of champagne instead of a real bottle - and not even a material picture either, but the digital version lololol I *must* find some $$$$!!!!
  3. LoL no it's more like.... the downside of being the office newbie lolol Thanks Starshaped *hug* Fabio- I would, but I can't afford Dorsia. Looks like I'll be in the city after all, but just not there 'cause I am PO like SHIZ... and the parents aren't so sympathetic to the cause
  4. Some dude just came in and delivered bottles of champage for my office and I didn't get one!!!
  5. Likewise with our administrative heirarchy... otherwise things are aight, going to italy in february
  6. DC crowd's definitely gone up in numbers - lots of new editions, but some of the old heads are still out and around - eggschmuck is still the usual How's all by you? Sorry I don't have any massage parlors to share... haven't been to any myself
  7. Me.... thanks be to god that I got my internet access today!
  8. Good thing cause otherwise I'd be sleeping on my desk right now and leaving little drool puddles everywhere But I can't access my damned GAMES!!! Wagh!!! (msn.com/games anyone? hehe)
  9. next week, next week.... must regain my stamina - must stop wanting to sleep....
  10. Hmm that's a little pricey for my non-existant budget, that's too bad. Was last night the night that Alex Whalen was spinning, or was that next week?
  11. Couple of other classics the folks on this board might enjoy: Geordie version of Windows: Geordie 2000 Aussie version of Windows: Aussie2000 The Aussie one's been out a while, the Geordie thing is a riot tho
  12. This struck me as something you'd come up with, esp. dialect wise - had me quite entertained:
  13. I was gonna go but I think I'm just gonna lame out - I think I got old or something I have no energy left.
  14. Not neeeearly so much as I love UK hard house ::wherehaveyoubeenmybuddylistisempty:: Phatman - you're makin me feel guilty dude. I think I got old or something What happened to bangin those two chicks? Let's have a big fat greek new years' party instead - i'll make the spanakopita, you make the dolmadas and baklava, and Chris and I can DJ
  15. Wow, now THAT is a SN I haven't seen in forever
  16. Hahahah someone on here requested my presence for that fetish party though i don't recall whom... I think it's looking more and more like a night of sitting on my arse on the couch...
  17. Thanks for the tip.... but I think that's a bit far to commute Amateur night is right! efffff that, I'm feelin Tronic tonite I think. Anyone goin?
  18. LMAO @ first when I read this I was like "omg he'd actually admit to that?!" lolol good show!
  19. *sings twilight zone theme* Doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo that's really fucked...
  20. I haven't heard this particular track, but I think Moloko is great
  21. I'm trying to decide what to do. I've been offered to see a friend spin at a small lounge, and to go to CentroFly, each for about $35. Add $15 for transport. I could do that. *OR* I could go to Tronic tomorrow nite, fuck off NYE because I see no point in paying $35 to get into clubs I wouldn't pay for on any other night. That way, I could save what few pennies I have left, for buying turntables. This would mean, however, spending NYE at some shite house party in Huntington. Can I get some opinions on what I should do here? I don't know what the better option is
  22. Yeah that one's really quality! I'd make it my desktop photo except that I have this beautiful picture of Kai Tracid on there and I just can't bring myself to part with him lololol
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