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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. No more assinine than saying that ferry is the man 'cause he makes people get head, then saying it happened in the hip hop room... *sigh* Where do these people come from?
  2. I think that was more in reference to the crowd though I suppose it would be pretty impossible for you to be a guido...
  3. Silly boys.... you never sent me the cd's like you were supposed to... I was wondering what happened to you Send some over, I'll be glad to get you some play on various i-radio stations and in the NY clubs, like I said... but ya actually have to send me something to distribute first Check your email - I've sent you something
  4. You're just a bum Did you actually go last night?
  5. I think the MP3 ones are GREAT My parents seem to have some aversion to MP3's though so they won't go near anything that plays them lol. I'll have them install that in the Alfa when I get it, though *snicker* (Looks like someone went all out on the options for his Polo....)
  6. I think you're just jealous.... Now get back to sending out the Queen Bitch Fan Club newsletters like a good boy
  7. I'd just like to share that I got a new CD player for my Impreza as a Christmas gift, and I had it installed today. This thing has a REMOTE CONTROL. Like, for a car stereo! A remote control! And it's no bigger than my index and middle fingers... LMAO WHAT is this world coming to? wheeeeee yuppie accessories!
  8. Happy Birthday! (even though I haven't seen you post here in ages lol... hehe)
  9. The One True Blu Toast.... Dude, Lav Menace, I think we should start a DJ'ing cult.... The Toast Ring.... hahahah
  10. ...and you may be able to find Starshaped in the Groupie Section up by the booth...
  11. OK fine, so the Milanos weren't so nice looking, but I wouldn't exactly say Saab was making any beauties either... And listen up Doncaster, I don't remember inviting YOU into this conversation, cootiehead... (btw did you get my email?)
  12. POLO!!!!!!! :D That's just the CUTEST car ever! :clap: Somebody buy me one!!!
  13. Don't you think that's a true statement? I mean, it's not impossible, but I do think it's fair to say it isn't easy. Mike - thanks - I thought that was aimed at me, so that one is my bad I don't really know when the security issues started 'cause I hadn't bothered going there really before I started in with that party. If you guys can manage to change that, though, it will def. do a lot to help your cause. I really wanted to fire the whole of the security staff (except the door people, I liked them) and just get all new ones that were more cordial. Once again... idealistic lol. At any rate, like I said in my reply to Cody, provided price is reasonable, I'll come out and support this because I know we wouldn't have gotten as far as we did in our attempt if it weren't for everyone that gave second chances.
  14. Owwwwwwch.... smackdown straight from Donny hahahaha
  15. I agree with you Cody - and I'm not saying I wouldn't support the effort to turn it around - but that is PROVIDING that the effort to turn it around is an upward movement, not a lateral one as stated before. In any case, I mentioned several times in my post that I wish all the luck in the world to Bob, and if he can pull it off, all props to him. At this point though, having tried this before and even begun to succeed and still been forced into failure, I'm not holding my breath. That's all. That doesn't mean I wouldn't give it a shot if they wanted to offer me something reasonable like $10 to see Vicious or Ojeda, or $20 for Erick Morillo or Timo Maas or something like that. I just can't see wasting $50 on Tiesto
  16. Are you sure that your toilet would collaborate that story?
  17. That's not true at all - I seem to remember that you were not involved in any way with the Muzik Fridays, but I was part of a small team of promoters that I spent plenty of time with deliberating and strategizing over how to fix the problems that had come up before and during the party, and we worked our asses off UNTIL we had a vibe - ask anyone who was at Ferry the night he played - and as soon as we'd acheived that, we got smacked down as things were getting good and we were told that Draper was coming back. Don't talk to me like I "think I can run a nightclub" and that I'm not "behind the scenes and don't understand how it goes down". I worked with Exit myself on a party looking to do the exact same thing, and have been working in this business for years, and if there's one thing I'm not, it's stupid. Idealistic, maybe - but please don't try talking down to me like that, just because I'm not Mike Bugout doesn't mean I don't know anything, and there's no reason for that. Especially because every promoter and every owner has his or HER idea about what's right, what's possible and what should be tried - just because we don't agree doesn't mean you know it all and have the right to be condescending. That is ridiculous. p.s. - Just because I worked with this party before I'm not saying that it's impossible to change it, or that we had flawless execution of our plans, etc. etc. but you can't pretend like we didn't work our asses off for it, because that's like me telling you that you didn't work your ass off to get where you are in your DJ career - no one can possibly understand what goes on behind closed doors unless they're behind them themselves.
  18. Have you been someplace besides Roxy, Factory and Exit? just wondering...
  19. OK #1 - go back and read my post, and you'll see that I specifically said NOT to waste time on PVD and Tiesto charging $50 at the door to cover their costs. I don't need to take promoting 101 - I've been doing it longer than I care to think - and I know you can't give this shit away but there's more than one way to skin a cat, not that you'd want to - but it's true, and you shouldn't close off other options just cause "it was done at roxy". #2 - The DJ's I suggested were just examples - no they won't bring the heads that Tiesto would but if you want that place to evolve you're going to have to coerce educated clubbers to go there and support the vibe. You're not gonna do that with Cheetos Ojeda and Vicious - btw I own a Cheetos CD, and I actually like 4 tracks on it, but I bought it when I didn't know much and I probably wouldn't buy it again if I saw it now. #3 - I have much less problem with Santana than with the others... i feel like he might be headed somewhere other than Hunka Bunka. #4 - Rome wasn't built in a day but like I said, the whole change thing was tried before. Muzik fridays tried to change more than just the DJ's and music. That included management, security, etc. - all that was wrangled with during the Muzik fridays thing and right as things were getting themselves set - back came draper! Luis - That was directed toward you 'cause you were the one that made the statements in the first place no animosity killer, just a reply.
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