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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. LoL no prob - I was thinkin' it was time for a change. I didn't accept payment - originally it was just supposed to be this guy Jordan, the hip hop dj, spinning the whole night himself. I was just really appreciative that out of all the DJ's he could have had spin, he asked me to do it, so I wasn't going to take a chunk of his payout on top of it. Besides that he had just gotten into car accident earlier in the week so he's gonna need the money to cover that anyways
  2. No. I'm 100% serious. I find it annoying. I'm talking about the thousands of people who either never go out or go out solely to bars and the movies, and then for one night of the year go out and decide to make it "special" by coming to the venues that all of us are regulars at, even though they have *no* appreciation for the music, the scene, etc. and no intention of further supporting it. Then, they come on here afterwards and bitch about the experience -waaagh waaagh waaagh fuuuuuuck that! Topnotch - I'm sure the man's race has nothing to do with his ability to perform at the job. That's called racism, the word nigger is offensive, and I know you're trying to be cool and all, but really, that's not the way to go about it. pt - you're still a promoter and he's managing a club - what does that tell you? hmmmmm. Please stop hating, no one's impressed. (end of argument here, I can't waste my breath any further debating the merits of people as individuals - it's something you should know already).
  3. Yeah, more SF type stuff - definitely not UK hard house. Maybe I'm confused - do you mean cover charge for the girls who are actually hired by the club to dance? Cause if that's what you meant, we don't pay - we show up before the place opens.
  4. it's a mix of house and hip hop, but mainly house and hard house. It's $15 as reduced cover on the list I mentioned before
  5. Yeah I know him - I used to be Thorin's partner in party crime up until about October.. Aly DiNascosto ring a bell? p.s. - thanks much
  6. Yes - I'm dancing tonite so I have a list - Ask for Aly's list at the door, just say I'm one of the dancers and you're good to go Feel free to say hi too - I'm the blonde one with the pigtails
  7. If I ever have teeth like that please kill me...
  8. Yes, because they all only found this site to buy NYE eve tickets and they're all amateurs that go clubbing once in a rare while and don't get how the industry works, or that promoters are shady, or that there's no guarantee of deliverance in this scene. Frankly it's getting a bit tired. That's why I hate NYE - all the dillholes that never go out otherwise infiltrate our venues, get stepped on and wonder why it's so packed, ask Jimmy Van M and Pete Tong to play hip hop... ok i'm gonna stop now... y'alls get the idea...
  9. I just realized that if you take all the crud off the front & back it really looks exactly like a honda accord.
  10. I read on another board that Starshaped stayed home and cried all night 'cause he didn't get to go see Tiesto play Madonna songs on NYE Nikkin - We were through this on another thread. Clubplanet only retails the tickets. They are in no way responsible for the planning, execution or hosting of the event. As DaVe said - if you buy concert tickets from Ticketmaster and the band you go to see sucks and your seat is broken, do you complain to ticketmaster? no - you complain to the event management. Amateurs... jeez. If I have to explain how nightclubs are promoted and how ticket sales are run one more time I'm gonna scream....
  11. LOL yes - where I posted the pics I believe the caption is: "Okay, this girl is going to be a waste in 10 minutes... next..." That's a very typical Sean expression lolz
  12. OK good, you've at least presented yourself.... now get on the entertaining part! peas?
  13. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!?!?! Some people are neglecting their posting duties around here! Where's the entertainment value?????? Heeeeellllllppppp meeeeeee I'm boooooreddddd!!!
  14. I would actually love to check this out. Unforunately I'm dancing tonight and I desperately need the money so tehre will be no cancelling that More of these I hope??
  15. :lol3: HOLY SHIT!!!!! :rofl: Awwwww jeez that one's in the HALL OF FAME!!!
  16. :rofl: It's not my fault if you can't go out past your bedtime! Besides, I didn't have any hairspray on that night - I think you were just blinded by my radiance
  17. OK It's the beginning of the end now: Spinsaikel breakin' it down: PGiddy gettin' what he deserves (LMAO I didn't even know that was in the pic when I snapped it!) Aaron: "I get the distinct idea that this girl is gonna be face down in a gutter tonight - 'cause I'm not risking her yarfing in my car!" And finally... FUBAR!!!! (according to my friends, I look like Britney Spears after 16 shots and a few jars of K lololol)
  18. Me: "Gavin HELP ME! I'm WASTED!!!!" Vixen and the infamous PGiddy in his preppy yacht club nautica sailing boy outfit PGiddy: "Go me, work it, work it, get down - it's mah birthday!" Me: "OK Gav, I think I can stand up now... aren't you proud of me?"
  19. Aaron & Sopha hanging' out at the bar... Can't tell if I'm just hangin' out here or if I'm hanging on for dear life cause I can't manage to stay put on my chair... Me & Jeff at the bar (notice I'm STILL at the bar - problems about to ensue) Buster: "BLAAAAH!" (nice tonsils!) Whoever is responsible for taking this picture was drunker than me 'cause I at least would have gotten Buster completely in the picture!
  20. Me & Sopha (I think it's past Sopha's bedtime...) Party Girls up to no good at the bar: DJ Dan Soda: "Sorry, we're closed - Private party by invitation only" Me w/ Aaron (DCsGLOW's fellow DJ buddy): (aww we're so damn cute)
  21. OK kiddies, it's time for me to reveal the photographic evidence of my drunken ridiculousness - supported and made possible by none other than the fabulous DCCP'ers in coordination with some lovely faces from DC's nitelife scene. Thanks to all y'alls who came out and celebrated one last time with me - you all rock! OK so here goes.... The night starts out innocently enough: Me & Vu Me w/a few of my fave boys (notice drink in hand - beginning of the problems hehe) DJ Scuba Sean: "This girl is gonna be a waste by the end of the hour" And the problems start - me & Vu - the tower of drunkenness
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