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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Probably cause there's no such thing And it's actually my daddy that collects *quality* Alfa Romeos
  2. I can guarantee you it will at least be better than Mario Piu... Starshaped says so
  3. Thanks everybody! Any advice from the venerable veteran DJ's as to how I should go about not puking on my shoes when I get up there?
  4. Awww schizz! Who's that?! Must be me! First flier... hahaha scuse me while I go SHIT A HUGE BRICK!
  5. Erica - I have a collage like that, I put it up on my walls at school, and it looks great go for it! I collect... RECORDS! god DAMN i'm so broke! and Tiffany jewelry and Demeter Essential Oil Fragrance Sprays (they come in cool scents like thunderstorm and angel food and sugar cookie that actually smell like those things) and Bottles left over from the REALLY good nights I go out - thus far I have a bottle of Veuve Clicquot from the hamptons, SKYY from my going away party in August for G-town, Absolute from my goin away party in Dec. *from* G-town, a Moet from Going-away party Part 2 at GU, and a Grey Goose from lastnight at Go...
  6. Not surprising you know about it
  7. :rofl: This probably shouldn't amuse me but it definitely does!
  8. One more thing - If you *are* 17 - I am pretty positive that the city of new york will NOT issue you a liquor license, so you may as well just wait on it anyway.
  9. I was there Ditched out to hit up Dorsia for a little while but def. a good party, and I loved when the closing DJ played all the 80's tracks at the end! He had some great house tracks too. Good shtuff all around!
  10. :rofl: shoddy execution but an A for concept
  11. OK, in all seriousness... I think it's just a wee wittle bit ironic that everyone's like "you're too stupid to do it" when 95% of the people I've worked with in this industry could be outsmarted by the average lab mouse. I mean, all due respect to his success and all, but David Marvisi is not exactly the brightest candle in the chandelier and yet he's been enormously successful in what he does. My word of caution to you, weed, would be that you not end up in that same situation as he is where the clubs he runs, though very popular, remain poorly managed and loathed by the clubbing sapienze. You say you want to revive the club scene 'cause we all say it's been dead for so long. Make sure you don't fall into the trap everyone else does then. More: *If you're 17 I assume that you mean yuo've been accepted to NYU and will be taking classes there next year. If that's true, be aware that your workload will be enormous at least by sophomore year if not by freshman year, and that you will not have anywhere near the amount of time you need to run a business. *You need to gather experience. You asked for advice - here it is. For the next 4 years, while you are in college, go to as many clubs and see as many DJ's as you possibly can - and I mean go to clubs in NY, and outside NY, go to Miami, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, DC (lounge scene there is great!! learn about it!), and go abroad - Check out London, Manchester, Sheffield, and go to Germany, Amsterdam go see Sensation, go to France and go to Italy to see how cheesy the clubs I'm gonna be stuck going to are, and then use that experience to really make the best club you possibly can, knowing what to emulate and what to avoid. *After all this is done, consult with the following: investors - because I doubt you have hundreds of millions of dollars in capital available (if you don't, you'll need it - just check listings for real estate in NYC and for the price of sound systems, DJ equipment, etc), an architect, designers, sound specialists, and of course, a real estate agent. I am not going to put down your question because I believe that everyone needs to chase their dreams, and if this is yours, then go for it, but understand that money doesn't buy everything and the experience will open doors you can't even see right now. Good luck.
  12. Here's a quick list of terms commonly used: Minger = Starshaped Wanker = Starshaped Poofter = Starshaped hmmmm did I miss any??
  13. Even better than... say... ...our favorite VW polo poster child?
  14. Why on earth do you need two phones? Isn't everything close enough within reach, or did you upgrade to a double wide?
  15. Yeah, she is cute. No mingingness there (Starshaped Vocabulary Buzzword!) Her lyrics are awesome too - They'd probably make some nice remixes in the vein of Jewel's Serve The Ego except that whoever did the Dido remixes I heard did an awful job with them (bass/hi-hat womp wa womp wa womp womp wa wa.... lol)
  16. LOL Joe you have *no* idea what you've dug up here... p.s. - you're wrong, I'm the moderator of the... EXTREME IRONING BOARD!!!
  17. How many times DID your biffa of a mother drop you on your melon? . ...It's in my driveway already
  18. Oh, can you not try?! I actually saw that the other day and I fully agree
  19. Ooooooh we're all dead! You may be very beautiful but your personality thus far has been about as attractive as roadkill in july.
  20. That was an excellent guess Check PM's
  21. :rofl: God damnnnnn so many CLASSIC comments on this thread! And that wanker smiley is HILARIOUS! That's my new favorite!
  22. Yeah, is he not feeling well today or something?
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