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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. OK I'm in a bit of a fix here - I need to put together a demo before I move to Europe so that I can hopefully land myself some regular-type gigs at clubs near where I'll be living. Only problem is, I don't have any way to record my sets. In DC, we had this place Metatrack Studios that offered DJ lessons, Production lessons and you could buy studio time to record demos. Does anyone know if there's a place around Long Island or New York that offers something like Metatracks? Any help is hugely appreciated 'cause I have to get this done before I move!!
  2. LoL Shady Happy Shirt Dry Cleaning! We do it right first time! Pants press $2! So wait - does the chick marry the guy first THEN find out it's a joke, or does she found out beforehand and decide if she wants to marry him or not?
  3. If I looked like that, I'd probably want to enforce those things too... For real though, it cracks me up when people are like "I support the death penalty especially as punishment for abortion". Uhmmmm okay so it's not okay to kill babies but it *is* okay to kill adults cause my law says so. Mmmmmkayyyyy....
  4. :laugh2: Not that I know who Joe Gio is but either way, this post is nice work
  5. ehhh no need for me to go - I mean after all, me and georgie are tight! BTW does anyone else think "crushed" is just soooo appropriate a name? lolol
  6. londonslang.com... did I mention lately how wonderful you are?
  7. But doesn't that make you sadder for loving me so much?
  8. Hate to say it but I really wish the Anthrax woulda gotten him.
  9. kekekeke ok i'll make sure to drop my vote in for ya - reference my thread about windows australian versions to familiarize yourself with the software and you should be set to go Oh yeah and for all the fabulous British expressions you could possibly want, check out Starshaped's NTL thread, I nearly died...
  10. So Luis did you go to either party this weekend? What's your verdict? Wow jonathan - if that's the best you can come up with for pearls of wisdom, you need to get out more. p.s. - Luis - that's fine, if it was meant in passing, no harm no foul I was having a bad day... have recovered from PMS now
  11. It might be. Then again I'm feeling nice today so I figured I'd give it the benefit of the doubt.
  12. Or rather, one that you already DID fry
  13. OMG I AM LITERALLY CRYING from laughing so hard!!! He said wanker!!! Whoever that is - must be my soul mate - finally someone sufficiently biting and sarcastic!!! :rofl: That is SO class!
  14. Hater I think you guys are supposed to uhmm..... like... send me gifts or tribute items or something. So get on that!
  15. LOL yes!!! And getting into fights when there were three of you that all wanted to get on the see-saw at the same time!? NOW this thread is going somewhere good
  16. Can somebody PLEASE just show me where the swingset is?! I keep ending up at the sandbox every time! :cry:
  17. Deflate the ego a bit then drop me a PM, I'll set you up with an audition Your enthusiasm is nice, I just don't see other dancers wanting to work with someone that's so super cocky. p.s. - I am assuming you're serious, you mean the dancers at clubs - not strip clubs, yeah?
  18. ...and it ain't coffee... it ain't tea... It's ME! (and you want more and more of it every day!) 'an I don't want no troubles so all three of you better behave!!! Oh yeah and uhm, I do accept bribes and such - Anything from ortofon.com or tiffany.com is just fine thanks
  19. That would be nice. I think we should also get Buzz back and like, toss everything together in one big happy jumble the way it's all supposed to be! That gets my vote.
  20. hip hop?! haha are you kidding? I thought omar said he'd "never do hip hop again - it's a waste" or something like that. I know 3rd floor is still house, Dan's still up there, but this would make the 1st and 2nd floor a big waste of time. booooo. I wish I could have gone to see Alex spin... sucky on New York! Oh well. Did he move back from Cali? cause it would be kinda hard for him to come here regularly from there...
  21. Holy deja vu batman!!! Does this seem wildly familiar to anyone else??
  22. LoL and there's DG with the "covering my ass" tag line...
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