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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Thanks everyone For those of you with the camera - where should I put the driver when I download it? Is there a specific folder or drive it needs to go into?
  2. To get through the day? I get all antsy if I can't hear some decent music at least once every few hours. Even getting ready for work right now I realized the morning was just really aggrivating without some good music to mediate the situation, and I find myself wishing all day that I had something decent to listen to when I'm stuck in my freezing cold little office in the back room (noi'mnotbitteratalliswear). Anyone else get like that? What's your preferred track to listen to early in the morning? (right now I have telepopmusik on)
  3. Yeah, i know what you mean. but then again, i think it would be a great thing for the NY scene to have something akin to sasha and diggers appearing regularly at twilo - some really big names coming here regularly - could have a nice effect
  4. How can you be like "they're too special"? Damnnn! If you get Sander monthly, count your blessings! too special...pfft it's about time we got something special around here! Nothing lasts forever so if Howells needs to move on, it's part of progression - but replacing him with someone great is NOT a bad thing!!!
  5. Is it possible to do this sort of thing minus assistance from substances? I mean, I'd love to stay out for over 24 hours consecutively but.. I don't think I'd make it that long! Is it still going??
  6. I'm kinda questioning that now... cause I know the one on my laptop does, 'cause the camera picked it up right away. Yet on the other computer, it doesn't register anything. Unfortunately, I don't have the space on my laptop to install all the software *sigh*
  7. I know.. but I'm in a drama kind of mood (my camera pissed me off so I need a whipping boy *grin*)
  8. Yeah look at me... I'm soooo fat and huge and horrible
  9. OK for anyone out there who might be able to help with this... I have a Fuji Finepix 2650 digital camera i just got and i want to put the pics on to my computer (which is running win 98). I installed everything on the CD including the finepix viewer, quicktime, netmeeting and DirectX. I restarted my computer, hooked up the camera thru the USB port, but the computer and camera aren't exchanging data. The little light doesn't flash and niether does the removable drive show up in the finepix viewer menu. I've tried this with the camera set on both DSC and then again on PC CAM... I don't know wtf else to do.. any ideas/suggestions/remedies??? Please? Before I throw the camera AND the computer across the room?!?!?
  10. *sings* Dancin' and cryin'.. Dancin' and cryin'... yeah yeah yeah.. Fowl that ya loser! You better come out next time! hehe
  11. Aww aren't you sweet Now I know exactly what to avoid on my birthday
  12. Ate one o 'em none-so-fresh gyros again, eh boy?
  13. Armin Van Buuren... so that I could play at Sensation or GCCC then go home and have sex with myself 'cause I'm so damn hot (actually, I would really want to be... Danny Tenaglia I think. And play at Arc rather than any festival, just to see what's it like to be running that joint!)
  14. Damn kid - you are pretty pussy if you couldn't even identify yourself to the girl DJ's. And you're still flexing those keyboard muscles (wooooooow) I met a bunch of your people from the red room, and they were very nice and considerate. It was a pleasure. It's just too bad you didn't follow their example.
  15. Hmmmmmm yeah i bet it is! My dear, get out of the situation ASAP and you'll love your life for doing it! it's paaaaaradise on this side!
  16. LoL come to my Bon Voyage partayyyy @ Float on 2/7.. i'm spinning 10 to 1, you should check it out so I can meet the legendary danwilson
  17. LMAO me too! You're talking to a real live NY State Champion doubles sculler right here!! :D LMAO Georgetown crew had a bit of a problem though - most of the girls came down with PBS or Potomac Butt Syndrome - flat wide butts and saddlebaggy hips! Needless to say, I dropped off the team before that happened to me! hahaha (actually there were lots of reasons besides that too...)
  18. I wish I woulda known earlier! Would love to come out and support but I've gotten suckered into hosting my parents' dinner party (derf). I get free wine all night but there's a definite lack of good music... help!!!
  19. I love that "according to this thingie" picture I saw that a while back and forgot about it but it's SO class!
  20. In case you missed it... go check the definitions for hooray henry and sloan ranger. (sign on never much? *sigh* where, oh where has my ratty gone?)
  21. Awesome Millie! Thanks! I will prob. take you up on that offer cause as you said - it's so expensive there, I prob. can't afford a normal hotel so I'd end up in like ghettosville and that would suuuuuuck! I will def. be there before April. I'm thinking about celebrating my birthday in the UK 'cause that way at least people would speak english and all
  22. Hey Cody, is this in reference to what I think it is, or do you mean life in general?
  23. Thanks dood And of course thanks to Larry for evvvvvverything, and to everyone who came out - Karch, saw you in the room for a few, and of course the beautiful ms. Bebby6919 and Nils out in full force to support I'll post up my pics as soon as I figure out how to upload them! (New digital camera + blonde chick = bad news... pffft lol jk)
  24. Yeah, what the hell happened to you? I was worried you had run off and joined the circus or something (again) I made it through last night okay save for one ridiculous mishap. Nils made it out, did a fabulous job of supporting. I didn't play any hard house, but we did make fun of it The girl who closed played a trance set that I think you would have liked. Well, I must be going.. looks like my parents' yacht club friends are arriving for dinner so I have to go say hi
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