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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. OK I'm just REALLY excited that I finally got my digital camera to communicate with my computer!!! :D OK So they're a bit belated but here we go - my pics plus a bunch of really nice work by DJFabioC who is much more the picture expert than I am! Me w/ my girls in the booth:
  2. oh, I thought this was gonnabe some sort of "coming out of the closet" thread...
  3. Yeah, I think the boy band fad died and Christina is the one smothering us in shitty songs at the moment - I'd take Crazy or Slave over Beautiful any day of the week... Seems like Justin Timberlake is saturating the airwaves lately though, I can't get away from "cry me a river" and although i didn't mind it at first, it's starting to grate on my nerves now...
  4. Vixenfoxxy on both AOL and MSN. Send me club spam and I will send you viruses
  5. How much are those little thingies? I was thinking about getting that.
  6. That's exactly what happened with Avril today! Conspiracy???
  7. I think you have to be over 18 to receive those sorts of services...
  8. LoL okay that was SO pathetic that I really couldn't even bother reading the rest of the post 'cause I couldn't handle his spelling and grammar errors. What's really funny about these people is that they're so sure they're hot shit but the reality of it is - they're a dime a dozen and they're SO irritating...
  9. ...cause they either a) really suck are ridiculously played out to the point that they are on 3 stations at once or c) suffer from both issues. I swear if I hear these one more time I may spontaneously combust (and therefore have ceased to turn on the radio anymore): Christina Aguilera - Beautiful AND the Beautiful remix. Sucked ass, was trite garbage to begin with, and the remix is HORRIBLE. Nelly - Air Force Ones Avril Lavigne - Damn Cold Nites or whatever the hell it's called. This girl CANNOT hit those notes and I'm sooo sick of hearing her screeching Ja Rule (I think?) - Me & My Boyfriend/Girlfriend blah blah blah it sucked when Mariah Carey did it, and sucks worse now. That's all for the moment. Anyone have any they'd like to add?
  10. Yeah, imagine my frustration when, after causing a huge family fight and leaving the house under penalty of ... i dunno something bad.. i get there, WOW record in hand and... no Nick But these things happen... I did get a copy of the CD but I haven't listened to it just yet. More later...
  11. Heya My stay in Europe will end around late june early july - at which point I will be back in full force!! Hopefully we'll get to party together then!
  12. OMG you rule! Please, you're promoted to #2 straight off (right behind me of course... ) Sorry Starshaped, I think you've been challenged out of your #1 spot!
  13. and even they drive dinky little volkswagens ... oh wait
  14. I speak italian and all but... don't they speak spanish there?? Whatever, all I can say is... is it July yet????
  15. How much are the hotel rates there? (cheap ass to average rates, i know i can't afford 5 star type things on my own!) DigitalDan you may have a good idea there Drop me a PM or IM
  16. green box with the arrow? what's that about?
  17. What school do you go to? Did they crack down on filesharing or music in general (re: volume, where it can be played, etc)?
  18. Well as i said... the problem is that the removable drive doesn't even show up there! It just says A, C, D, E and then the other usual crap like my documents, etc. No removable drive.
  19. No. I gave up I'm going to try loading the driver onto my laptop and hopefully it won't use up what little memory I have left. If that doesn't work, I'm throwing the camera out the window I've had it!
  20. Apparently Jon Stephen - he's one fat greasy chick alright... where do these people come from?! i was not aware that intelligence could be so substandard before I joined this board
  21. I'm also thinking about going early june to mid july... somewhere in there, whenever i finish finals, and before i move back from italy. anyone know anything about prices there and whatnot? and like... can i be really cheap and sleep on the beach? LoL I have no idea how broke i'll be by july...
  22. LoL you should see me in the pics on my own camera! It's like quoth said - everyone looks like shit when they're spinning
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