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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I got two of my fave records from them in lovely condition. I was only peeved about their regulation that they won't ship to college addresses and you have to ship to the billing address the first time. I had to wait a month for my mom to bring my records down from New York. Other than that, HTFR gets an A-Okay in my book. Recordstore.co.uk on the other hand sent me my Tim Deluxe record in a package no sturdier than saran-wrap and it was quite bent when it got here Arseholes
  2. Says you, yuppie pants. Alfa wouldn't make a car that butt-smackin' ugly if it would prevent the apocalypse.
  3. This one goes out especially for Luis Kain.... but to everyone involved here. First off - if you're going to try this, good luck to you, but you may recall that this was tried, on a grander scale, last spring with Muzik Fridays - and look who's spinning Exit now - yep, Tony Draper again! I'm not holding my breath, but if you do succeed, all the props in the world to you. Second - You say we'd bitch about anything you'd give us and that you're bringing the top talent. Uhmmmm top in what? Jersey? Long Island? Hell, I come from Long Island and I STILL wouldn't pay to see any of those DJ's unless I was in the hamptons, and even then, I might not. If you want to talk talent and bring change, why don't you look into something real? There's a whole world of music out there and a whole lot of clubbers looking to hear it. Sure, bring Sasha, bring Diggers, bring Tiesto (but I won't be there for it - he's disappointed me thrice now) but bring some other names in, drop the cover charge, and for christ sakes DONT INSTITUTE A DRESS CODE unless it's "NO SHIRT NO SHOES NO SERVICE" cause that whole half naked sweaty person thing has to go. Instead of bringing Tiesto and charging $50 at the door, bring Sander Kleinenberg, bring Steve Lawler, Timo Maas, whatever, hell bring Bond and Hardwick (hmm starshaped?) and charge $15 at the door, $20 at the door - make it a real party not just another excuse to entertain KTU-head B&T morons. My point here is, we're not expecting the world, but if you're going to tell us about making changes, don't put another DJ on whose reputation reaches no farther than the nearest ocean and is best known amongst the same old group the club previously catered to. I'd really like to see a CHANGE not a lateral movement. At any rate, best of luck to you in your attempt - here's hoping you can do something real with it
  4. Well aren't they just a snappy couple?
  5. Please tell me this isn't the vindication of the Alfa Romeo owner? :rofl:
  6. That sounds like someone I know who will remain nameless... btw Hype, I love your avatar. Beavis and Butthead rock! (uhhhhhhhuhuhuhhuhhh.... you said "rock")
  7. OK but... the picture? .... is who? ....has what significance? Same thing with Tako Sushi - mullet man? :confused:
  8. I can't be faulted for your being a whiny, manipulative son of a b*tch Besides, I never played any of your hard house junk so
  9. You say that as if you'd have remembered anyway...
  10. DG, I'm going to have to ask you to explain yourself on this one cause... you've totally lost me this time
  11. The Streets fuckin ROCKS... I love their stuff, one of the guys on the DC board had it. I considered picking up the vinyl but I decided against it 'cause I really have no use for it just yet.
  12. :rofl: you're really excellent! I don't think I got your presents though - mine are way to spoiled girly to be yours hahahah Merry Christmas London Board - erm, I mean - Starshaped and Nils
  13. Best of luck to you Sorry I can't take you but I'm not in London either Have fun!
  14. I don't see how that's possible, if they get Extreme Ironing and Cockstars and we got stuck with... survivor? *derf*
  15. Listen Sugar... there comes a time in everyone's life when you must tell your family to FUCK OFF 'cause you have your own life to live. Now, according to my watch, that time is now, 'cause you're in London and Cox will be around your way very soon. Go on some websites, collect all the necessary information - about the club, the options for getting there, etc including addresses, hours of operation, at least three possible transportation routes, etc. then get a member of your family to go with you as you test out those routes and prove that you know how to get to and from the club safely, etc. Then, they can't say you aren't familiar with the area 'cause you've done your research. Then.... Go on your merry way Sorry I can't do more for you but the option of going isn't even open to me... but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
  16. Oh god! That's grotesque!!!! :vomit3: Well after they die I guess they'll be around for a while, having embalmed themselves and all...
  17. Ehhhh no one wants you there anyway
  18. I STILL have not gotten a proper explanation as to what a dippy is....
  19. Maybe.... just maybe.... there will be lots of COOKIES there!
  20. Sia! What did I tell you about smoking crack in the morning!?!?!?!
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