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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. awww.. thanks guys... brooklynboy... broke up with my bf a little over a month ago, so i am sooooo not looking for another relationship... i think i'll be alone for a little while... play the single game... i leave for school in two days as it is... ill drop you an email before i go... :heart:moonie
  2. my advise... do not cheat on your boyfriend!!! you will probably regret that move in the long run... talk to your bf... tell him EXACTLY how you feel... you're unfulfilled, you're curious, etc... if hes really against doing it, then i dunno what to tell you... its hard cause you say in all other aspects of your relationship hes good... would i dump my long term bf if he wouldnt go down on me? thats a hard question... the fact that he would deny you of such a simple pleasure kinda gets to me... the fact that you're even questioning cheating on him so you can see how it feels like doesnt look too good... this seems to be something you really want, so why stick around with someone who wont even do that for you... you def. have a lot to think about... good luck girlie...
  3. oh my lord, he is beautiful!!!! i could def. eat that up! growl!!! ::drip drip:: :tongue:
  4. havent had sex since july 17th (its sad i know exact dates) and doesn't look like im having it any time soon... oh the sadness... looks like its off to the shower for me...
  5. looks like everythings been covered... but i just need to add that achy boobies are the worse feeling... the soreness sucks... even having them licked or softly touched kinda hurts... boys remember to be nice...
  6. that was some good advise, except for getting her drunk, high, whatever... wouldnt it be way more enjoyable for the both of you if you were both level headed and you know for a fact she totally enjoyed it and it wasnt just the liquor talking? hey, i could totally be wrong, but the only change i would make to DG's advise is to just make her toally horny... WITHOUT THE USAGE OF OUTSIDE SUBSTANCES... im sure you know what her spots are.. play on them, tease her, eat her out, give the ass a lick, like DG said and take it from there... im pretty sure she'll flow with it... have fun!
  7. i dunno, maybe its just me, but i think it feels a lot better when a guy is munching and its freshly shaven as opposed to having a little bit of hair... its probably just me cause i feel so much sexier when im freshly shaven... either way, bald is beautiful... keep it clean ladies... :tongue: slurp~
  8. i know!! i felt the same way...
  9. thanks babe.. hopefully be the end of my lifetime will i get this evil pic up on the board... lol...
  10. rach sweetie.. i havent seen you around these parts in quite a while... i miss you! i saw the pics from the underware party on sicktracks... lookin very good. ummm... i dont have adobe photoshop... can i download it for free or is it a program i have to buy software for??? lol... kat eneded up going to limelight and i ended up going home... i was having a bad night that friday.... LOONNGG STORY! did you go to jade terrece?
  11. made a post about posting a pic.. forgot to attach pic and make a reply saying im a dumb ass, i forgot to attach the pic, here it is.. then i see that the file is too large to attach!!! sooooo... until i find a way to make my pic smaller, there is no pic and that is sadness!!!
  12. hmm.. well yeah, prom was like 2 months ago, but i've been harrassing a friend of mine to scan a pic for me and she finally did it!!! (im very excited!) anyway, lol... (loser)... it's me, and my two girls larissa and niki (the dude is nikis boyfriend) hehe...
  13. but it's so nice to read the responses posted in this thread... ok... enough of this mommy crap never had a one night stand, but came very close to it... met this beautiful guy, we were hanging out, and let's just say he was very persistant about having sex... thank god i had the sense to turn him down... like everyone has said, you just do not know what people have these days... how easy it would be if things were like they are in those commercials where people wear signs for what std they have, or if everyone who had herpes wore a huge neon sign on their shirt saying it... happy sexing everyone, but stay safe!!!
  14. well geez... since you asked this on the cp sex board, all i can think about are my fellow posters... hmmm... well i wanna have my way with clubkat... she is one delicious feline! there's one sexy poster here who i would LOVE to dominate maybe hell figure out who he is... sex in the rain sounds amazing... ummm... sex on a huge desk with a man in a business suit... blah blah blah.. we can go on and on for days...
  15. can we spread some love over this way??? i know there's enough to share...
  16. dave's a pimp!!! plus he knows how to share! dave... you can't stay away from meetups now... we all know you're not a dork, so it's all good... andy!!! i probably won't get to see you before i go up to school, so kisses and hugs and all that good stuff... ~moonie
  17. but im not home... thats why you cant im me...
  18. joey baby, your name is always on my butt... lol... i think it actually fell off or something... ummm.. i may very well be at limelight tonight... we'll see how things go... when i find out ill drop you an email... smooches... it was nice to see you last night... ~jessica
  19. yeah yeah yeah.. the rug-rat wants to know... i wanted to go to the underware party tonight but couldn't get the fake id in time... someone advised me to chalk my id, but for some odd reason, i have the feeling paris is gonna take one look at it, and me and have me tossed... lol... anyway, anyone have any suggestions for a mere play skooler who wants to get in on the fun tonight??? ~moonie
  20. happy birthday to my boy sprangga... you are hilarious when you have a couple in ya! lmao... have a wonderful day and hope to see you soon... ~moonie
  21. and he and mommy claire dropped me and clubkitty off at exit... btw joey... WE DIDN'T GO!!! LMAO! after dropping the rug rats off at their party my parents swooped on over to china club and hopefully had a blast... DaVe... it was a pleasure to finally meet you... i heard you were a huge dork actually... but they were wrong! have an amazing time at ibiza... ~ moonie
  22. i haven't seen you around these parts in so long! i don't think these newbies know how important you are down here in the dungeons... lol... glad to see you're around... hope you're having a great summer...
  23. nothing i like better then a meetup, esp. a newbie one!!! im all about dominating some newbies... tasty, cannot wait to see you... spranga sweetheart... lookin foward to seeing you as well... have not seen you since apples... with my delicious sidekick on my arm, this night cannot get better... any plans for the late nite???
  24. downloaded a version off of audio galaxy and lucky for me this person ripped it off the radio... said ktu during the song like four times... lol... anyone have a normal version they'd be kind enough to send my way??? delerium540@aol.com thankies~
  25. brainbug - rain (johnny vicious) mindy k - moments (johnny vicious) matt darey - beautiful (original mix) karissa noel - corrupt (jonathan peters mix) delerium - silence i've missed so many, i know.. but for right now those are the ones i could think of...
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