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Everything posted by malanee

  1. Yo - dude, your rights have been TOTALLY violated! I hope the ACLU takes your case. Illegal drug searches and forced drug tests are TOTAL BS!!!! Why don't our armed forces and police officers focus their attention on criminals who are violent ??? God this sh*t makes me angry! Keep us posted, okay?
  2. Hi Yellowgirl! Nice to meet you! Have we been formally introduced? I'm Malanee - apparently only the SECOND gayest CP member!!!!
  3. Friday - probably just out for some drinks w/ Ravermania and Sauvee88. But, I'm still toying w/ the Buzz idea. Saturday - going to Vics house to watch some porn. Sunday - SnD!!!! What time is everyone thinking of heading down? I'm down for a pre-party - if we think we're leaving around 10pm or so. Earlier than that - it really doesn't make sense to have one.
  4. Can I get a discount for just the rub and not the tug?
  5. D'oh! Because you said you'd written a couple of papers on the topic - I assumed you were still in school. I should know better than to assume. Because then I make an ass out of u and me!
  6. Speaking of Vic - where the hell is he? He's not actually doing work????
  7. I do - but I don't have high speed internet connection at home and I can't do stuff like that on my computer here at work or it crashes.
  8. Of course the media hyped it! That's what they do! My point was that from a public health standpoint, alcohol is a much more dangerous substance than some of the other substances that can get you years in jail. Comprendes?
  9. Rumor is he's a gay and has a very small penis. *sigh*
  10. I hear all the guys are idiotards....
  11. Do you think they'll make alcohol illegal now???? Study: 1,400 students killed in alcohol related accidents - - - - - - - - - - - - By Ken Guggenheim April 9, 2002 | WASHINGTON (AP) -- A study showing 1,400 college students are killed each year in alcohol-related accidents should change the views of people who see drinking on campus as little more than a rite of passage, researchers and university officials said Tuesday. The federally appointed task force that issued the report plans to distribute the study to college presidents, along with findings about which anti-drinking strategies work and which don't. General campaigns warning of the dangers of alcohol have not been effective, researchers said. They said it is better to teach students to resist peer pressure, show them how alcohol may interfere with academic goals and strictly enforce minimum age laws. Task force members stressed a need for colleges and communities to work together to fight what they called the "culture of drinking" at U.S. colleges. "All you have to do is look at a couple of cable television channels who cover spring break where endless groups of drunken students get up and say 'I'm having the greatest time here' and then you recognize on the basis of these statistics what the fallout of the great time is," said the Rev. Edward A. Malloy, president of the University of Notre Dame and the task force co-chairman. The study by the Task Force on College Drinking estimated that drinking by college students contributes to 500,000 injuries and 70,000 cases of sexual assault or date rape. Also, 400,000 students between 18 and 24 years old reported having had unprotected sex as a result of drinking. Motor vehicle fatalities were the most common form of alcohol-related deaths. The statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in their blood, even if the level was below the legal limit. Students who died in other alcohol-related accidents, such as falls and drownings, were included. Those who died as a result of homicides or suicides were not. "This study provides alarming evidence of the devastating impact that college alcohol abuse is having on students, campuses and communities," said Education Secretary Rod Paige. "The statistics are sobering -- and we must work to change the culture of acceptance of high-risk behavior as a rite of passage." The task force of researchers, college presidents and students was convened in 1998 by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health. Task force members said the study was the most detailed look ever at the consequences of college student drinking. Researchers integrated various databases and survey results to reach their findings. Chief researcher Ralph Hingson of the Boston University School of Public Health said he believes the estimates are more likely to be too conservative than overstated. "I think actually getting the numbers out will help the public understand that this is a very large problem, perhaps a larger problem than people might have otherwise thought," he said. Other studies have explored trends in college drinking. A recent Harvard study, for example, found that more students are abstaining from alcohol, but levels of binge drinking -- having at least four or five drinks at a sitting -- are the same as in the early 1990s. University of Rhode Island president Robert Carothers, a task force member, said the new study will help colleges target prevention programs to specific areas, notably fraternities and sororities. "Some time during the last 20 or 30 years, fraternities shifted their focus to having alcohol being the center of their culture, in fact in many cases, the reason for being," he said. He said that focus on drinking has "damaged the lives of many fine young people." "If we want to maintain the fraternity system -- and there are some good reasons to suggest we should -- we will need to help that system deal with the problem of alcohol abuse," he said.
  12. Hmm - that sort of sounded like a threat!
  13. Stalker!!!! And you know I say that with the highest respect!
  14. Where can I find out when and where local DJs are spinning? Scott Henry, Alex Whalen, Buster, Saeed and Palash, etc. Anyone know? I really hope Saeed is spinning at Red Thursday May 9th!
  15. I don't have an MP3 player.
  16. Are you serious???? We were probably yapping too much!
  17. Would you send me a copy or bring one next time I see you? I'm not technologically advanced enough for MP3s yet!
  18. We didn't have tv until I was about twelve (around the time Friday night videos came out), but I do remember watching scooby doo before piano lessons at my teacher's house and I think I liked the smurfs!
  19. I just realized I'm the gayest one on CP!!! WOO HOO!!! Do I get a prize or something???
  20. Just as I always suspected! You are 52% GAY! That's gayer than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight female is only 32% gay! Here's how you compare: people less gay than you (95%) people just as gay as you (0%) people gayer than you (3%)
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