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Posts posted by rfkfreak

  1. Ok I'm going to make a simple point. Why the hell are you bothred by how others speak to each other or how they communicate what they say? I'll grant you, at times it is difficult to read certain things and understand what the person is trying to say, as per example, "l8ly," but that's the enviornment some people grew up in, and also, for some who have been educated and have worked to move themselves out of the ghetto it is a reminder and also an introduction to others of where they are from. As was mentioned, language evolves and I agree with Visions and Diva as far as what the word is all about.

  2. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    Oh so thats how it went down......good thing we got good ol' Captain Observant over here......too bad the conversation went way over his head. Its okay though, simple mindedness is a genetic difficiencey and should not be made a mockery of.......so I wont poke fun at you.

    In discussion, it is usual for those involved to be too close to the action to actually realize what took place, hence, if anything, we observers had the best view of how much she made you look like the idiot you are. Son, the day you're involved in a conversation that goes way over my head is the day that you can actually put together an argument that makes sense, of which we have yet to realize. I find it quite amusing how you choose not to get involved in drama with me, but then again, if I had just gotten embarrassed on a board as you have been, I don't think I'd be looking to have a discussion either.

  3. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    Oh, look who just creeped out of his hole........

    ........its light out, time to crawl back in.

    Can't argue with you there, I'm a nocturnal being. So, I see Cathy's done slapping you around like a hockey puck, what'd you do, bore her?

  4. Originally posted by djjonstephen


    You use the same fucking put down I do. "There is no hope for you".............

    You suck sweetheart......you should not even be trying to take me on. Go take whoever's advice it was and just and fuck off.


    You're right, she shouldn't be taking you on, it's not right to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

  5. Originally posted by djlolita1

    Christian *muah* sup sweety! i havent spoken to u in awhile.. u still remember that bet ,huh lol

    I won.

    When are you paying up ;).

  6. Originally posted by siceone

    If you are so interested in stopping the negativity then why do you try to undermine ever action taken trying to stop the drama on this entire board? Every time I see one of your posts you are Lauding the people who decided to be negative.. I find it Funny that you and others find nothing wrong with the Ridiculous amount of Slander that has gone on in the past week... and you think that Defaming someones charachter is OK?

    What If I made up shit about your past? What If I Edited IM converstations to make you look Bad To a whole comunity of people who really have no business knowing what ever is going on? What if I you were constantly peppered by insults from people so full with cowardice they have to do it from behind a screen name and cant even do it to your face? What then ? what if it was you?

    If It was you I would be doing the same thing telling you and the people attacking you to handle it privately and stop trying to hurt your feelings regardless of what "horrible" actions you had taken against them in the past...

    And the matter of Censorship and free speach I dont see anywhere in the constitution where it says free speach is protected on Privately owned message boards.. Dave is the Proprietor he can Delete posts, threads, hell he can delete you and there would be nothign wrong with that so stop whining..

    if you are out to cause trouble then I think you should get your whole account deleted.. maybe then you would grow the stones to insult someone face to face...

    And once again I dont care how it started I dont care about either side of the story Lainie or Donny... what I care about is the behavior. In fact if you look Donnie has done very little except for perpetuating the Idea that other people ripping Lainie apart for him is ok which, Im sorry bro, is just weak.... I haven't seen you post once that you think the fucking around with lainie should stop.. which IMO is just as bad as giving these cowards the ammo..

    Im not attacking anyone but I am attacking your methods and behavior... if I have confused anyone please come take it up with me and I would enjoy talking about it face to face the way problems shoudl be handled .. Ill be at roxy till 4 and vinyl till 10 come find me It aint hard..... I encourage you too

    Most respectfully


    Where did you see any attempt on my part to stop the negativity? As for anything else, it's on a drama board and I've responded because it certainly makes the day go by faster at work. These people who are defaming her character are in my opinion trying to enlighten other board members as to the type of person she is based on their interactions with her. Speaketh the truth for it shall set you free. They speak the truth the way they see it. I don't concern myself with a ridiculous amount of slander about me because people have no reason to slander or defame my character. People bring things upon themselves. Do you think that one or two people convinced the world of the type of woman they perceive her to be? I think the fact that there is a good amount of people who view her negatively demonstrates that she has had quite a few negative encounters with quite a few people. How people care to express what she has done is their business and if they choose to air it out over a message board so others will take notice then so be it.

    Now there's the issue of editing IM's and what not. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I know Pete, and yes, Pete does have a lot of time on his hands but I honestly don't think that Pete is that much of a conspirator that he'd sit there and edit and IM for ten, twenty, thirty minutes or more.

    As for censorship, I believe I wrote:

    I'm not a fan of censorship and of course it's Dave's board and he can do what he wants with it

    I don't see whining there. I was merely discussing an issue. As I wrote, this is Dave's board and he can do what he wishes with it, including as you put, deleting me or rather my account.

    There seems to be a big issue with this whole notion of sitting behind a computer and throwing insults since the beginning of conversing over the Internet. I don't have a specific problem with anyone. My laughing or egging someone on or even telling them to "STFU" is again, for my own amusement. If people take it seriously, that's their business.

    You're right, you haven't seen me post once that I think the f'ing around with Lainie should stop because I find amusement in it. Sorry to tell you but if I find amusement in something, why would I want it to end?

    Finally, You can attack my methods and behavior, you are well within your rights to and I don't discourage it. Again, I don't have problems with anyone, that would imply I'd care. I have no desire to go into this business, I go out to enjoy myself and to get away from the daily situations in life on encounters. I'm not sure where I'll end up but if I do meet you and do remember and feel the desire to discuss it I'd be more than willing to debate the issue as I love debate :).

  7. Originally posted by misskittie

    People's own negligence behind closed doors could affect my own closed door life. God forbid I become involved with a man on a romantic level who failed to use protection with a girl and contracts a STD. Even if him and I use protection, that does not guarantee I will not acquire what he has.

    I'm guessing you never listened in high school when in sex ed and they told you about birth control and contraceptives to protect yourself. This is basically the same type of education. I think it's good that Claire voiced her thoughts. And what's so bad about that? This is a public message board and she noticed some things that just didn't sit well with her. Claire happens to be one of the most incredible, brightest, and sincere women on ANY message board. I commend her for the life which she is leading and I thank her for posting this topic. A little more education and eye opening never hurt anyone. Look at it as a refresher course.

    You teach history so you don't repeat the past. It's the same principal. BTW Belladiva, may I ask how old you are? Purely out of curiosity.


    Nod, Claire is one of those concerning people who is actually very good hearted.

  8. Originally posted by belladiva26

    is it me, or is anyone else here confused??:confused:

    why do you care anyway??

    See unlike me who could give a rats ass if most of you became disease infested 15 year old parents, Claire actually concerns herself over people on an individual level and she actually gives two shiznatz about your guys (why I haven't figured out yet).

  9. Originally posted by vision

    i am not bangin this very very woman with long blond hair down to her back with the prettiest green eyes ta boot..and she is half my age plus 4 years..i hope visions is as lucky as i am to have friends as special as she is and not be so narrow minded to stay within his own age group and to still enjoy goin out clubin..why stop partyin when your 32??dope

    now all of you vip punk asses can come back and lay into me alittle more to futher enhance your image as complete ballon knots

    I'm presuming you meant very very beautiful woman. Second, what's age got to do with it?

  10. Now amist all this, "go kill yourself" lovefest going on I'd just like to make a few comments. Obviously to put an age group under an umbrella isn't fair, however, in 18+ parties, you're looking at getting kids of maturity that speaks for their age and most 18 year olds are not very mature. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, and there are also those that are very very immature, but for the most part, they are not as mature as the 21+ parties.

    I know that I'd prefer to go to a 21+ party over an 18+ party because you're generally around people who are more experienced in the scene than you'd find at the 18+ parties. That said, I love going to Vinyl when Deep Dish or Howells is there and of course to listen to DT, but that's pretty much the only place I can say I enjoy that is 18+.

  11. Originally posted by DaVe

    I would just like to say that going public with this private message before I had a chance to respond to your personal emails to me about it, was a slap in the face to me. While I could never condone the content of this particular private message exchange, your questionable methods of intentionally causing drama by posting this have left me with my hands tied in many ways.

    We have had issues in the past and I have resolved them to what I felt was an amicable understanding between us. I am 100% confident that you could not point to one single negative "public" post from Lainie regarding your site since our last exchange some time ago. I told you I would take care of it and I did. I understand there may be other issues, but I would appreciate the chance to respond privately before the proverbial "dirty laundry" is aired. That just brings down the quality of the entire nightlife community, as has already been stated by numerous members.

    I have met you and Tina and, as people, I have always had respect for both of you. Yet, we are competitors in many arenas and that will not change. Let me suffice it to say to people that there are other underlying issues here, which I will not address in a public forum. I can say that I have been extremely happy with Lainie's performance in many areas, as have countless other members of Clubplanet. She has helped to expand and bring together many in the Clubplanet community. When there is a problem we discuss it privately and figure out the best solution.

    For the rest of you, criticize Lainie on the issues at hand and avoid demeaning personal insults on physical traits that do nothing but make you look ignorant. Any irrelevant personal attacks will be deleted by me as soon as I am made aware of them.

    I do not plan to comment on this issue any further in a public forum. My office phone number is 212.712.0708, if any of you feel the need to discuss it further.

    The question at hands seems to be over bashing her. I haven't been introduced to Laine however I have heard many negative things about her. The thing that Dave always seems to come back to is there are a lot of behind the scenes things that members aren't aware of. That's fine and dandy, but if the things that the members are aware of are of a purely negative nature then how does one expect people to respond. Of course on the drama board people are going to attack her for this that and the other things, and attacks will come in all forms. I'm not a fan of censorship and of course it's Dave's board and he can do what he wants with it, however, it would seem to me deleteing posts over someone attacking someone else on a drama board is just plain out negative.

  12. Originally posted by bebby6919

    No, I put my 2 cents in and I took it back.. lol. I thought this post was abotu something totally differnt.. sorry... I was :confused:

    Well, considering threads sometimes grow into something other than the originator of the thread believed it would grow into, I was just responding to what you wrote and was wondering what your response would be.

    So to recap, you wrote it's not the hard to edit and what not and I responded that I don't think Pete would do something like that and again I was just wondering what your thoughts would be.

    Also, never forget that a person can act any which way they want and sometimes it's not genuine.

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