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Posts posted by rfkfreak

  1. Originally posted by tastyt

    Phunkingroovin, Glowball, and Mr. Freak-


    Isn't tits and cock enough to keep you all from bitching... good god.. I can't take you children anywhere. :nono:

    Now, go back to the beginning of the thread, and enjoy all the nudity all over again...

    Now, that's better, isn't it? :D

    Oh comeon, like you didn't know it was coming after how this kid is coming off? ;)

    Yes, I'm enjoying the boobage and the cock I can live without but hey, definately interesting to see the guys getting oh so carnal *chuckle*.

    I never thought I'd see the day when the guys are exposing more of themselves than the girls though ;)

  2. Originally posted by phunkingroovin

    who the hell was asking you? was my reply to notallthere directed to glowstick? ummmmmmmm actually it wasn't.

    so thanks for the feedback and all, but as I said before, who the hell was asking you? Jesus Christ dude.... leave the steriods alone....


    Dude STFU™

    My God such bs whineing I've never heard? It's a F'ing message board, if the kid wants to reply to you or not regarding whatever he'd like then it's his privlidge to do so. And congratulations on making this thread, do you really honestly think you should take credit for this? Yeah, because you inspired people to post pics of themselves by not posting one of yourself. And then you have the audacity, when asked why there are no pics of yourself up to start the thread, to respond with, "Well I would, but I'm not a big fan of seeing cock and balls. I like pussy and titties, and I don't have those." Please, your utter stupidity is obvious to just about everyone at this point (although this is CP so maybe I'm giving too much credit as far as the "just about" goes). I think at the absolute minimal level you're proven that, whereas you like to see girls post pictures of themselves, you're not included in the "who has the balls to post a "naughty" pic of themselves" statement. In other words, your a loser whose a little bitch with no balls of his own.

  3. Originally posted by trancerxn112

    yea i give up hehe... thats it... theres no winning with when women are involved... even when you are right you are wrong. You know i dont remember a gril EVER appologizing to me.

    Oh I have. I rarely pick fights, she wants to bitch and what not I'd say a generic I'm sorry just to end the pointless discussion but when there's something that's worth the fight, I'll put my foot down so to speak and have it out with her and generally I'm right and she'll apologize.

  4. Originally posted by hispm

    I personally, just feel no threat.

    A women doesn't have what I have, and can't do what I do.

    My ex loved bieng bi, but needed and couldn't give up her dick. (me):D

    Maybe, if she was more towards bieng a lesbian, might have been a different story.

    Two of my relationships were with girls that were bi and he's right. A girl just can't do what I can because nothing in the world can compare as one of them put it. But they also wanted girls so why deprive them of something that they enjoy as well?

  5. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    ..I'd have to concur with that, as hard as it would be for me.. It disturbs me to see what these women do on film nowadays. I mean, I remember sneaking peeks at porno vids as I was younger and I could remember these movies at least *attempting* to have a plot..as cheesy as it was...

    ...They'd try and set up the 'fantasy'..which was kinda cool when you think about it for a second there..Nowadays its just some guy's house and they bring in this fresh faced girl..sit her down, ask her maybe 3 questions then send out 2 (or more) guys with huge cocks to tear her apart.. Its base and animalistic, which I admit we all get the urge for, but as an overal..seemingly pervasive theme with intimacy these days, I would imagine its very damaging to one's self worth..

    ..I knew a girl down in CFL that was in a vid like that and she was NOT right in the head.. Had all kinds of intimacy issues and the manhandling (and I'm putting it lightly) she would receive from the guys in the vids substituted for her inability to connect with men.. It translated into her normal love life in the same manner (sex = fulfillment and validation, no matter how base and dirty..). Rarely had boyfriends, and the ones she did have were the swinging adventurous type that would convince her to be shared with a friend of his or another women...Again, sometimes that can be cool, but only in very small amounts.. When that's the sum of your sexual interaction, then there's a hollowness that develops into agony..

    ..If I found out say, a daughter of mine had done a film...I'd still have to go with the disownment part...If I ever found out that the film(s) were like that couch/fuck to pieces stuff you see online nowadays I'd be crushed...:(...Cuz it would mean that I had failed at conveying some sort of 'preciousness in intimacy' notion to my child...

    ..I hope I made sense..

    Totally makes sense and I totally agree.

  6. This was the only thing one of my ex's and I were not on the same page on in an otherwise awesome sex life. She liked swallowing when she was in the mood to swallow but more often than not she wasn't in the mood.

  7. Well the way this really effects me is in the fact that pool/billiards has always had a few stigmas that come with it, gambling, smoking and drinking...although the drinking part is fading little by little by choice.

    Now last Thursday I was out and was playing this guy in a race to three (best of five) for a nice sum of change and was up two games to one. Now the fact that I couldn't smoke had been bugging me and got my mind on that somewhat instead of on the game and I'll admit, smoking does bring about a relaxing feeling for me. And to go outside to smoke really isn't the nature of the game. In anycase, I wasn't stroking the way I normally do and was completely off. He tied the match two-two and then I should have ended it but wasn't relaxed, flinched and missed the shot that got me perfect on the last ball. He then made his last two shots and won.

    Point is, this law is an infringment to the owners. They are the ones that should decide if their establishment is to be smokefree, not Bloomie. Employees can work at other venues that are smokefree, such as the resteraunts. Most people that tend bar, at least the ones that I know, smoke. I seriously am disgusted with this mayor and hope the Democrats put up a viable candidate when he runs for re-election.

  8. Originally posted by max3

    wow...cool...I could see how it can be scary to find though.....these critters are pretty acrobatic: Imagine it jumping and landing on top of your head and then running down your neck into your clothes, after u try to hit it or kill it...

    truly a nitemare come true:eek:

    but I wouldn't mind catching it and keeping it caged as a pet.:cool:

    and experimenting to see what it would eat: like maybe putting a little mouse in there to see what would happen, then insects, worms and what not to see what it really likes:cool:

    Same here, I'd love to see how it goes about it's day. I'm guessing it's the type of spider that doesn't spin a web and hunts its prey.

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