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Posts posted by rfkfreak

  1. Originally posted by siceone

    Well guys are picky in a different than way girls are picky....

    it's like you're in the supermarket in the cereal Isle and there is all this brand new cereal you never had..

    Girls read labels, compare box size, consider price, ponder the mineral content. narrow down choices and then choose.

    guys how ever rip open every box top and take a big handful and tastes every single box... low and behold 90% of the boxes taste good. so then we look at labels, compare box size, price, mineral content, and then we choose. this process takes alot of time so while he's choosing he's still tasting.

    girls leave the Isle with one box, and the rest of the boxes feel rejected.

    guys leave the Isle with one box(sometimes 2), and leave alot of damaged goods for other guys to come pick through.

    so the moral of the story is don't let a guy stick his spoon in your cereal unless he has a wholw gallon of 2 percent to commit to your ass.

    That was awesome!

    If it's just going to be a one night stand then looks and attraction are a lot more important than most anything else. The hotter a girl is the more I'll put up with either things that annoy me about her or things I don't agree with, although even then my tolerance for either is quite low. If you're looking for something more than whereas looks are still important personality and other important qualities factor in as well. I don't care how hot a girl is but if she's dumb as bricks and has no motivation for the future then there is no way I'm going to consider getting into a serious relationship with her.

  2. Ok a little off topic but...



    Ok now, back to business. Jets looked bad last week. Hopefully this will be a wake up call. I know the line and I think it's going to be close. I'd bet the gets with the points, as for the game itself, who knows.



  3. Ya know, it's interesting that the person that wrote this writes it as though we're talking about the present yet Stokely Carmichael died of cancer in 1998. Also, there's a gross misrepresentation of what the war against the British was about. Quite funny how much facts are skewed in order to justify a point.

  4. Originally posted by shockwavepromo

    im an italian american.........the son of an immagrant. My father came her for a better life which he found. He didnt come here to kill or should i say murder the people that were already here. My father and a good amount of my family came here and poured there hearts into this country....

    rfkfreak, they build the sideway you walk on....paved the streets u drive in. Built the buildings you work in. My great grandfathers dripped sweat and sometimes blood into the concreat they poured. Why? because they knew 1 day their children and their childrens children would one day inhabit the buildings, and drive on those roads.

    Now some fucker with a cum rag on his head it upset because one of his neighbors in the middle east wants land back that was stole from them 1000 years ago. So they decide to start killing americans......

    rfkfreak, u support this???? this is ok for you? are you araab as well?? Are you used to this why of life??? We arent.

    Ok, I'll give you a scenario. The italian mob grew in size during the prohibition years. Presuming you're family, who from what you say gave their hearts to this country, came in the 1930's and were denied the opportunity to give their children a better life because of these people. They were sent on a boat back to Italy because all Italians are mobsters. How would you feel? Not everyone who has a "cum rag on his head" is responsible or endorsed the killing of people.

    Finally, if you must know, I'm not Arab, I'm Latino. My mother came to this country much like your family, to find a better life and she too found it. She "didnt come here to kill or should i say murder the people that were already here." My mother came here and poured her heart into this country. Her situation is in some respects similar to your fathers however. Just as she and your father were given the right to find a better life for themselves, I don't think that right should be taken away from those who have done nothing but try and do the same because of the crimes of their country men.

  5. Originally posted by thejerseygirl

    Good point Barbiegirl....

    The 'two wrongs dont make a right' is the most overused POINTLESS cliches....

    You're opinion is taken but not agreed with. Some of us are concerned with the rights of individuals.

    Also, read above as to what I responded to barbiegirl.

  6. Originally posted by barbiegirl

    so basically what you are saying is that if somebody walked up to you and punched you dead in the face for no reason what so ever that you wouldn't punch them back ??

    BULL FEATHERS - if you say no because you would.

    it's almost like a reflex, it's self defense

    so YES, two wrongs don't make a right but you know what sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do !!

    No, what I'm saying is that if a man who is 5'8", 180lbs of solid muscle walked up to me and punched me dead in the face for no reason what so ever that I wouldn't walk up to another person who is 5'8", 180lbs of solid muscle and punch them dead in the face. Those who attacked us are the ones who this government is after and that I have no qualms about.

    Please refrain from trying to compare two different thoughts in the future, it saves time from my having to respond to you and informing you of your lack of understanding.

  7. Originally posted by thejerseygirl

    a) http://www.nytimes.com

    B) The statement about 'everyone at one time was an immigrant...' I am not an immigrant.

    c) Yes, my ancestors did and they had the opportunity and for that I am grateful. HOWEVER...as I said before...my ancestors moved here to make a better life for themselves and their families, not end innocent lives. If people cannot understand that this profiling is being done to protect innocent lives, then I don't know what to tell them. If I knew that blonde haired, blue eyed 5'1" chicks were blowing shit up, I would expect to be given a hard time, so why can't they??

    1) Link to the article.

    2) The statement was, "I believe in thinking about all people that inhabit our land because at one point every American was an immigrant and these people should have an equal opportunity to attain citizenship as did your ancestors." Many reading that statement would take away from it the inclusion of ones ancestors as that is what the conversation was geared to. However, considering the talent I'm debating with, you're right, simplification of the obvious should have been done.

    3) Finally, easier said than done. You're a 5'1" blond. Do you enjoy short jokes, of jokes about your lack of intelligence because your blond. Most people take humor in it but there is still that percentage that don't. Taken to a mass scale, treating those individuals differently because of their nationality, of which they had no decision in, is something that this country has in its history tried to correct due to previous injustices.

  8. Originally posted by thejerseygirl

    Looks like the first step is beginning to take shape....

    From the New York Times:

    The Justice Department will propose new regulations this week requiring tens of thousands of Muslim and Middle Eastern visa holders to register with the government and be fingerprinted, administration officials said today.

    The initiative, the subject of intense debate within the administration, is designed for "individuals from countries who pose the highest risk to our security," including most visa holders from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and many other Muslim nations, officials said. More than 100,000 foreigners, including students, workers, researchers and tourists, all foreigners from designated countries who do not hold green cards, would probably be covered by the plan, an official said.

    PS - If you're going to be so picky about 'blanket statements' why don't you consider the one you just made....I am not, nor have I ever been an immigrant. I am American born and bred. And my ancestors came here to make a better life for themselves, not to blow up buildings or rape the system.

    First, link?

    Second, please state which statement you consider to be a blanket one?

    Finally, that's the point. You ancestors did, they had the opportunity. But if what you want is done to a certain sect were done to people who share the same nationality of your ancesotors years ago then they wouldn't have had the opportunity.

  9. Originally posted by shockwavepromo

    Ok i see what your saying, BUT this is my logic..I believe in protecting the rights and freedom of the true citizens of the USA. I do NOT want ANYONE araab or otherwise allowed into the country before OUR government can ensure the protection of its exsisting citizens.

    There are immagrents in this country, living and working here that HATE the USA. Why are they here then? Why should be harbor them? DEPORT THEM! They are a security risk! A risk to our way of life. People HATE the USA because we embody EVERYTHING other countries want to be.

    I am about protecting AMERICAN LIVES first! This isnt a case of 2 wrongs make a right....If i wanted that to be the cse i would say lets round up the fuckers and kill them.

    And I believe that our government is doing all that is possible to protect us. I don't want to see another 9-11 and I have full faith that the current adminstration through many behind the scenes activities is ensuring our safety. Furthermore, the individuals that truly want to get into this country to commit terrorism, presuming that through a legal standpoint they would not be able to, would do so illegally if need be. The individuals who are suspected of such activities are being watched, arrested and questioned. My concern is of those who are not involved in the activity of bringing harm to this country and the lack of respect. They have no involvement in such activity and should not be persecuted because others that share their nationality do.

    You may be about protecting American lives first, and presuming you are American that is a selfish way of thinking. Rather than think of just one sect, I believe in thinking about all people that inhabit our land because at one point every American was an immigrant and these people should have an equal opportunity to attain citizenship as did your ancestors.

    Finally, your statement of rounding them up and killing "them" as your way of justifying that this isn't an issue of two wrongs making a right isn't a valid argument considering that the argument you expressed earlier and killing "them" all are both in the wrong based on the fact that there are different degrees of wrongness.

  10. Originally posted by thejerseygirl

    How about all the innocent victims of 9-11? They had nothing to do with the terrorists that kidnapped and killed them. I will continue to fight you on this if I have to. If you can get rid of the problem by deporting all Middle Eastern men between the ages of 18 - 40 then why wouldn't you do that??

    I definitely know history, so you don't have to get nasty. All I am saying is that many of these scumbags lived AMONG us before they committed these heinous acts. There could very well be tens, hundreds, or even THOUSANDS more of them getting ready for the perfect opportunity to kick America in the balls again, like they did on September 11th.

    If profiling and deporting those that fit the profile I described above could posssibly head off another huge catastrophe like that .... I am ALL for it.

    I am sure that the rest of America would agree with me that once was traumatic enough.

    I am an innocent victum of 9-11; I lost one of my good friends who was a firefighter, but two wrongs don't make a right. That's the basic reasoning for it. And you think that deporting people is a good way to solve this problem. By that logic we'd move closer and closer to a military dictatorship, getting rid of the undesireables. Many countries in Latin America suffered through this in their history. And what of the general animosity that will ensue from these actions. Why do you think there are so many people that have a problem with this country. Not that the method those people go about venting their anger is the "right" way to go about it. Although, being that everything is relative, whose to say what right is. This of course is an abstract way of thinking but that that's another discussion entirely.

    For someone who "definetly" knows history you certainly don't seem to go about applying that knowledge in order to get an overall view of the situation. The narrow viewpoint lending oneself to the basic simplistics of the situation is quite remarkable for someone who "definetly" knows history. Of course they could very well be planning another event like September 11th. The Russians also could have been planning to destory us all during the Cold War. The Germans could have tried to overtake the west while this country was fighting the Civil War. The French could have tried to make the newly formed United States their colony after the Revolutionary War. But none of this happened. Not because drastic measures took place violating the rights of people who came here to find a better life for themselves, but because measures were take throughout the country through rough times of a civil mind as to what the core ideals of this country are.

    Finally, blanket statements like, "I am sure that the rest of America would agree with me that once was traumatic enough," should really be refrained from being used because last I checked, there was an American who did in fact help the Taliban in 9-11. Just because you find this country great, others might not and they might view 9-11 as a statement against the whatever attitude they think this country has (arrogance or what have you) or any reason whatsoever.

  11. Originally posted by barbiegirl

    i don't ever remembering seeing her write anything about deporting ALL middle easterns .... i thought she said that only the suspected group (middle eastern men bewteen the ages of 18 and 40) should be deported.

    i think we should deport them all - i have changed my mind.

    SCREW those turban wearing freaks for coming to my country and blowing my shit up !!

    what's good for the goose is good for the gander right

    .... or however it goes !! ....

    Ok, so those individuals, by her account, fitting the profile should be deported. Somehow you're rights and safety is more important than freedom, something this country has in theory stood for since July 4, 1776.

    And if by your suggestion, we're going to deport people who we don't like, I don't like you; you bring down the average level of intelligence of this country and that's harmful to us all so we should deport you to whatever country of origin you are from. And if you're an "American" then lets just throw you on a raft in the middle of the Atlantic. It's the best way to solve problems, ya know.

  12. Originally posted by thejerseygirl

    That may be...but I wouldn't rule them out. We have already experienced FOUR suicide bombings in the last nine months - remember 9-11?

    And who could be 'settle-minded' about something this scary?

    These people want us ALL dead....and they are willing to go to any lengths that it takes....

    Of course I remember 9-11. Perhaps you can't keep your mind about something this scary but some of us can and do.

    I don't disagree with you; all terrorists want death towards the group they are afflicting their terror to. Just like all thieves want money from the group they are stealing from. But the people who have nothing to do with them should not have to suffer injustices such as deportation because they aren't citizens. There is a saying that those that do not know their history are bound to repeat the same mistakes. And if it's one thing we should have learned from history was the situation people of Asian decent endured because of the injusticed caused on them by people with a similiar mentality as yours. You may be lucky enough to be a citizen of this country but not everyone is.

  13. Originally posted by thejerseygirl

    I do feel very lucky that I live in a great country like the United States. However, according to Dick Cheney & John Ashcroft, the scenes that we see every day in Israel and other countries with suicide bombings, etc, may be coming to our country soon.

    You're talking about a military guy and a religious hothead. Not exactly the most settle minded people in our government.

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