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Everything posted by crobra

  1. Going to try to do it, but I am short on $$$$$$$$$$$$$
  2. When the cricket started!! http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=88647
  3. The cricket has nothing to do with ADB - it started when I used to post a cricket on some of Maudy's threads when no one showed interest. Now, some one taken it on as their Identity, and I going to sue- cause the cricket is intellectual property!! lol
  4. Great seeing you chuck and Marshall Faulk ran for only 19 yards yesterday, so critique away!!! lol
  5. I think Amy has to rub bengay on your old legs!!! Stop crying old man!!! lol
  6. Practicing three hours a day basketball (it's a sport) and watching your weight really doesnt justify the money they make or their unwillingness to play for their country. Think of an electrical engineer who puts in all those years studying to get into college and then gets a degree. He/she designs the lighting system for any commercial building, every time a light goes on in that building, a service is done to overall community. The construction worker, the teacher, the fruits of their labor contribute more and continue to, well after they die. What does a basketball player do that is truly useful compared to every time you cross a bridge designed by an engineer and built by construction workers, and maintained by toll collectors - this benefit so much more than any basketball player and compare it to the cost - the individual cost of the average worker to average cost of the basketball player. Watching your weight and doing drills benefit no one but themselves while other people work to benefit everyone for fraction of the money they (basketball players) are paid. Plus the fact remains that there are special forces in Afghanistan risking their lives while Kobe Bryant does sprite commercials for millions and refuses to wear the colors of the Country that gives him the opportunity to make all that money.
  7. I think everyone needs to cut Joe some slack. He is stupid for getting caught and tossed. I was pissed that he was doing something I thought he shouldnt be doing, but attacking him like this will not solve anything (plus we are not his parents, he is not a minor, and we live in glass houses). If you are his friend and didnt like what heard, give him and call and clear the air. But dont turn the thread into a witch trial; however Joe, there is no reason for you to get all pissy and throw shit back at people. Everyone is just concerned for your well being, dont get all upset cause people actually give a shit about you.
  8. I dont want to argue about this, but they have over three months off and they get paid a lot of money, plus it's a game. Most people go to work everyday - 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and get a two week vacation and make peanuts compared to what they make. I think considering everything that has happened in the past year and the fact that you got US soldiers risking their lives in Afghanistan, that putting a US jersey on should be the least they can do. How about some pride in their country and the honor of wearing an american jersey.
  9. isnt more along the lines of vic generally serb cause my last name is cic and I know a lot of Croats that are cic.
  10. The US didnt have any of their best players from the NBA - think of who was missing: shaqille o'neal tim duncan Jason Kidd Kevin Garnett Kobe Bryant tracy mcgrady chris webber mike bibby alonzo mourning Vince Carter Not to take anything away from Yugo, but the game would not have been close if these players were there. What I cant believe is that these players with not put on the national colors and play for their country - I find it disgusting.
  11. just wanted to be part of this thread!!
  12. Want some pot eh!! http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/09/04/canada.pot/index.html
  13. I definitely there Saturday night, I dont know the boat cruise on Sunday.
  14. WTF is that all about - that law makes no sense what so ever!! It's kind of scary, cause the law was quickly pushed through and that started to happen here right after 9/11.
  15. Can you please get rid of 4 of the 5 cock blocking threads by irenegade7 - it's the same shit repeated 5 times for christ sake. I think it's time to create a new forum called "Shit" and put threads like that in there!!! Thank you
  16. I think moving the Be yourself party to Factory is a bad idea.
  17. Hey Mugz - are you throwing out your white make-up and black lipstick from your goth days or are Dan you playing dress up!!
  18. I might be going to Toronto this weekend - can some one give me the low down?
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