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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by ecstatichigh35

  1. Being unemployed hasnb't been that bad, i work out like 2 hours a day now and I get really tan from sitting in front of my pool the rest of the day. One of my boys is away for a week so i'm gonna take over his job for the week. He's the guy who walks around the beach with a cooler selling ice cream.
  2. u fuckin idiots, this guy said they're gonna have another contest soon, thats what i was talking about entering
  3. um don't do anything i wouldn't do with it
  4. yo listen, one guy on here be nice to whitefairy and i garauntee she'll suck your dick
  5. oh shit, the other side of Dan Wilson, he's striking back
  6. I had over 300 of those notifications in my mail a couple days ago so i jsut turned it off
  7. ok that was my bad, I worded it wrong, what iw as trying to say was, I spin progressive trance/deep house, very chill shit, notihng thats ever been heard on KTU before. Is it still worth it for me to enter this contest or no?
  8. ok that was my bad, I worded it wrong, what iw as trying to say was, I spin progressive trance/deep house, very chill shit, notihng thats ever been heard on KTU before. Is it still worth it for me to enter this contest or no?
  9. they could prob get chicks though
  10. i feel like i know some of these guys
  11. all these choices are so tempting
  12. I want to enter this contest, but I don't spin KTu shit, I spin good music, what should I do?
  13. visors definitely look very gay
  14. yo i am pretty fuckin skinny, i used ot work out and was a little bigger, but not that much. so I'm gonna start working out again and take steriods and maybe i'll get bigger this time.
  15. I love my Mavi jeabs
  16. You must just be mad good
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