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Everything posted by ecstatichigh35

  1. I want to live with you. Where exactly is it located, north or south of DC. I goto the UNiversity of Maryland, how far is it from there?
  2. Can people tell me every track that they can remember that DT spun last night at factory? I wasn't able to make it and am now about to kill myself for not going, so what did he spin?
  3. i'll be there, where are we gonna meet up?? i don't know the place either
  4. Craze is amazing, I just saw him at Decadance a couple weeks ago, we met him adn my friend got his autograph.
  5. yes, i check the DC boards, so we'll talk there and set up a meet-up for buzz.
  6. I ended sleeping through the Mid-Term and all my classes today. I'm just gonna e-mail my professor and say that I already went home for thanxgiving so i wasnt there
  7. My Fav DT Songs: Music is the Answer Elements Deepest Jungle New Day Kings of Tomorrow 2 Right Wrongans Be Yourself and No One Else Beau Mot Plage Burning Cairo Devilfish Do You Remember Emotin Healer Loft in Paradise Moody Nothing is Real but the Girl Remember Me Sharam's Deepdish Landscape The Real Jazz (music is the answer remix) Turn Me On Money, Thats what I want Flash
  8. Last night we were all sitting around bored, I was gonna go study for a physics Mid term that I had today. Then suddenly my friends friend pulled out a bag of 30 pills. It was the most spontaneous roll ever, we all just popped a pill and it was one of the hardest rolls of my life. I know I sound like a crackhead, but i'm not doing it again for a while.
  9. I'm going and I can't fuckin wait, And fuck the money, I'd pay $100 for this party.
  10. Yes i saw the girl with green hair, we were in front for a little, but mostly on the right side of the dance floor facing the DJ booth. I was wearing a shiny blue shirt and my girl was wearing a silver top with a long skirt and she was the best dancer there. We should meet up next time, i'm going home for thanx giving so i'll be at Oakey and Dt @SF, and after that, we'll be at buzz for Kimbal Collins and Dave Ralph.
  11. 1. Greg Rosenstein 2. John Digweed 3. Sasha 4. Danny Tenaglia 5. Paul Van Dyk 6. Paul Oakenfold 7. DJ Tiesto 8. Carl Cox 9. Mauro Picotto 10. Steve Lawler
  12. i"ll be there, I got floor tickets. Raver-mania-I saw D Fuse at Glow on Saturday too, he was awesome. I can't believe he dropped Grooveline, I love that song.
  13. What the fuck does "themot" mean? Learn to spell before you talk to me.
  14. I dont have a roommate, i have a single for the rest of the semester and let me tell you its the greatest thing in the world. My room is a 24 hour dance club. I'm putting a disco ball up. ANd i can jerk off anytime i want
  15. i'd see Tenagllia over S & D anyday. I still love S & D, they are musical gods, but Tenaglia is just the man, no one beats Tenaglias dark dirty sleezy funky jazzy beats
  16. he will spin -Xpander -elements -belfunk -inner laugh -penetration -Grooveline -maybe heaven scent if he's couragous enough -can't think of anything else right now
  17. Does anyone know anything about this party?? How much does it cost? Do you need advanced tickets? Or can you buy tickets at the door? Is it 18 or 21? And what night is it exactly, wed or thurs night?
  18. HeheHaha U stupid fuck, I can't wait to laugh in ur face, when ur on the dancefloor looking up at me in the DJ booth.
  19. hey jessica, The enchantment is over, but the spell remains
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