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Everything posted by ecstatichigh35

  1. I didn't say you have to like him, but he's not rated the #1 DJ in the World for no reason. He is an amazing DJ, and I don't think you have the authority to critisize him. Mugz- you think you're a good DJ?? I like you but, I think,no, I KNOW that I'm a better DJ then you, I also produce my own music, let's have a little competition sometime, becauswe musically I am a God. I know what it takes to be an amazing DJ, and I have the talent, so I, unlike you fall into the jurisdiction to be able to say if a DJ is good or not. Peace mugz and I love you man. I'll see you at hammerstein for oakey
  2. WHat the fuck!! Don't talk shit about Digweed. You can't even comprehend the talent he has. Can you come even close to anything he does?? NO!! So shut ur mouth because who the fuck are you to even critisize him. You are nothing. He is a musical Genius.
  3. Why do you guys not like Junior, he is an amazing DJ, if you have anything againest gays that your problem, but don't fuck with junior or he'll kick you off his dancefloor
  4. it is true, choose to ignore if you want, but you'll be missing out
  5. I am the future of the scene.....just keep that thought in the back of ur head
  6. Who's goin to see PVD at limelight this friday, i'll be there. anyone else?
  7. What the fuck?? When did this happen? Theyre getting so strict about everything now. They put a 3 week block on all frat parties. And there like 5 cops on every block.
  8. Johnny, Hey man, i wasn't serious about DT being better then you. You're both great, like everyone said, I just had a horrible day and felt like causing some drama. it worked a little bit because everyone laughed at me punching myself in the face. Um yeah, next time you and Danny chill, give me a call. keep up the god work and i'll see you at exit peace
  9. Thats the best idea i've heard yet....then we won't all have all this immature arguing bullshit going on
  10. While we take an hour of silence, let's add another year of silence to that for the 6,000,000 jews that were killed by the nazi's during the holocaust, which don't forget was ended by the US.
  11. ok fine, you guys win this time, Johnny Viscous is better then Danny tenaglia..sometimes. (turn around and punch myself in the face)
  12. what the fuck sassa, aren't you gponna dissect everything I said, and point out how bad my grammer is and call me stupid?
  13. I live in Dix Hills and am currently attending the university of Maryland at college Park. Vixen I feel you about the DC thing, the club scene sucks. Buzz was the closest thing to NY, insomnia was alright. There are some good raves though. We went to Decadence a couple weeks ago.
  14. sorry, that was a little harsh..I've just been aderolled up for the past 30 hours and havent slept and I totally feeling that really cracked out depressed hate everyone don't know what to do with myself feeling....and I'd love to goto sleep but i have a paper to write thats due tomorrow...someone kill me
  15. Listen Sassa u terrorist FUCK...SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO BACK TO SUCKING BIN-LADEN'S DICK!! I've gotta be a Taliban spy or something
  16. Danny Tenaglia has better mixing skills then Johnny Viscous. And Danny Tenaglia is better looking then Johnny viscous.
  17. reading this made me cry...please tell me this is a joke WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE IF THIS EVER REALLY HAPPENS IT WOULD BE WORSE THEN THE SEPT 11 TERRORIST ATTACKS I was just scarred for life from reading that I'm gonna go kill myself now peace
  18. Danny Tenaglia is better then Johnny Viscous
  19. hey I produce electronic music and am interested. Can you give me some more details? thanx
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