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Everything posted by djfrosty

  1. heck yah... Going to WMC 3/23 to 3/27 then up to Jupiter, FL to relax 3/27 to 4/2 Then to Vegas for a bachelor party...4/8 to 4/10 I am going to need a new liver mid April.
  2. I agree. Why hate so much on one single DJ. Peters Shmeters. Who cares. If you don't like him, don't go. I don't like his style so I am not going.
  3. I would say Magik Music Night aka Tiesto at Space 3/24 and Armada night 3/26 (I have heard Mansion and Spin or should I say 112) Only thing I am definitely going to is Tiesto. Too much other good stuff going on 3/26. Plus I only need one night of trance. Rest house.
  4. My guess is Natalie Portman or Kate Bosworth but they are probably too expensive. But if I were to really guess I would say Tara Reid.
  5. It's all good. I am just joking too. Anyway, If you are outgoing and love edm who wouldn't have fun solo? I know I would.
  6. Escort service? Why pay for ass when you can get it easily for free? i.e. unless you are an ofer.
  7. Take pictures of the girls you hang with or your friends won't believe you.
  8. Situation: Guy on bike trying to pick up girl after bars close... "uh, I can't afford to rent a car but would you like to hop on the back of my moped? Can't afford to stay in South Beach either so I rented a room for 49.95 downtown. Bastards charged me 10 bucks extra taxes. SHIT. Couldn't afford cover to the bar so I just put my nose to the door and smelled the alcohol and listened to the music." That would definitely work ya think?
  9. I agree morning meal is second most important meal. Most important is post workout. Try Beverly International Muscle Provider chocolate as a supplement. 1 scoop mixed in 8 oz water. (no need to use blender) with a small cup of oatmeal for breakfast. Then 1/2 a sweet potato or cup of brown rice) should be immediately after your workout with a protein drink.
  10. 30-40 minutes of cardio 5 days/week. Preferably cardio in morning. Then hit weights four days a week. (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) Take weekend off to rest. Diet - oatmeal for breakfast, low fat protein/ green veggies rest of the day. Small meals. Avoid booze if you can. Supplements - BCAA's and flaxseed oil gel caps. Two months of that and you are golden. That is pretty much what I do year round within reason (except for the booze part )
  11. Monday is looking sweet. Dang...Nice lineup. Wish I could be there.
  12. What hotel should I stay at? I want something that is nice, has a great outdoor pool, young crowd, and on the strip. Not too ridiculously expensive. Coming the weekend after final four. 4/8
  13. Don't forget the propecia...Winny makes your hair fall out. Is that why all those meat head guidos shave their heads and/or wear bandanas to cover the balding spots?
  14. hard pointy nipples, testicle atrophy... No thanks. Don't forget the PCT.
  15. The sets I have heard are OK, not bad. Nothing stands out to me. I would have to say JP is the George Acosta of House Music. (just average)
  16. Sweet...can't wait to go. Definitely not till later in the evening (11 ish) till the party calms down a bit and I had time to recover from Roger Sanchez.
  17. If it's a free party is it hard to get into?
  18. Who cares if you like him or don't...I won't be in town yet so i don't have a choice to go see him. I would love to see him. Oh well, MORILLO and company will have to do on my first night. (I have never seen) Can't wait.
  19. For those who mad who can't see Oscar that week...Murk party at Amika 3/26. (cough cough Oscar G)
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